Stacy L. Carter
4518 20th St.
Lubbock, TX 79407
Educational History
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Major: Educational Psychology
Degree: Ph.D. 2005
Advisor: Carlen Henington, Ph.D.
Program Accreditations: American Psychological Association
National Association of School Psychologists
Tennessee Technological University
Cookeville, TN 38505
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Degree: M.A. 1996
Advisor: John J. Wheeler, Ph.D.
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN 31774
Major: Psychology
Degree: B.S. 1991
Minor: Philosophy
Honors: Dean’s List
Professional Licenses/Certifications
Board Certified Behavior Analyst
Certification # 1-06-2734
Expiration Date: 3/31/09
Nationally Certified School Psychologist
Certification # 34806
Expiration Date: 1/31/09
TN DMRS Approved Behavior Analyst
East, Middle, and West Regions
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology
TX Board of Psychological Examiners
Certification # 33499
State of TN Apprentice Teacher License
Special Education K-12 (non-categorical)
Expiration Date: 8/31/2009
Texas Tech University
College of Education
Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership
Lubbock, TX 79409
Responsibilities: Taught the following courses: EDSP 3300 entitled “Exceptional Children and Youth” examining major categories of disabilities; EDSP 4305 entitled “Behavior Management”; and EDSP 5330 an online distance education course entitled “Children/Youth with High Incidence Disabilities”, developed course syllabi, created and presented lectures, supervised student progress, assigned grading for course, monitored required student field experience, and held weekly office hours.
INSTRUCTOR 8/06 - 5-07
Texas Tech University
College of Education
Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership
Lubbock, TX 79409
Responsibilities: Taught course entitled “Exceptional Children and Youth: General Educator’s Section” examining major categories of disabilities; developed course syllabus, created and presented lectures, supervised student progress, assigned grading for course, monitored required student field experience, and held weekly office hours.
Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, & Special Education
Mississippi State University
Supervisor: Jason Miller, Ph.D.
Awarded Teaching Assistantship
Responsibilities: Assisted with test preparation and proctoring for college level course in human development, assisted with grading of examinations, supported development of research protocol and collection of research data, observed and evaluated undergraduate social science course.
Kent State University
Department of Special Education
Kent, Ohio
Supervisors: Melody Tankersley, Ph.D.; Bryan G. Cook, Ph.D.
Responsibilities: Taught combination undergraduate/graduate course entitled “Classroom and Behavior Management II” focusing on advanced application of behavior analysis procedures, developed course syllabus, provided lectures, supervised student progress, assigned grading for course, held weekly office hours.
BEHAVIOR ANALYST 9/01 – present
Tennessee Dept. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
East Tennessee Regional Office
5908 Lyons View Pike, Greenbriar Cottage
Knoxville, TN 37919
Responsibilities: Developed, implemented, and/or maintained behavior support plans for individuals requesting services; specific services provided varies, but follow behavior analysis mandates established for Medicaid reimbursement.
Frenship Independent School District
Slaton Independent School District
Wilson Independent School District
Roosevelt Independent School District
Southland Independent School District
Department of Special Education
Wolforth, TX 79382
Supervisors: Barbara Pettit, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist
David Jenkins, Ed. D., Licensed Specialist in School Psychology
Responsibilities: Conducted evaluations for children referred for special education services; provided direct counseling services to students; conducted functional behavioral assessments in the local school district; conducted teacher in-service training; provided consultation and technical assistance to schools and teachers for developing behavior intervention plans and implementing positive behavior supports.
Department of Counselor Education, Educational Psychology, & Special Education
Mississippi State University
Supervisors: T. Steuart Watson, Ph.D.; R. Anthony Doggett, Ph.D.; Carlen Henington, Ph.D.; Carl Sheperis, Ph.D.
Responsibilities: Assisted in conducting parent, teacher, and child interviews. Administered and evaluated behavior rating scales, intelligence tests, and achievement tests. Conducted clinic and school-based functional behavior assessments, including interviews, ABC assessments, structural analyses, and functional analyses. Assisted in providing parent management training based on the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy model. Conducted curriculum-based assessments and implemented empirically-based academic interventions. Participated in counseling sessions for both parents and children. Clients ranged from preschool to high school. Diagnoses included ADHD, autism, LD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder, enuresis, encopresis, and sleep disturbances.
Starkville Public Schools
Starkville, Mississippi
Supervisor: T. Steuart Watson, Ph.D.; R. Anthony Doggett, Ph.D.
Responsibilities: Performed functional behavioral assessments and consulted with school personnel and parents in the development and implementation of positive behavior support plans for students in grades K-12.
Starkville Public Schools
Supervisors: Jean Davis, Ed.S., Cathy Lindsey, M.S.
