Committee Meeting Minutes / Pwyllgor Gwaith
Date/Venue / 25th October 2017/ Public Health Wales, CQ2, CardiffPresent:
CILIP Cymru / Wales Committee / Tracey Stanley (TS) [Chair], Lori Havard (LH), Dylan Hughes (DH) [attended online], Paul Jeorrett (PJ), Ann Jones (AJ), Andrew Eynon (AE) [attended online], Marlize Palmer (MP), Helen Staffer (HS)
CILIP Staff / Mandy Powell (MPo), Kathryn (KP)
Apologies: / Sharon Cook, Nicola Pitman, Alison Tyler (invited MALD rep, submitted email report)
Item / Actions
Opening Remarks and Apologies for Absence
Sylwadau Agoriadol ac Ymddiheuriadau / 1 / Welcome from TS
Matters Arising Materion yn Codi / 2 / Minutes from last meeting held on 12th July were unavailable due to issues with IT.
MALD Update – email update received from Alison Tyler / 3 / Staffing at MALD
Jemma Francis on maternity leave for a year and currently the post is vacant. James Watkins, moved on from MALD in August and Peter Owen has been appointed as interim acting head for MALD.
ACTION: TS to investigate out how long this interim appointment is for.
Welsh Libraries Plan
A plan for libraries for 2017-18 was drawn up and a near-final draft was sent to SCL Wales for comment in spring. For various reasons this plan has not been published or issued more widely. Unlikely to be published this year.
Helpful to look at plans for 2018-onwards now. AT would like to have more of a cross-sector input into this, as the 2017-18 plan is very public-library focused. AT would be grateful for ideas, suggestions and assistance with this.
ACTION: All – ideas/suggestions to AT
Libraries Week
MALD worked with Four Cymru and CILIP Wales on Libraries Week. This was a change compared to previous years and AT would like to know how it was for various library sectors. What worked, didn’t work, what did you like, not like? What could have been done better? What was done really well? Did you see any increase in interest/usage/profile? AT would be very grateful for your feedback on how it is gone for your library service this year.
Committee discussion around Libraries week – timing of this event across sectors. More input/work with FE and School Libraries.
Also discussed the Prosperity for All strategy with 5 priority areas; early years; housing; social care; mental health; and skills & employability and the ways in which libraries week and libraries can reflect these areas.
ACTION: All – feedback on Libraries week to AT
Capital Programme
Pot of £1.4 million to be shared between Libraries/Museums/Archives this year.
Of relevance just for public libraries, the stage 1 expressions of interest were submitted by end of September and services will be informed of the outcome by early November. The scheme has been greatly over-subscribed at this stage.
Annual Review
AT gathering material for the next annual review/report on libraries for 2017. Items from FE, health, school and university libraries are very welcome. Please send to me by/during Nov/Dec. The 2016 report is available on the WG website.
MPo commented that CILIP Wales Committee should respond to this annual review when published. / ACTION: TS
CILIP updates CILIP: y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf
Mandy Powell
/ 4 / KP & MPo posts extended until June 2018.
From Until June 2018 MPo will be working on Public Libraries Skills Strategy and representing Wales and Northern Ireland.
MPo & KP still working towards a ‘4 nations approach’ with CILIP.
Arts England Council England has provided funds in England for a Leadership programmecourse. This will be piloted in England with a view to rolling it out across the UK.
Shared platform for SCL England. Again a pilot with a view to rolling out.
Workforce Skills Development work is on hold for the moment.
New membership structure for CILIP in 2018; detailed information
MPo & KP working with new CILIP Sales & Marketing Team to work towards CILIP consistent approach to planning event including e.g. set rates for exhibitors, conferences not chasing same speakers or able to identify similar themes for conference to carry these through.
Your Membership launching in November. From 2th October to 7th November KP will not be able to add content to the website. Soft launch of new pages 6th/7th November.
The YM system will allow for easier online networking between SIGS & members and between members themselves. Conference booking will be a feature and there will be an option to load agendas and minutes from SIGs and Committees.
Committee discussion on The Professional Registration and Accreditation Board (PRAB) and how CILIP qualifications sit alongside other available qualifications such as ILM
MPo had a piece on PRAB published in CILIP Update but perhaps time for a blog piece to ensure membership understand the work of PRAB and how that fits in with CILIP qualification process. For further promotion the PRAB annual report good be used along with blog posts from members who had recently successfully qualified at Certification, Chartership and Fellowship level.
ACTION: KP to investigate blog pieces from PRAB. / ACTION: KP
CILIP Wales 2018 Conference update – Lori Havard / 5 / Confirmed as 9-10th May 2018 at Aberystwyth University.
Three themes;
· Health/Well-being/Resilience
· Technology & Data
· Collaborative working
Conference page will be live on the new CILIP pages on 6th November and there call for speakers and abstracts will then go out and potential exhibitors and sponsors will be approached.
[For more detail on conference arrangements see attached document Conference report from Lori Havard]
Lori will contact Aberystwyth hotels for potential conference rates and the new Premier Inn may provide suitable accommodation for CILIP staff attending.
ACTION: LH will contact local hotels.
Discussion around sessions in the conference. A mindfulness session will start the first day of the conference allowing a relaxing time for those attendees who have travelled the day before and meaning the conference ‘proper’ can begin at 10.30am to allow those travelling on the day more time to get to Aberystwyth. Ideas for a quiet zone and/or craft zone were mooted.
