How do I submit my entry to win the Singing News Solid Gospel New Artist Search?

Send a tape or CD of one song showing us your vocal talent along with, entry form, entry fee and photo to:

Singing News Solid Gospel New Artist Search

402 BNA Drive, suite 400


Does it have to be an original work or can it be a cover?

The tape or CD can be an original work or acover. The key is for you to demonstrate your vocal talent.

Can the entrant be a band?

Yes this can be a band or an individual.

Can the entrant have a band backing them up?

Yes as long as vocal talent is demonstrated.

Can the entrant use a track? Yes

What style of music does the song have to be?

You can submit any style, however, The Mansion Entertainment is looking for a southern gospel, country or bluegrass artist so something in one of those genres would be helpful.

Is there a restriction on the length of the entry?

Any where from thirty seconds to four minutes and thirty seconds.

What is the deadline to enter? October 30th

What is the entry fee?

  • $100 to enter and be eligible for the Grand Prize.
  • $150 for entry to win and critique
  • $200 for entry to win and song to be posted onSinging News and Solid Gospelwebsite..
  • $300 for all of the above plus full tuition into SingingNewsUniversity

What will I win?

The winner of the contest will be offered a record deal with Mansion Entertainment, a fully paid for and produced 10 song CD, a chance to sing with your choice of Mike, Kelly or Terah of “The Bowling Family” airfare to Branson and 3 nights hotel stay at Branson Towers while recording your CD and full scholarship to Singing News University.

What is a critique?

You will receive a written critique back in the mail from either Mansion Entertainment, The Bowling Family, Donna Beauvais, Allison Durham Speer, or Joseph, Habadank. They will listen to your CD and give you constructive input that can help you improve and grow as an artist.

What is a song posting?

Your demo will be available for others to hear on Singing and Solid This will give other professional groups looking for singers a chance to hear your vocal talent on Singing and Solid

What is SingingNewsUniversity?

SingingNewsUniversity is an all day seminar for artists. Artists will learn the important building blocks to grow their music ministry. Artists will learn about southern gospel marketing, online strategies, southern gospel history and about competition. This will be hosted by industry professionals including Singing News Magazine’s Les Butler. The extra hundred dollars will be a fraction of the real cost of the seminar so it’s a great deal to sign up now. If you win the contest you will be refunded your Singing News University Fee.

Is there a geographic requirement?

As long as you live within the contenintal U.S.

Who pays for travel to Branson to record?

The Mansion Entertainment Record Label will fly the winner to Branson and put them up at the BransonTowers to record their album.

Who will pick the songs for my album?

Mansion Entertainment will help you through that process. Although Mansion Entertainment has the final say, they care about your desires as an artist and that will be taken into consideration.

If you have additional questions call Stephanie at 615-850-7023