KLES University’s College of Pharmacy, Belagavi-10

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

COURSE: Pharmacy Class: B.Pharm VI Semester

SUBJECT: Advanced Pharmacognosy

Q. No / Content / Answer
Unit 1- Natural Products used as Color Pigments, Biopolymers,
Photosensitizing Agents and Flavors
1 / The colouring chemical (Curcumin) present in Turmeric is a
A) Terpenes B) Alkaloids
C) Steroids D)Glycosides
2 / The colouring chemical (Crocin) present in saffron is a
A) Terpene B) Alkaloid
C) Steroid D) Glycoside
3 / The colouring chemical (Bixin) present in Annato seeds is a
A) Carotenoid B) Alkaloid
C) Steroid D) Glycoside
4 / The colouring chemical (Lycopene) present in Tomato is a
A) Carotenoid B) Alkaloid
C) Steroid D) Glycoside
5 / The colouring chemical (Betalain) present in Beet root is a
A) Carotenoid B) Alkaloid
C) Flavonoid D) Glycoside
6 / The colouring chemical (Capsanthin) present in Capsicum is a
A) Glycoside B) Alkaloid
C) Flavonoid D) Carotenoid
7 / The colouring chemical (Lawsone) present in Henna is a
A) Glycoside B) Alkaloid
C) Phenol D) Carotenoid
8 / The flavouring chemical present in Fennel is
A) Menthol B) Eugenol
C) Anethole D) Pulegone
9 / The flavouring chemical present in Ajowan is
A) Citral B) Eugenol
C) Thymol D) Pulegone
10 / The flavouring chemical present in Lemon is
A) Citral B) Limonene
C) Borneol D) Pulegone
11 / The flavouring chemical present in Cinnamon is
A) Citral B) Eugenol
C) Borneol D) Pulegone
12 / The flavouring chemical present in Cinnamon is
A) Citral B) Eugenol
C) Borneol D) Pulegone
13 / Lactic acid polymers are used in the manufacture of
A) Liquid oral preparations B) Implants
C) Tablets D) Capsules
14 / Source of Lactic acid polymer
A) Potatoes B) Wheat
C) Maize D) All
15 / Natural photosensitizing agents are used in the treatment of
A) Typhoid B) Psoriasis
C) Syphilis D) Hepatitis
16 / Select the photosensitizing crude drug
A) Bacopamonnieri B) Psoraleacorylifolia
C) Premnacordifolia D) Moringaoleifera
Unit 2- Adulteration of crude drugs and their types. Evaluation of crude drugs: Morphological, Microscopical, Physical, Chemical and Biological Methods with examples.
17 / An example of crude drug adulterated with exhaustive drug
A) Senna B) Coriander
C) Datura D) Ephedra
18 / Substitution of a genuine crude drug with substandard one is called as,
A) Substitution B) Mixing
C) Adulteration D) Allied Drug
19 / Cardamom is usually adulterated with
A) Stalks of Cardamom B) Limestones
C) Rodent faecal matter D) Mustard seeds
20 / Harmful adulterant is
A) Presence of vegetative matter B) Soil in grains
C) Stones in drug D) Lead shot in Opium
21 / Example of substitution with substandard drug is
A) Capsicum minimum is replaced by Capsicum annum
B) Clove is mixed with Mother Cloves
C) Stramonium leaf is mixed with Stem
D) Colored glass pieces mixed with Colophony
22 / Example of substitution with exhausted drug is
A) Senna B) Clove
C) Opium D) Saffron
23 / Saffron is admixed with dried flowers of,
A) Carthamus tinctorius B) Exhausted saffron
C) Scented bdellium D) Clove flower bud
24 / Adulteration by exhausted ginger is detected from ginger by
A) Shape B) Size
C) Colour D) Water soluble ash
25 / The quantitative evaluation of powdered crude drug without chemical and other methods is carried out by
A) Lycopodium spore method B) Moisture determination method
C) Powder microscopy D) None of the above
26 / Lignified bulbous base trichomes are seen in
A) Nux vomica B) Corriander
C) Ephedra D) Ginger
27 / An example of crude drug adulterated with exhaustive drug
A) Senna B) Coriander
C) Datura D) Ephedra
28 / For tracing a magnified image of an object under a microscope we make use of
A) Occular micrometer B) Camera lucida
C) Stage micrometer D) Polarimeter
29 / Adulterants of Rauwolfiaserpentina are distinguished on the basis of
A) Presence of sclerenchyma B) Absence of sclerenchyma
C) Presence of parenchyma D) Absence of parenchyma
30 / Lignified trichomes is characteristic of
A) Catharanthuroseus B) Cassia angustifolia
C) Strychnousnux vomica D) Digitalis purpurea
31 / A saturated picric acid solution in cold water used for the detection of alkaloids is known as
A) Wagner’s reagent B) Hager’s reagent
C) Dragendorff’s reagent D) Mayer’s reagent
32 / Confirmation of drugs identity, determination of purity & quality & detection of nature of adulterant is known as
A) Identification B) Confirmation
C) Evaluation D) Determination
33 / Organoleptic evaluation includes,
A) Impressions on organs of senses B) Histological characters
C) Chemical nature D) Pharmacological uses
34 / The following is the test for Alkaloids
A) Molischs test B) Dragendroff’s test
C) Libermann – Burchard test D) Benedicts test
35 / Qantiative microscopy is also known as
A) Lycopodium spore method B) Stomatal method