Suggested that on the topic of ‘community managed libraries’ posters or even film may be more appropriate as there are many models of this type of library.
ACTION: KP will write paragraph for this call for poster/film abstracts on this topic.
A ‘Let’s talk about Sex’ session will look at diversity and equality in the profession. Discussion around using the CILIP workforce mapping project which mapped disparity in gender and ethnicity and also indicated rates in retirement – all these topics could be included in this session.
KP will contact Rebecca Davies – Pro-Vice Chancellor at AU to ask if the university would like to be involved in this session.
KP mentioned that Jo and Luke at CILIP had been approached with this theme as they were enquiring about an Organisation Event at the conference. It was decided to follow up with Rebecca.
ACTION: KP will contact Rebecca Davies
Lori will be handing over as Events organiser to Karen Dewick. The conference planning document will be handed over and Karen will join the Committee. Lori will be standing down as Committee Officer but will remain on the Committee as an ordinary member.
ACTION: LH - handover of conference plan to Karen Dewick (KD) /
Work for MALD – update from Ann Jones / 6 / At the beginning of last year Ann began work as the external assessor for the MALD Capital programme carrying out funding assessments with Public Libraries. Then was also monitoring successful programmes and projects.
This year Ann was again successful in becoming assessor for the programme and from June this year to March 2018 will be monitoring the successful projects. Ann connects with project leads for this process and travels across Wales in this role.
In the first year the Capital Programme was available only to public libraries, this year libraries, museums and archives were able to submit cases for funding. As a result Ann is monitoring the library projects alongside a colleague who has responsibility for monitoring museum/archive bids. The final date for submissions for 2018/19 applications was Fri 29th September.
Ann liaises with SCL (Wales), MALD and CILIP on workforce development particularly relating to The Public Library Skills Strategy published in July 2017.
HLG/Cross-sectoral meeting/School libraries – Kathryn Parry / 7 / Email has been sent to appropriate JISC mail discussion lists to garner interest in revitalising Health Libraries Group Wales (HLGW). [on 30th October expressions of interest from 4 individuals in NHS/Nursing Professional Body library and NHS Wales e-library staff]
ACTION: KP - if interest favourable by deadline of 3rd November KP will prepare a proposal for the next Health Libraries Group (HLG) meeting to be held on 8th December.
The first cross-sectoral meeting will be held on 13th November. Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum (WHELF), Society of Chief Librarians Wales (SCL Wales), All Wales Health Information & Library Extension Service (AWHILES) and Museums, Archives & Libraries (MALD) will be represented.
Discussions will include Book prescription wales and the health/well-being agenda.
The School Libraries Data Group has been established to investigate the evidence base, both qualitative and quantitative on the existence and use of school libraries in the UK.
The group will be conducting a national survey of secondary schools to identify just how many school libraries are available to staff and students, how these libraries are staffed etc. The survey monkey tool will be used to conduct the research.
The survey results will be used as a baseline for information on school libraries and to advocate for school libraries and librarians.
Hoped that results may be linked with other research on attainment in Wales.
KP had advised group that a Welsh version of the survey would be required.
ACTION: KP to talk to AE re the Information Literacy School survey / ACTION: KP
Business plan for next year / 8 / KP suggested two campaign themes for next year;
· Advocacy around the health and well-being strand of the Prosperity for All publication including support for GPs and those working in Primary Care and social services including book prescribing
· Fake News – develop the ‘Facts matter’ campaign and signposting people to trusted sources of information.
HS commented that Cardiff University is running a Facts Matter campaign to raise awareness of students around identifying fake news and resources.
TS& KP commented that these were big topics and KP could pull out relevant strands at the cross-sectoral meeting on the 13th November.
ACTION: KP – to discuss campaign themes at Cross-sectoral meeting /
Welsh language / KP reported that the new CILIP Wales pages have been translated into Welsh.Discussion around the capacity in CILIP/CILIP Wales for providing services in Welsh.
KP and MPo have been keeping CILIP up to date with translation costs and the need to include this in future planning.
There is capacity within CILIP Wales Committee and broader membership to facilitate translation to welsh however agreed that can only be for smaller scale pieces of work and the committee should be clear and transparent about translation as asking different sources may result in different levels of translation and document exceptions when a translation has been impossible to obtain.
ACTION: KP to write a paragraph on our capacity for Welsh translation to share with the Committee. / ACTION: KP
Vacancies on Committee / 9 / Several Committee members are due to step down in the coming year.
A general call for Committee membership will go out to general membership after AGM.
Also a vacancy on the Kathleen Cooks Fund Board.
As PJ retires a new representative from the WHELF Group will be sought.
ACTION: KP & KH & TS to identify vacancies for the AGM which will be shared with the Committee first. / ACTION: KP & KH
Any Other Business
Unrhyw Fater Arall / 10 / MPo reported that £2000 had been transferred from the Kathleen Cooks fund to the EAHIL Conference 2018 Local Organising Committee, plus Voices for the Library (VftL) has closed.
PJ involved in discussions around establishing a CILIP Retired Members Group in Wales.
KH apologised for problems with V/C & Skype technologies during meeting
Chair and Committee acknowledged that this was the last Committee meeting for HS and thanked her for her contribution to the Committee particularly in her role as Awards Officer.
Dates of next meetings
Dyddiadau’r cyfarfodydd nesaf / T.B.C