Union Township Board of Education

Dr. Edward Hoffman “An Equal Opportunity EmployerMrs. Frances Suchovic

Interim Superintendent 165 Perryville Road Principal

Hampton, New Jersey 08827 Mr. Edward Kent 908-735-5511 (tel) Interim SchoolBusiness Administrator

908-735-6657 (fax)


TO:Parents and Staff

FROM:Edward Kent, Interim School Business Administrator

DATE:August 24, 2016

In compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), we performed inspections in the spring of 2015 of our school building at 165 Perryville Road for asbestos-containing building materials. The inspection findings and asbestos management plans have been on file in the school’s administrative office since that time.

The EPA requires us to perform re-inspections of the asbestos materials every three years.

During the months of September through November 2015, accredited asbestos inspections performed these re-inspections. An accredited management planner reviewed the results of the re-inspections and recommended actions be taken to safely manage each asbestos material in our building.

All other asbestos materials in this school are in good condition, and we will continue to

manage them in place, as recommended by the accredited management planner.

The results of the re-inspection are on file in the management plan in the school’s

administrative office. Everyone is welcome to view these anytime during normal school

hours (M-F, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm). As the Asbestos Program Manager, I am available to

answer any questions you may have about asbestos in our building at 908-238-6005.

AHERA Worker / Contractor Notification

Notice to All Short-Term Workers and Outside Contractors:

The Board of Education has addressed the problems presented by asbestos containing building

materials at its facilities. As mandated requirements have become increasingly stringent, the Board

has attempted to meet its obligations. Accordingly, the Board must inform you of the presence of

asbestos in its school buildings and where you can obtain information regarding this material.

The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) was enacted October 27, 1986. In

response, the Union Township Board of Education employed the United States Environmental

Protection Agency’s (USEPA) accredited Inspectors and Management Planners to inspect all

educational facilities for asbestos containing building materials and develop a Management Plan

for each facility. The District’s Management Plans were filed with the New Jersey Department of

Health (NJDOH) in January 1989, as required by law. Each facility has a copy of the AHERA Management Plan on file in the Administrative Office. In additional, the Asbestos Program Managermaintains a central file.

The purpose of this notice is to inform all short-term workers (e.g. telephone workers, alarm

installers, utility workers, exterminators) and outside contractors of the presence of asbestos

containing building materials in facilities operated by the Board of Education. No work shall

commence without a review of the Management Plan with the AHERA Designated Person listed

below or his/her designee. Furthermore, no asbestos containing building materials shall be

altered, drilled, cut, removed, or otherwise affected or disturbed by any short-term worker or

outside contractor.

All questions regarding AHERA Asbestos Management Plans, health effects, work practices or other

asbestos-related issue shall be directed to the AHERA Program manager (Designated Person) listed

below during normal business hours.

Edward Kent, Maintenance Supervisor

Union Township Board of Education

165 Perryville Road

Hampton, New Jersey 08827


Name: ______Company: ______

Describe Work to be Performed:______


Reason for Performing Work: ______


ATTEST: I have read the notice above and shall comply with the requirements therein.

SIGNATURE: ______DATE: ______

WITNESS (Designated Person or Employee with Awareness Training ONLY):

SIGNATURE: ______DATE: ______

SCHOOL: ______

In accordance with EPA regulations, the Union Township Public Schools have been inspected for

friable materials which contain asbestos. Friable asbestos containing materials may cause health

problems. A record of the inspection is located at 165 Perryville Road in the Administrative Office.

For further information, interested persons should contact Mr. Edward Kent, School Business

Administrator at 908-238-6005.


Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)


thebuildingscontain asbestoscontaining building materials(ACBM).Ifthey do,theACBM must

becategorized according tothetypeofmaterial,itslocations,currentdamage,and itspotentialfor

futuredamageand adetailed Asbestos ManagementPlanmustbedeveloped.Themanagementplan

detailstheinspection findingsandoutlinestheresponseactionstheschoolboard intendstoimplement.

Smallamountsof asbestosarelocated atUnionTownshipMiddleSchoolandtheAdministration


Toaccomplishthesegoals,theschooldistricthasonfileateach schoolthatcontainsasbestosand in

thedistrictoffice,a NJ StateDepartmentofHealthapproved AsbestosManagementPlan. The

provisionsoftheplan arebeing implemented in atimely and on-goingfashion.Itistheboard’sdesire

to provideasafeand healthyfacilityforallstudents,employeesand visitors.Thepurposeof thisletter

isto satisfytherequirementsof AHERA forwritten noticeoftheavailability oftheManagementPlan


Should youwishtoreviewtheseplans,pleasecontactEdward Kentat908-238-6005forfurtherdetails.