C) Phytochemical method D) Water determination method
36 / Karl fischer method is used in the determination of
A) Moisture content B) Ash content
C) Bitterness content D) Chemical content
37 / Parquetary arrangement of cells is the diagnostic character of
A) Ginger B) Nux vomica
C) Coriander D) Rauwolfia
38 / Vittae is the diagnostic character of
A) Ginger B) Nux vomica
C) Coriander D) Rauwolfia
39 / Stratified cork is the diagnostic character of
A) Ginger B) Nux vomica
C) Coriander D) Rauwolfia
40 / Ash values of the crude determines the
A) Organic constituents B) Inorganic constituents
C) Cell constituents D) Chemical constituents
41 / Acid insoluble ash values of the crude determines the
A) Physiological ash B) ) Non Physiological ash
C) Cell constituents D) Chemical constituents
42 / Aerenchyma is the diagnostic character of
A) Ginger B) Nux vomica
C) Clove D) Rauwolfia
43 / Adulteration by exhausted ginger is detected from ginger by
A) Water insoluble ash B) Size
C) Colour D) Water soluble ash
44 / Heating a drug at 1050C in an oven to a constant weight is known as
A) Volatile oil determination B) Moisture content determination
C) Melting point determination D) Ash value determination
45 / The residue remaining after incineration is called as
A) Ash B) Extract
C) Waste material D) Foreign matter
46 / Swelling Index is used to determine amount of the following in the crude drugs
A) Moisture B) Volatile oils
C) Crude fibres D) Mucilage
Unit 3 - Plant Bitters and Sweeteners
Natural Sweeteners and Their Role in Health Care
47 / Stevia is used as
A) Bitter B) Sweetner
C) Binder D) Disintegrant
48 / Liquorice is used as
A) Bitter B) Sweetner
C) Antidiabetic D) Anticancer
49 / Kalmegh is used as
A) Bitter B) Sweetner
C) Antidiabetic D) Anticancer
50 / Gentian is used as
A) Bitter B) Sweetner
C) Antidiabetic D) Anticancer
51 / The bitter principle of gentian is
A) Gentisin B) Amarogentin
C) Quassin D) Andrographolide
52 / The bitter principle of Kalmegh is
A) Gentiopicrin B) Amarogentin
C) Quassin D) Andrographolide
53 / The bitter principle of Quassia is
A) Gentiopicrin B) Amarogentin
C) Quassin D) Andrographolide
54 / Example of Coumarone bitter principle is
A) Humulon B) Picrotoxinin
C) Visnagin D) Rotenone
55 / Example of phenolic bitter principle is
A) Humulon B) Picrotoxinin
C) Visnagin D) Rotenone
56 / Example of lactone bitter principle is
A) Humulon B) Picrotoxinin
C) Visnagin D) Rotenone
57 / Example of Chromone bitter principle is
A) Humulon B) Picrotoxinin
C) Visnagin D) Rotenone
58 / Stevioside is a naturally occurring
A) Bitter B) Sweetner
C) Binder D) Disintegrant
59 / Glycyrrhizin the natural sweetener is obtained from
A) Liquorice B) Stevia
C) Citrus D) Honey
60 / Sucralose is an example of
A) Natural sweetener B) Synthetic sweetener
C) Semisynthetic sweetener D) None of the above
61 / Santonin is a bitter principle obtained from
A) Artemisia maritima B) Humuluslupulus
C) Anamirtacocculus D) Ammi visnaga
62 / Khellin is a bitter principle obtained from
A) Artemisia maritima B) Humuluslupulus
C) Anamirtacocculus D) Ammi visnaga
63 / Picrotoxinin is a bitter principle obtained from
A) Artemisia maritima B) Humuluslupulus
C) Anamirtacocculus D) Ammi visnaga
64 / Lupulon is a bitter principle obtained from
A) Artemisia maritima B) Humuluslupulus
C) Anamirtacocculus D) Ammi visnaga
Unit 4- Plant Hormones
65 / The following is an auxin that occurs naturally in plants
A) Napthylacetic acid B) Indolacetic acid
C) Indole butyric acid D) Indole-3-acetonitrite
66 / Endogenous plant growth regulator hormone is
A) Indole B) Indene
C) Gibberellins D) Glucose
67 / The followings is a synthetic auxin
68 / Precursor of indole acetic acid is
A) Glycine B) Methionine
C) Isopentylpyrophosphate D) Tryptophan
69 / All the following hormones are growth inhibiters except
A) Absicic acid B) Dormin
C) Ethylene D) IAA
70 / The following is the gaseous hormone
A) Absicic acid B) NAA
C) IBA D) Ethylene
71 / All are synthetic hormone except
C) 2,4-D D) 2,4,5-T
72 / The following is not the function of auxin
A) Inducing dormancy B) Enhancing cell division
C) Inducing callus formation D) Maintaining apical dominance
73 / The first kinetin isolated by miller was from
A) Coconut endosperm B) Maize grains
C) Herring sperm DNA D) Wheat grains
74 / Cytokinins are predominately present in
A) Permanent tissue B) Apical meristem
C) Endodermis D) Cortical region
75 / Cytokinin treatment enhances
A) Chlorophyl synthesis B) Chlorophyl degradation
C) Protein degradation D) Water uptake
76 / Gibberillins was named after a fungus called
A) Gibberellafujikuroi B) Gibberellagaditijirri
C) Gibberellaaccuminata D) Gibberellaafricana
77 / High concentration of ethylene is present in
A) Young leaves B) Meristematic regions
C) Buds D) Ripening fruits
Unit 5 - Introduction to alternative systems of medicines.
