Date: 18 - 22 – Oct, 2015 Term: 1 Week: 8

Dear Parents,

This is the work that we will be covering this week. Work not completed will be continued later. The pages to be covered and the order of the pages are determined by the School Curriculum.


Period 1 / Journeys SB
Practice Book
Copybook 1 / *Reading Comprehension / *None
Period 2 / Journeys SB
Practice Book
Copybook 1 / *The Trial of Cardigan Jones Literature Activity sheet / * Practice reading at home.
Period 3 / Journeys SB
Copybook 1 / *Grammar
Common& Proper Nouns / * None
Period 4 / Practice Book
Copybook 3 / *Grammar
Common& Proper Nouns / *PB p.51
Period 5 / Copybook 3 / * Speaking Activity
'My Family'
' My Favorite Book ' / ► Speaking Activity
Choose one topic
Period 6 / Journeys SB
Practice Book
Copybook 1 / *Target Skill: Conclusions / * None
Period 7 / Library File / *Library / ►Revise Target Vocabulary Words

§  English Copybook 1 should be sent daily.


Speaking Activity

1-Select a nice picture of your family and talk about it. On an A4 size paper note down your points; for example how many people are in the family, the roles and responsibilities of each family member, favorite hobbies, etc.Write down your thoughts on the topic to help you in speaking about your family in the class.

2- Tell us about your favorite book; on an A4 size paper note down your points; for example kinds of books you like, the title of your favorite book, author, illustrator, genre, characters, setting of the story, beginning middle and end. You can draw pictures to illustrate the characters. Write down your thoughts on the topic to help you in speaking about your favorite book in the class.

► Spelling Quiz 2 will be conducted on Monday, October 19

Study the Basic Spelling Words in PB p.19 /Words to be studied:

Spoke -mile-save-excuse-cone-invite-cube- price-erase-ripe-broke-flame-life-rule

► Literature Quiz 2 will be conducted in Week 9/ October 27

Study Lesson 2 'The Trial of Cardigan Jones ' SB p.46-64. The Literature Activity sheet and written work done in Copy book 1 are included.

►Study Target Vocabulary Words: Lesson 2

1- Trial: a trial is a meeting in court to decide if someone has broken the law. 2- Jury: the jury is a group of people who make the decision in a trial. 3- Convinced: Someone made you believe or agree to do something. 4- Guilty: a guilty person is a person who did something wrong. 5- Pointed: used a finger or other object to show where something was. 6- Honest: truthful. 7- Murmur: the sound of people speaking very softly. 8- Stand: the place where a witness in a trial sits while being questioned.

►Library Timetable

Sunday: 3I – 3K – 3H

Monday: 3E – 3A – 3F – 3C – 3L

Tuesday: 3B – 3D

Wednesday: 3G

Thursday: 3J


Periods / Books Required / CLASSWORK / HOMEWORK
Period 1 / Volume 1 book, Practice book, copy book. / Lesson(1.7) Use Place Value to add page: 30 / ------
Period 2 / Volume 1 book, Practice book, copy book. / Lesson(1.7) Use Place Value to add page: 31 / Practice book page 15
Period 3 / Volume 1 book, Practice book, copy book. / Lesson(1.10) Use Place Value to Subtract page: 43, 44. / ------
Period / Volume 1 book, Practice book, copy book. / Lesson(1.10) Use Place Value to Subtract page: 45 / study the addition table 13, 14, and 15
Period / Volume 1 book, Practice book, copy book. / Mental Math Quiz # 4
Lesson(1.10) Use Place Value to Subtract page: 46 / Practice book page 15

Ø  Mental math Quiz # 4 on Thursday. October 22, 2015.

Addition table 13 / Addition Table 14 / Addition Table 15
0+13= 13 / 0+14=14 / 0+15=15
1+12=13 / 1+13=14 / 1+14=15
2+11=13 / 2+12=14 / 2+13=15
3+10=13 / 3+11=14 / 3+12=15
4+9=13 / 4+10=14 / 4+11=15
5+8=13 / 5+9=14 / 5+10=15
6+7=13 / 6+8=14 / 6+9=15
7+6=13 / 7+7=14 / 7+8=15
8+5=13 / 8+6=14 / 8+7=15
9+4=13 / 9+5=14 / 9+6=15
10+3=13 / 10+4=14 / 10+5=15


1 / Revision: Kindly bring all your papers/photocopies in Social Studies


1 / Revision sheet / practice

Note: There will be a computer quiz next week in (25-29) oct 2015 .

Every class will have it according to it period in the schedule.

Page no:3,4,5,7

widows p:(14-19)


Book – Life

1 / Quiz / Do the homework and send the Activity book.
2 / Portfolio( About plants) / ------
3 / Video on different animal life cycle. / Read pg 102 & 103

There will be a quiz about "What Are Some Plant Life Cycles? Learn from the activity book and textbook pgs 98, 99, 100

18th October- Sunday- 3 D, E, F, H, I, K & L.

19th October – Monday- 3B, C, G & J.

20th October – Tuesday- 3A

اللغة العربية

الواجب المنزلي / الأعمال الصفية / اليوم
التدريب على قراءة الدرس جيدا / قراءة درس متحف قصر العين من قبل الطلاب قراءة سليمة مع الضبط السليم حل ص 27 / الاحد
الاستعداد للإملاء ليوم الغد من درس البتراءص 13 (إذا ذهبت إلى ...طوال العمر) / قراءة درس متحف قصر العين من قبل الطلاب قراءة سليمة مع الضبط السليم / الاثنين
إملاء من درس البتراء ص 13 (إذا ذهبت إلى البتراء ...طوال العمر) / الثلاثاء
التدريب على قراءة درس متنزه الصحراء ص 30 جيدا / شرح و مناقشة درس مكان زرته و أعجبني
(متنزه الصحراء) / الأربعاء
- حل ص 23 في كراسة ( أقرأ – أكتب – أتسلى )
- الاستعداد للامتحان في الدروس التالية في كتاب مهارات لغتي يوم الأربعاء 28-10- 2015في ص 9 – ص 14- ص 24و25 و 26 / قراءة فقرة متنزه الصحراء ص 30 من قبل الطلاب مع التركيز على الضبط السليم / الخميس

التربية الإسلامية

الواجب المنزلي / الأعمال الصفية / اليوم
حفظ الآيات / شرح الآيات من 15 إلى 19 من سورة العلق / الأول
الاستعداد للامتحان / تابع شرح درس سورة العلق
+ إجابة أسئلة / الثاني
التقويم الأول من الفصل الدراسي الأول / الثالث

ملحوظة امتحان مادة التربية الإسلامية من صفحة 8 إلى صفحة 44

( 3B – 3D – 3G – 3I – 3J – 3L يوم الأربعاء الموافق 21 – 10 – 2015 (

( 3C – 3E – 3F – 3H - 3K يوم الخميس الموافق 22 – 10 – 2015 (

Mrs. Hanan Weekly Plan / Week /8 GR /3A


Special Arabic

Day/Date / Class Work / Home Work
18/10 / Lesson) 15 )المطبخ
Student’s book
-Listen and (87) / None
19/10 / New vocabulary. pg. (88) copybooks.andletters / Study the new words
20/10 / -Language use. pg. (89) / None
21/10 / -Writing the new words and find out common letter in the group of words P.90 / H.W.Sheet
22/10 / - Look and talk then write P.91 / None

Special Religion

Day / Class Work / Home Work
1 / Unit A/Chapter 6
Student’s book
- Hadeeth Shareef. P.A40 / Learn the Hadeeth
2 / - Chapter Review “Study questions P. A43 / Learn the Hadeeth
3 / - Reciting Al-Hadeeth Shareef. P.A40 / None

Mrs. Hanan Weekly Plan / Week /8 GR /3A


Special Arabic

Day/Date / Class Work / Home Work
18/10 / Lesson) 15 )المطبخ
Student’s book
-Listen and (87) / None
19/10 / -New vocabulary. pg. (88) copybooks.andletters / Study the new words
20/10 / -Language use. pg. (89) / None
21/10 / -Writing the new words and find out common letter in the group of words P.90 / H.W.Sheet
22/10 / - Look and talk then write P.91 / None

Special Religion

Day / Class Work / Home Work
1 / Unit A/Chapter 6
Student’s book
- Hadeeth Shareef. P.A40 / Learn the Hadeeth
2 / - Chapter Review “Study questions P. A43 / Learn the Hadeeth
3 / - Reciting Al-Hadeeth Shareef. P.A40 / None

Grs.3A Al Ma’arifa Int. Pvt. School Sub. Date: 18/10/2015

Quiz Notice

Dear Parents,

Kindly be informed that your son/daughter has:

·  Arabic Quiz on Wednesday 21/10/2015 in Unit 3 Lessons / 12,13,14

(Student’s book Ps. 69-86), (Work book Ps.42-49).

·  Religion Quiz on Thursday 22/10/2015 in Unit A student’s book Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 Ps. A14 –A40 in work book pgs.7 and 17.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Hanan