Advanced Technologies Academy

Course Expectations for English I H 2011/12

Miss Nicole Schultz, Instructor 799-7870 Ext. 3326


Course Description


This one-year course is the beginning of a rigorous college preparatory sequence. This course emphasizes the study of composition and literature. The skills of critical thinking, reading, listening, writing, and speaking are developed through increased knowledge of literary genres with practical application of the writing process, which includes the five-paragraph essay and research project. Students complete extensive outside, independent reading and projects. A research project is required. This course will fulfill one of the four English credits required for graduation.


1. To speak and listen effectively in formal and informal settings.

2. To develop study and organizational skills.

3. To write legibly, using standard business English grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation,

capitalization, and spelling.

4. To apply the skills required by the Nevada State Proficiency Writing Standards.

5. To reinforce the steps in the writing process.

6. To create unified, multi-paragraph compositions in support of a thesis statement.

7. To write imaginative, descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive compositions.

8 To develop library and research skills.

9. To expand individual, functional vocabulary.

10. To read a broad range of contemporary and classic fiction, nonfiction, drama, and poetry.

11. To recognize figurative language in literature and to use figures of speech in writing.

12. To comprehend, interpret, and evaluate a variety of reading materials.

13. To develop an understanding of good character and ethics by responding to a wide variety of

written and oral communication.

14. To develop an awareness and appreciation of other cultures and literary history.

15. To think logically and critically and to apply those skills in new learning situations.


McDougal Littell The Language of Literature, Orange Level, 2002.

Holt. Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, and Sentences. Sixth Edition, 2008.


In addition to the textbook, reading selections from the following list may also be used during the course of the year.

AnthemAny Rand

Fahrenheit 451Ray Bradbury

Great ExpectationsCharles Dickens

Odyssey, TheHomer

Pride and PrejudiceJane Austen

Romeo and JulietWilliam Shakespeare

SpeakLaurie Halse Anderson To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee


In order to supplement and enhance the reading of some texts, an occasional video or brief video clip is shown. According to CCSD policy, no film will be shown unless it is rated G or PG.


It is expected that students use technology to enhance the learning environment in the classroom. Please be advised that the instructor will closely monitor all computer use, and it is expected that students will remain on task in accordance with the assignment. Any variation of the intended assignment or misuse of educational technology, including the Internet, will result in disciplinary action.


Students should come to class with the following materials:

  1. English I H notebook (1 ½ “ three ring binder with five tabs and lined paper inside)
  2. Pencil and blue or black pen
  3. Textbook/Required novel
  4. Grammar Book (Composition Book)
  5. Homework (always due at the beginning of class, place it in the turn-in drawer as you enter class)
  6. USB (Very helpful in high school! Used daily in all classes to save and continue working on essays and assignments)

**If you have a problem acquiring any of the class materials, please contact me ASAP for assistance or materials!


Grading Scale:






Semester Grades:

The following percentiles will be used to determine first and second semester grades:

First/Third Quarter45%

Second/Fourth Quarter45%

Semester Final10%_


Grading Procedure:

Each quarter grade will be composed of homework, class-work, essays, projects, quizzes, tests, notebooks, and class participation. Points on each assignment will be determined by both correctness and quality of all assignments submitted. Under no circumstances will grades be rounded up or curved.

Citizenship Grades:

Citizenship grades are based upon the following:

O= Outstanding: Positive contributions, active participation, preparation, cooperation, and

no more than one tardy.

S= Satisfactory: Preparation, cooperation, and no more than three tardies.

N= Needs Improvements: Excessive talking, lack of participation, and lacks daily materials.

U= Unsatisfactory: Excessive tardiness, disruptive behavior, inappropriate language and/or

behavior, and uncooperative attitude.

Grade Updates:

Updated grades will be posted on Parentlinkat least once a week. Students are responsible to check their grades each week and bring any errors to my attention as soon as possible. Although I attempt to maintain complete accuracy, it is wise for the student to maintain grade accuracy. If you need to discuss your grades, please make an appointment or stop in before or after school; I do not discuss grades during class time.


All students will be expected to keep a three ring binder with tabs as a notebook that is exclusively for English I H class. The notebook will contain dividers with the following titles: Notes, Handouts, Vocabulary, Writing, and Tests/Quizzes. These notebooks will be collected once per quarter to be evaluated for a grade based on completion and organization.