a)  Basic principles of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Homoeopathy.
b)  Introduction to Ayurvedic preparations and method of preparation of Asava, Arista, Gutika, Taila, Churna, Lehya and Bhasma
78 / Asavas are medicinal preparations made by
A) Soaking the drug in powder form B) Soaking the drug in decoction form
C) Soaking the drug in paste form D)Soaking the drug in emulsion form
79 / Asavas and Aristas are fermented
A) For removal of alcohol B) For liberation of alcohol
C) For removal of water D) For liberation of water
80 / PrekshepakaDravya are
A) Fermentation destroyer B) Fermentation intiaters
C) Fermentation terminaters D) None of the above
81 / At the completion of fermentation in the preparation of Asava and Arista
A) Effervescence is seen B) No effervescence is seen
C) Turbidity is observed D) None of the above
82 / Lehas are
A) Solid preparations B) Liquid preparation
C) Semisolid preparations D) Emulsified preparations
83 / Gutikas are
A) Solid preparations B) Liquid preparations
C) Semisolid preparations D) Emulsified preparations
84 / Churna is defined as
A) Fine powder of a drug B) Coarse powder of a drug
C) Fine paste of a drug D) None of the above
85 / Bhasma can be defined as
A) Powder obtained by calcinations B) Liquid obtained by calcinations
C) Semisolid obtained by calcinations D) Emulsion obtained by calcinations
86 / Sodhana in preparation of Bhasma is a
A) Purification process B) Healing process
C) Packing process D) None of the above
87 / Tailas are
A) Solid preparations B) Liquid preparations
C) Semisolid preparations D) Powdered preparations
88 / Panchakarma in Ayurveda is adopted for
A) Cleaning of the body B) Warming of the body
C) Smoothening of the body D) None of the above
89 / Siddha system of medicine is based on principles of
A) biguna B) Rigveda
C) Triguna D) Atharveda
90 / Unani system of medicine is based on principles of
A) 4 humours B) 5 humours
C) 4 Gunas D) 5 Gunas
91 / The traditional Chinese system of medicine is based on the Chinese cosmology of
A) Yin and Yang B) Kin and Kang
C) bin and bang D) Yin and Zing
92 / Tridosha exists in
A) Chinese system of medicine B) Ayurveda
C) Unani system of medicine D) Siddha system of medicine
93 / Homeopathic system of medicine is based on doctrine of
A) Similiasimilibuscurantier B) Disimiliasimilibuscurantier
C) Dismiliadismilibuscurantier D) None of the above
94 / Hypothesis of ayurveda
A) Composed of 5 basic elements B) Composed of 3 basic elements
C) Composed of 7 basic elements D) Composed of 6 basic elements
95 / Tridoshas are
A) Vata, pitta, kapha B) Vata, rasa, rakta
C) Pitta, meda, majja D) Mamsa, rasa, rakta
96 / Ayurveda is an,
A) Chinese system of medicine B) Siddha system of medicine
C) Unani system of medicine D) Indian system of medicine
97 / Hippocratic theory is composed of,
A) 4 humours B) 3 humours
C) 5 humours D) 6 humours
98 / Unani system of medicine is based on,
A) Hippocratic theory B) Three basic elemental theory
C)Yin & yang theory D) Five basic elemental theory
99 / Yin & yang means
A) Day & night B) Pitta &Kapha
C) Rasa &Rakta D) Vata & pitta