Brooks Hill Elementary PTA

General Meeting

Friday, September 11, 2015 at 9:30am.

# in attendance: 38

Alanna Randall called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m. May 2015 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.

Members in attendance were: Alanna Randall, Heidi Walton, Jennifer Fay, Heather Mirrione, Michelle Wagner, Assistant Principal Meredith Klus, Principal Stephen Kenny, Natalie Pincus, Maria Teresi, Ed Rocha, Kristen Caraccio, Michele Hansen, Alexa Schwartzbeck, Heather Chesterton, Athena Peters, Karen Sutton, Emily Hunt, Dana Cardona, Janelle Enser, Janalyn Ruder, Shannon Magin, Shawn Shannon-Missal, Connie Ashfiqua, Lynne Leary, Janelle Foster, Miriam Kruppenbacher, Lisa Christensen, Allyson Roote, Sarah Joy, Katherine Christiano, Kristin Cronkwright, Michelle Fass, Scott Smith, Janet Bissi, Lisa Ledgerwood, Jennifer Price, Priya Sharma, Kathy Webb

Treasurer’s Report: Heather Mirrione

·  A recap of the 2014-2015 year end activity vs. budgeted amounts was provided. All expenses fell within budgeted parameters. Cash activity detail from 5/1/15 to 8/31/15 was provided.

·  As of August 31, 2015 account balances were as follows: Checking: $16, 575.17, Savings: $4, 840.40 and Capital Account (playground): $25, 917.79. In May, $15,000 was transferred to the playground fund after a vote approval which ended up approximating the operating profit for 2014-2015.

·  Event Coordinator’s--at the end of September, please check your folders for blank tax exempt and reimbursement forms. These folders can be found in the second drawer of the filing cabinet in the PTA closet.

·  The 2015-2016 budget was presented. Two new line items were added: funds to support the 3rd grade Regional Market Field Trip and “Special Requests” to meet the needs of both classroom/building as they arise. Grandparents Day was removed from this year’s budget as the event occurs only every two years. The Cultural Committee budget was eliminated as field trips are now supported by the District budget.

·  A vote was completed to approve the 2015-2016 budget and earmarks for the playground fund (Square One Art, Photo Fundraiser, Pampered Chef and School Supply Kits). The vote was passed: yes–34/no—0.

Vice President’s Report: Heidi Walton for Andra Nelkin

•  Thank you to Miriam Kruppenbacher for her work in organizing volunteers to assist our students on the bus loop and in the cafeteria at the beginning of the school year, Jenny Cahall and Jenn Fay for their work on the Used Book Sale and Shannon Magin, of Pampered Chef, for her generous donation to the playground fund.

President’s Report: Alanna Randall – Co-President

•  The Audit Report for 2014-2015 was discussed and all financial data was correctly represented.

•  Labels for Education (found on Campbell’s Soup, etc.) WILL be collected. Christine Shanahan has graciously offered to process those labels and the rewarded points are used to buy equipment for the playground (jump ropes, kickballs, etc.)

•  Tops in Education: Your TOPS Bonus Card can be linked to Brook’s Hill and funds donated to our school when you shop. A building level coordinator is being sought as a point of communication between TOPS, PTA and the school community. Please contact Alanna Randall if you are able to help.

•  We are still seeking Coordinators for the following activities: Classroom coordinators for Math and Science Action, After School Clubs, Memory Book (5th grade and perhaps a 4th grade “trainee”), Odyssey of the Mind (coordinator and coaches), Grade level photographers for the Yearbook

•  Playground Update: To date, over $25,000 dollars has been raised toward our goal of $60,000-$65, 000. The District will then match donated funds. The fundraising will be complete in January 2016 so that plans may move forward in support of a possible summer 2016 installation. A mailing will be coming home detailing further fundraising efforts: “Let’s Play” Event, “Go Fund Me” site and the BH playground video. We are also targeting businesses and alumni as possible benefactors. If there is someone who you believe should be contacted to solicit support on behalf of the Playground Fund, please make the PTA Board or Playground Committee aware.

•  “What’s Up Doc”—a chance to ask questions of Dr. Kenny regarding the business of Brooks Hill will resume after the PTA meeting adjourns beginning in November.

Principal’s Report: Dr. Kenny and Meredith Klus

•  Thank you to the PTA and its members for its active participation/involvement in the Brooks Hill Community; to Miriam Kruppenbacher for organizing Cafeteria and Bus Loop helpers for the first days of school; Jen Fay, Alanna Randall, Jenny Cahall and Heidi Walton for their summer planning on the playground and much anticipated playground video; Jodi Matthias for her playground flyer design; PTA for their support of the Newcomer’s Meet and Greet event and Athena Peters for her work on the School Supply Kits.