Homework assigned is due at the beginning of class, and late work is not accepted. Homework will be given approximately three times per week (30 minutes a night on average). However, it may be heavier at times due to the format of the English I Honors curriculum. It is preferred that homework assignments are computer generated, using an MLA heading (as shown in class), Times New Roman font, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, and in black ink.

All assignments should be neat, professional, and error-free. Tests and quizzes will be given throughout the year and will cover material presented in class and studied independently.

NOTE: Cheating is UNACCEPTABLE and will not be tolerated. As a class, we will discuss what qualifies as cheating, sharing work, plagiarism, etc. Cheating will result in the following for all involved students: 1) a zero on the assignment without the possibility to make-up the points, 2) a call home, and 3) and a detention with the teacher. Repeated offenses will result in an office referral.


Plagiarism is defined as “the appropriation of imitation of the language, ideas, and / or thought of another author, and representation of them as one’s original work” (Random House Dictionary of the English Language). Under no circumstances is a student to use anyone else’s work to deliver or submit to class. Also, he who gives the answers to another person to copy is guilty of plagiarism. Doing either will result in failure (perhaps not only on the assignment, but possibly the course), and disciplinary actions as well.

Late Work:

Turning work in on time is essential for success in high school; therefore, late work will not be accepted. Please use your student planner to be aware of due dates and allow sufficient time to complete each assignment thoroughly.

Make-Up Work:

Students have three days directly following an absence to contact the instructor concerning make-up work. In the back of the classroom there is always an up-to-date make-up work file. This file contains daily agendas from the past week and any handouts that were distributed. Students then have two days per absence to turn-in the completed make-up work for full credit.

Extra Credit:

There will be several opportunities per semester for students to earn extra credit. These opportunities will be offered to all students and will have a class due date. I encourage all students to take advantage of these opportunities, as there will be no individual opportunities to earn extra credit in this course.

Classroom Behavior

Students are expected to comply with the rules and regulations of Advanced Technologies Academy. In addition, the students will be asked to respect the following rules in the classroom:

  1. Be on Time:
  2. Students should be in their seats and working on the daily warm-up when the bell rings.
  3. Be Prepared:
  4. Students should have homework and required materials in class every day.
  5. Work should be printed prior to entering class. Do not use my classroom printer for last minute printing purposes; however, my printer is always available for printing before or after school or at lunch.
  6. Be Respectful:
  7. Students will treat each other with kindness and respect.
  8. They will also be respectful to the instructor, especially substitutes.
  9. Students will not use inappropriate language or tone.
  10. Students will be responsible for keeping their own areas of the classroom neat and clean. This means no food or drink other than H2O in the classroom.
  11. There will be no headphones or I-pods used in my classroom unless instructed by the teacher.
  12. Cell phones should not be taken out in my classroom. Any cell phone that is out or rings in my class will be confiscated and sent to the Dean’s office for parent pick-up.

Discipline Procedures

It is expected that students will behave in accordance to the rules of Advanced Technologies Academy, the CCSD behavior guidelines, and with respect for others. In the unfortunate event that a student misbehaves the following actions may be taken:

  1. Instructor-Student Conference
  2. Parental Contact (call or e-mail home)
  3. Disciplinary Referral

~Instructor reserves the right to bypass steps where serious discipline problems require immediate attention.~


Tardiness to class at A-TECH is unacceptable. Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to begin class when the bell rings. Once my door is closed, you are late. No exceptions! Students more than 30 minutes late to class are considered absent. The following tardy procedure will be followed:

Tardy 1…Oral Warning Tardy 4…Dean Referral (RPC)

Tardy 2…Written WarningTardy 5…Dean Referral (In-School Suspension)

Tardy 3…Dean Referral (Lunch Detention)Tardy over 5 times…Administrative Intervention

I look forward to a wonderful year with each and everyone one of you. Please take some time to look over my course expectations with your parents/guardians. Once you have had a chance to thoroughly read through the expectations, please sign the attached contract with your parents/guardians. The contracts are due to me by Tuesday, September 6, 2011. If you have any questions concerning these course expectations, or anything at all, feel free to contact me in person, by phone, or by e-mail (best way). My door is always open! Thank you in advance for your assistance and support.


Miss Nicole Schultz

English I H Instructor