TAMS/Civil Consultants

INDUSTRY Consultation Meeting 2/2016

Tuesday, 24th May 2016, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Present TAMS: Gabriel Joseph – Asset Acceptance, Kuga Kugathas – AIAMS, Jeff Bell- AA, Karl Cloos – Roads ACT, Paul Dowling - Asset Information, Lingam Jatheendran Asset Acceptance, Chandra Chandramohan Asset Acceptance, Ian McRae (ICON Water)

Present Consultants: Graeme Shoobridge (GSAS), Andrew Easey (Sellick Consultants), Luica Kovacev (KOVA), Kristian Starkovski, Geoff Farrar (BMCA), Roger Griffiths (AECOM), John Randall (AECOM), Peter Lewis (Calibre Consulting), Manoj Isac (GHD), Martin Gordon (RD Gossip)

Item / Comments / Action / Action by and When
1 / Gabriel thanked the presence of ICON (Water). Looking forward to the involvement of ActewAGL (electricity). / Invite / Maggie
2. / Action items:
a)Website update:
  • Now everything is in one location
  • Feedback on the website is welcome
  • The website is a ‘living’ site, and will be updated regularly
b)Single standard for the requirements of ICON and TAMS
  • ICON and TAMS reached agreement to use TAMS standard as the applicable standard. The list of tree species also revised. Any changes to the standards will be based on mutual consultation of ICON and TAMS.
  • A letter will formalise the agreement.
  • Agreed aspects need to go back to the EDP.
/ 2 (a): send feedback to Maggie Dunn
2 (b) – send a formal letter on the agreement reached. / 2 (a):Industry participants, - ongoing
2 (b) – TAMS
3 / Paul provided update of “As Constructed”drawing submission - ACDC WAE Portal. In respond to the issues raised by the Industry, TAMS undertook the following actions:
  • Modified/ developed specifications for the attributes and updated the pick list
  • Paul and Nathan in discussions with a civil consultant and Queanbeyan Regional Council to standardise layer names and modify AutoCAD blocks to be in line with industry practice.
  • Improving the Oracle database (eg pick list of trees and stormwater assets)
  • Developing a help file (quick guide and detailed guide for each asset)
  • Planning training session after testing
/ Complete updates and organise training / Paul – July 2016
4 / ProjectWise and TCD downloads:
Gabriel reminded the significant benefits and the need of the Industry using ProjectWise. Amongst other benefits, 24/7 access to data library and TCD download. For any assistance, contact James Downing / Obtain ProjectWise passport/ licence / Industry by the end of June 2016.
5 / Canberra Streetscape Guideline:
Kuga presented an overview of the project. / Note the progress
6 / Queue length issue of Off-Street parking:
TAMS is looking into the issue of queue extending to public roads. TAMS is keen to have a ‘partnered’ approach. A small team identified for partnership (John, Graham and Andrew). Roads ACT (Traffic Management & Safety) will also be involved. / Convene a meeting with consultant representatives to look at the issue in detail. / Asset Acceptance by August 2016
7 / Non-confirming Subsoil Work:
Gabriel illustrated the issue and the importance of awareness of the issue. / Avoid such occurrences / Industry – ongoing
8 / Gabriel outline the re-structure of TAMS and its transition into a new directorate: Transport Canberra and City Services / Note
9 / Fees and charges will be increased by CPI / Note
10 / Changes to the Foyer of Macarthur House arrangements. Road ACT will have a separate counter. / Note
11 / Advisory Note – Soft Landscape Consolidation period:
The advisory note is temporarily paused until TAMS clearly indentify the outcome from this exercise. Once identified, wider consultation with the industry members will take place. / Internal meeting to clarify outcome needed for TAM / Asset Acceptance – by July 2016.
12 / Survey monkey:
Encouraged to provide feedback for continuous improvement. Survey is on / Complete the survey / Industry