Responsibilities: Administered and scored intelligence tests, adaptive behavior measures, and behavior rating scales to determine eligibility for special education placement. Conducted behavioral observations and curriculum-based assessments to develop intervention recommendations. Attended I.E.P. meetings to provide diagnostic information and feedback to families and school personnel. Developed comprehensive evaluation reports submitted to the Starkville Public School District and the Mississippi State Department of Education.
Starkville Public Schools, Starkville Mississippi
Supervisor: R. Anthony Doggett, Ph.D.
Responsibilities: Consulted with teachers in grades K-12 regarding the development of behavior support plans and academic strategies.
Child Development Center, Mississippi State University
Supervisor: Carlen Henington, Ph.D.
Responsibilities: Prepared materials for play-based assessment of children ages 0-3 years for determination of eligibility of early intervention services. Observed team assessment procedures and provision of information to families to learn multidisciplinary evaluation. Team consisted of two school psychologists, a speech language pathologist, an early childhood specialist, a physical therapist, and evaluated the following areas: self-help, social-emotional, fine/gross motor movement, speech/language, and psychological development.
Mississippi State University
Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Supervisors: Tony Doggett, Ph.D.; Carlen Henington, Ph.D.; Jason Miller, Ph.D.
Responsibilities: Conducted functional behavioral assessments in the local school district; provided consultation and technical assistance to schools and teachers for developing behavior intervention plans and implementing positive behavior supports; assisted with organization/preparation of child development clinic using play-based assessment for children birth to three years; provided direct instruction in classrooms serving children ages one to four years; assisted with test preparation and proctoring for college level human development course.
Columbus Medical Services, LLC. Greene Valley Developmental Center
1012 West Ninth Avenue Behavior Analysis Department
King of Prussia, PA 19406 Greeneville, TN 37044
Supervisor: Richard Tann, Rh.D. Supervisor: Kevin Schama, Ph.D.
Responsibilities: Developed, implemented, and maintained behavior support plans following class action lawsuit mandates and USDOJ regulations for individuals living in a developmental center; conducted activities with individual residents including preference assessments, descriptive analyses, analogue analyses, and protective equipment monitoring; responsible for authorizing the use of restrictive procedures; provided reports on development and progress of behavior support plans to Behavior Management Committees, Human Rights Committees, Neurobehavioral Teams, Interdisciplinary Teams, independent reviewers, and USDOJ; classroom instructor for courses in Behavior Analysis for professional and technical staff.
Columbus Medical Services, LLC. ResCare Tennessee
20106 Valley Forge Circle 250 N. Parkway Suite 4
King of Prussia, PA 19406 Jackson, TN 38305
Supervisor: Richard Tann, Rh.D. Supervisor: Tim Prosser, Psy.D.
Responsibilities: Developed and implemented behavior support plans following class action lawsuit mandates for individuals receiving supported living services including preference assessments, functional assessments, restrictive procedures, and nonrestrictive procedures; monitored progress of individual consumers and made decisions regarding modification of behavior programs; conducted specific and general training of behavior analysis procedures to direct service providers; provided information to Behavior Support Committees, Human Rights Committees, Incident Management Committees, and circles of support.
Make a Difference Project
State of Tennessee Department of Education Grant
Tennessee Technological University
Cookeville, Tennessee
Supervisor: John J. Wheeler, Ph.D.
Responsibilities: Provided consultation and technical assistance for in-service training and follow-up of behavioral intervention services to schools in the Upper Cumberland region of Tennessee; developed positive behavioral interventions for children and youth with disabilities; coordinated and planned clinics for children with low incidence disabilities; performed database management and analyses; developed bi-monthly newsletter and grant reports.
9th & 10th Annual Special Education Institutes
Tennessee Technological University
Supervisor: Thomas W. Willis, Ph.D.
Responsibilities: Compiled and organized instructional materials used in courses; provided direct assistance to course instructors; provided materials and assistance to students.
Make a Difference Project
State of Tennessee Department of Education Grant
Tennessee Technological University
Cookeville, Tennessee
Supervisor: John J. Wheeler, Ph.D.
Responsibilities: Conducted needs assessment of school systems in the Upper Cumberland region of Tennessee; worked directly with school systems developing behavioral intervention teams; developed materials for in-service training package; designed and edited newsletter.
Carter, S. L. (in press, Dec. 2008). A distributive model of treatment acceptability. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities.
Carter, S. L., Mayton, M. R., & Wheeler, J. J. (in press). The development of an instrument to evaluate treatment intrusiveness for individuals with severe and challenging behavior. Research in Developmental Disabilities.
Carter, S. L. (in press, June 2008). Further conceptualization of treatment acceptability. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities.
