Attendance: A. Lorenz, E. Klein, A. Moreno, J. Good, S. Sarabia, M. Hyppolite, S. Kim, E. Kaiden, C. Bowman, N. Choudhury, M. Howenstein, A. DeGroot, F. Skrobe, A. Urbiel, C. Reich, M. Bitz, S. Ishak, G. Bear, J. Cataliotti, M. Ecker, M. Poran, M. Serban, N. Salter, W. Hayes, J. Morley, E. Abbey, E. Ogens, B. Chinni, L. Perez-Strumolo, A. Vasishth, T. Sineshaw, P. Reck, J. Furness, K. Johnson, R. Becklen, L. Warner, M. Vides, K. Kenneavy, S. Badawi, R. Lynn
Dean’s Announcements
Michael Bitz is now the Director of the Instructional Design Center. He will now oversee the center and infuse technology in classrooms, courses, set up Moodle pages, etc.
Fran Shapiro-Skrobe has volunteered to replace Michael Bitz in Writing Across the Curriculum.
Nick Salter is now Director of the Faculty Resource Center. Nick invites everyone to the Faculty Resource Center Open House which will be held next Wednesday.
Introduction of new SSHS members:
Melody Hyppolite – Assistant Professor of Social Work
Suzanne Badawi – Director of Field Education
Janet Furness – Asst. Dean/Director of Social Work
The development of a Masters in Social Work is underway. Peter Vaughn, a consultant and former SW Director at NYU, met with the administration, librarian and faculty and endorsed the proposed MSW. His report will be forwarded to Trenton for approval. CSWE accreditation is also needed. The BSW program is also going thru reaccreditation.
The Dean recommends the creation of a Student Advisory Board and requests that each major recommend 3 students (2 Srs. & 1 Jr.) and provide their names in the next few weeks.
Kristin Kenneavy reviewed discussions held with E. Karlin, J. Lipkin, J. Hecht, E. Daffron and B. Barnett about a potential 4cr. to 3cr. proposal. This proposal would still need to be negotiated with the AFT.
Karl Johnson spoke about a scholarship started by Henry V. Davis in memory of his son.
SSHS is presently arranging a presentation by Rigoberta Menchu, the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize winner from Guatemala on September 24th. More information to follow.
Robert Becklen announced that the North Jersey Public Policy Institute will present political psychologist Jonathan Haidt on September 18 at FDU.
Aaron Lorenz advised that Roger Steffens will deliver the Life of Bob Marley presentation on October 6th at 11:30AM in the Sharp Theater.
Joe Cataliotti reminded everyone that the deadline for course submissions, changes, etc. to ARC is October 15th. Also, the ARC form has been updated and is available online at the ARC website.
Martha Ecker announced that statewide negotiations for NJ faculty are ongoing and will continue into the spring semester. Attend union meetings to keep abreast of the negotiations.