•  Reported a great start to the school year and reminder given about Drop-off Protocol.

•  Meredith reminded that Monday, September 14th is the day adults will no longer be allowed past the front entry doors during drop off. If your child would still benefit from an escort to their classroom an adult in the office can arrange one on your behalf.

•  Homecoming: This has been reimagined as a community event. October 9th on Angel Hill at Fairport High School from 5:30-9:00. KidZone, food trucks, pep rally, bonfire, fireworks…fun for the whole family! Shuttles will be running from various points in the community. October 9th will also be “Wear your Fairport Gear” at school to show our district pride.

Report of Coordinators:

Pampered Chef Fundraiser: Shannon Magin donated her commissionable sales from the spring event. The PTA was presented a check for $858.00 to benefit the playground fund. Shannon will continue to offer 20% of all party sales to the playground fund until January when host mentions the PTA playground at booking.

School Picture Day: Alanna Randall is seeking volunteers to help on Picture Day (Sept. 30th). Volunteers will receive a coupon for a discount on their photo package purchase. Contact Alanna at or register to help on the PTA website. All students are provided a class picture regardless of purchase courtesy of the PTA.

“Let’s Play” Event: Jennifer Fay discussed this final phase of fundraising for the playground which celebrates the importance of play in the lives of children and families. This one-time event kicks off with a staff-vs-staff kickball game and will include opportunities to experience lacrosse, yoga, dance, kung fu, relay races, obstacle courses, lawn games, playground fun, glow in the dark bowling, line dancing and much more! Light snacks will be available to purchase. Volunteers are needed in 30-45 minute shifts to run games, sell refreshments and provide supervision at various activities. A schedule of events will come home via backpack mail. Admission is payable at the door $5/person maximum $25/family. The “Go Fund Me” site and playground video will be unveiled. Contact Jenn at or register to volunteer on the PTA website.

Fall Fun Fair: Dana Cardona , Sarah Joy and Janelle Foster are seeking volunteers to coordinate various activities including: Children’s Auction, Candy Shoppe, Tattoos, Face Painting, Used Books, etc. to make this, our largest PTA fundraiser, a success! This November 6th event is a fantastic community builder and is not to be missed. Corrie Carter, (Adult Auction) is also looking for a team of volunteers to help contact organizations and business for donations. To volunteer, contact the individuals above or sign up on the PTA website at

Membership: Natalie Pincus reported 224 members to date including 30 staff and 39 male members. 54 members are new to the PTA this school year. Your $7 dues are shared with the State and local operating budgets to fund programs and purchase volunteer insurance. When you show your support you will receive a BH PTA Directory, vendor benefits (as noted on your membership card) and a voice in our organization! Family memberships are not allowed by the PTA. Membership cards will be distributed ELECTRONICALLY this year.

Directory Update: Heather Mirrione reported that as all input is being done on-line this year the collection process is going much more slowly. Every effort is being made to collect information for inclusion in the directory from interested individuals. Directory distribution will, therefore, likely be in October.

Box Tops for Education: Athena Peters distributed an informational letter to families on 9/11 including a collection baggie. The first collection date will be 9/18. Volunteers are needed to help sort and count the Box Tops on 9/22 and 9/24 from 9-11 and 1:30-3:00 in the cafeteria. The first classroom Box Tops contest will occur in October.

Yearbook: Kristen Caraccio discussed volunteer opportunities for those interested individuals. Grade level coordinators and photographers would be appreciated. All BH students receive a yearbook courtesy of the PTA. ANYONE taking pictures (including cell phone photos) at any Brooks Hill event is encouraged to email their pictures to for possible inclusion in the yearbook or the television loop in the BH lobby. For more information, contact Kristen at

New Business:

·  Scott Smith presented the PTA with a $1,400.00 check from his employer (Avnet) in recognition of his volunteer hours within the community. A motion was made by Alanna Randall to move the monies to the Science Action budget. Natalie Pincus seconded the motion. Motion was approved.


Thank you to Starbucks and our Hospitality Committee for today’s refreshments.

Our next meeting is October 8th at 6:45 p.m.

Motion made (Katherine Christiano) to adjourn at 11:05 a.m.

Michelle Wagner, BH PTA Secretary

Date Approved: