Please give this to the person/s counting the Lent donations in your parish.

Please use the instructions below when counting donations for the Caritas Lent Appeal. They are fairly comprehensive so please do not hesitate to contact the office if you need anything clarified. Some sections may seem irrelevant, but they are vital at our end during our data entry process.

Attached are seven Banking and Data Entry Batch Header Forms, which have a dual purpose – they are designed to assist in the counting of donations, but they are also the forms that our data entry staff use when entering your parish’s information. I have included one batch header that has been completed to illustrate what information goes where, and seven blank batch headers for you to use each week during Lent (one is spare for donations received after Easter).

STEP ONE: Filling in the Details

·  On the Batch Header fill in your name, date and number of envelopes for the week’s batch.

STEP TWO: Confirming donation amount and sorting donations.

Check that the amount stated on the coupon slip matches the amount enclosed in the envelope.

Be aware that parishioners can often forget to indicate the amount they gave on the coupon slip so be prepared to write it on.

1.  Start sorting the donations into the following four piles - keeping coupon slips or envelopes with the donation:

1.  Anonymous Cash,

2.  Named Cash,

3.  Cheques, and

4.  Credit Cards

All Anonymous envelopes should be kept so they can be included in the batch when sent to Caritas.

2.  If the amount given is the same as that specified by the donor, circle the amount on the coupon slip, or in the case of an anonymous donation, write it on the envelope.

NOTE: Please do not separate the money from the coupon slips without checking and verifying the written amount. Parishioners often forget to indicate the amount they gave on the coupon slip, meaning we are unable to receipt them.

If the parishioner has not already done so, circle either ‘cash’, ‘cheque’, or ‘credit card’, depending on the type of donation. This can be very useful information, especially if there is a query from a parishioner regarding a receipt, or if the batch does not balance.

3.  If there is more than one slip for the same person, staple them together and mark the total amount on the top copy.

4.  If a parishioner gives by cheque and does not include a coupon slip, please write the following details on the back of their Lent envelope and include this in the batch to be sent to Caritas:

·  their name and address if you know it;

·  the bank and branch the cheque is from; and

·  the amount they gave.

These details will help us to determine if we already have the parishioner on our donor database, therefore enabling us to still be able to issue them a receipt.

STEP THREE: Recording amounts in the Donations Box

Now that you have up to four piles of donations;

·  Count the NUMBER OF DONATIONS in each pile, and the SUM OF DONATIONS of each pile and complete the two columns of the DONATION BOX (example below). Note that the cheque total iii) is also entered in the BANKING TOTALS BOX.

STEP FOUR: Counting the Cash

The object of this step is to prepare for the banking by separating the cash and cheques from the coupon slips or envelopes. It also serves as a double check to ensure that the pledged amounts on the coupon slips and Anonymous envelopes balance with the cash and cheques.

5.  Separate all of the cash from the Anonymous envelopes and Named coupon slip piles and use the CASH COUNTING BOX to add it up. Enter the total amount beside 1) in the CASH COUNTING BOX and the BANKING TOTALS BOX.

STEP FIVE: Checking the Totals

The final step is to answer the two questions at the bottom of the BANKING TOTALS BOX.

6.  If you can answer ‘yes’ to these questions then you have successfully processed the batch of donations.

7.  If you have answered ‘no’ to either of the two questions – double check your additions and/or go through the slips looking for an error. If after this the error is still undetectable, then write a short note explaining these details and attach it to the batch header for return to Caritas were we will endeavour to balance the batch for you.

STEP SIX: Banking via direct deposit into our Caritas account

When you are processing and banking your Lent deposits directly into our bank account it is important that this part of the process is carried out consistently and correctly. This ensures that we are able to reconcile deposits with their correct parish.

·  Use the Caritas Deposit Book - Account number 030518 0211216 03 to bank the cash and cheque donations.

Each deposit slip has a unique six-digit reference number to the left of the account number. This number is also found on the deposit butt. Three of the digits should be the same as the three-digit number that is found on the top right hand corner of your parish’s Banking and Data Entry Batch Header Forms. This is our unique banking code for your particular parish, and how we recognise your deposits.

Also note: If you were to ever make a deposit into our account electronically, it is most important that you insert this three digit code into the reference box.

STEP SEVEN: What to return to Caritas

If the batch contains credit card donations place these at the top of the pile of slips and write CC on the top right hand corner of the Batch Header to ensure that we do not miss processing them. Don’t forget to add your explanation note if one was needed.

Post the bundle of slips to Caritas in one of the self-addressed envelopes provided as early in the week as is convenient.

Checklist for posting to Caritas:

·  Completed batch form - marked CC &/or ‘CHQ’ on top right hand corner if appropriate.

·  All completed coupon slips for the batch

·  Your explanation note if needed

I hope these instructions will be useful to you as you process the Lent donations during March & April. If you need any clarification or help at anytime please don’t hesitate to call me (Diane) on: 04 4961742 or 0800 221022 or you can email me at .

Good luck with your counting and thank you so much for your help with Lent 2012