Carter, S. L., & Wheeler, J. J. (2007). Analysis of behavioral responding across multiple instructional conditions for a child with childhood disintegrative disorder. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 7, 137-141.
Carter, S. L. (2007). Review of recent treatment acceptability research. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 42, 301-316.
Carter, S. L. & Punyanunt-Carter, N. M. (2007). Acceptability of treatments for plagiarism. College Student Journal, 41, 336-341.
Carter, S. L. & Wheeler, J. J. (2007). Functional analysis and reduction of inappropriate spitting. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 42, 59-64.
Wheeler, J. J., Carter, S. L., Mayton, M. R., Chitiyo, M. (2007). Preventing challenging behaviour through management of instructional antecedents. Developmental Disabilities Bulletin, 34, 1-14.
Carter, S. L. (2006). Everything you ever wanted to know in a bubble. Teaching Exceptional Children, 39, 40-43.
Carter, S. L. & Punyanunt-Carter, N. M. (2006). Acceptability of treatments for cheating in the college classroom. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 33(3), 212-216.
Carter, S. L. (2006). The development of special education services in Thailand. International Journal of Special Education, 21(2), 32-36.
Carter, S. L. (2006). Current literature in ADHD: The influence of consultants on the acceptability of treatments for ADHD [Abstract]. Journal of Attention Disorders, 9, 665.
Carter, S. L. & Punyanunt-Carter, N. M. (2006). Acceptability of treatment for a student sleeping in the college classroom. Education, 126, 541-546.
Carter, S. L. (2005). An empirical analysis of the effects of a possible sinus infection and weighted vest on functional analysis outcomes of self-injury exhibited by a child with autism. Journal of Early Intensive Behavior Intervention, 2, 252-258.
Carter, S. L. (2005). College students’ acceptance of potential treatments for ADHD. Psychological Reports, 97, 258-264.
Carter, S. L. & Wheeler, J. J. (2005). Considering the intrusiveness of interventions. International Journal of Special Education, 20(1), 136-142.
Carter, S. L., Wheeler, J. J., & Mayton, M. (2004). Pica: A review of recent assessment and treatment procedures. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 39(4), 346-358.
Carter, S. L., Devlin, S., Doggett. R. A., Harber, M. M., & Barr, C. (2004). Determining the influence of tangible items on screaming and handmouthing following an inconclusive functional analysis. Behavioral Interventions, 19, 51-58.
Wheeler, J. J., Carter, S. L., Mayton, M., & Thomas, R. (2002). A structural analysis of instructional variables and their effects on task engagement and self-aggression. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 37(4), 391-398.
Wheeler, J. J., & Carter, S. L. (1998). Using visual cues in the classroom for learners with autism as a method for promoting positive behavior. B.C. Journal of Special Education, 21(3), 64-73.
Carter, S. L. (in review). Treatment of pica using a pica exchange procedure with increasing response effort.
Carter, S. L., Henington, C., Elder, A., & Doggett, R. A. (in preparation). Acceptability of potential treatments for ADHD when recommended by different consultants.
Wheeler, J. J., Mayton, M. R., Huang, A., Carter, S. L., Chitiyo, M., Menendez, A. (in preparation). Assessment of treatment integrity in applied behavior analysis: Studies conducted with persons with mental retardation.
Geller, D., & Carter, S. L. (in preparation) Assessment of the contribution of medical conditions to challenging behavior.
Carter, S. L., Mayton, M. R., & Wheeler, J. J. (in review). A teacher’s checklist for evaluating treatment intrusiveness.
Mayton, M. R., Wheeler, J. J., & Carter, S. L. (2008, May). Problematic urination in an adult with autism. Poster presentation at the 34th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis in Chicago, IL.
Punyanunt-Carter, N. M., & Carter, S. L. (2008, February). What do students perceive as the best way to handle cheating, plagiarism, disruptive talking, etc. in the college classroom? 4th Annual Advancing Teaching and Learning Conference. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Wheeler, J. J., Mayton, M.R., Carter, S. L., Chitiyo, M. (2008, March). A representation of treatment integrity in the JPBI. Poster presentation at the Annual Convention on Positive Behavior Supports in Chicago, IL.
Wheeler, J. J., Mayton, M. R., Huang, A., Carter, S. L., Chitiyo, M., Menendez, A. L., Bumbalough, R. S. (2007, May). An assessment of treatment integrity in applied behavior analysis studies conducted with persons with mental retardation. Poster presented at the 33rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis in San Diego, CA.
Carter, S. L. & Wheeler, J. J. (2006, May). Functional analysis of episodic self-injury correlated to possible sinus infections and a sensory integration technique. Poster presented at the 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis in Atlanta, GA.