Stoke Canon Parish Council Minutes

A Parish Council Meeting was held in The Bridge on Thursday 6th July 2017 at 7.30 pm.

Those present were: Derek Boustred (Chair), David Cowie, Sarah Poole, Angela Richards, Kate Scott-Clarke, Ray Bloxham (DCC) and Neville Bennett (Clerk), with one member of the public.

1. Apologies for Absence.

Alan Conway. Simon Grundy

2. Minutes of previous meeting (circulated)

These were agreed and signed as a correct record.

3. Matters Arising.

i) Parish Web Site. Progress.

The new web site is now live. It will be advertised as soon as all the necessary information is placed on the site.

ii) Neighbourhood Survey. Progress.

The new questionnaire is ready for printing which should be completed within a week. These will be distributed by hand and it will also be available to be completed online.

iii) Clearing the footpath from Stoke Canon to Rewe.

The probationers will continue to cut either side of the path this year and it will then be cut by Chris Burrows, initially four times per year. The lower branches of trees will be cut and brambles flailed once a year. Who will cut the grass from the road to the footpath is yet to be decided. NB to contact Helen Selby(DCC) regarding the promised refurbishment of the footpath.

iv) Parishes Together Fund.

NB to contact Rewe Parish Council regarding a joint bid.

v) To agree Standing Orders.

These were agreed and signed.

vi) Details of SWITCH fun day 7-9 August.

KS-C to contact the organizer.

vii) Fitment of additional benches in the village.

A proposal to fit a bench near the bus stop and another in the play park was agreed and quotes will now be acquired.

4. Reports

i) Report from PCSO Jack Stannard.

In the period April 30th to June 30th there were three crimes: Burglary from a communal hallway, theft of lead from the church roof and theft of a motorbike – later found.

ii) Report from EDDC Councillor. Not present.

iii) Report from DCC Councillor.

Ray Bloxham introduced himself and the committees and responsibilities he has in Devon CC and his desire to understand the issues in the communities he serves.

iv) Highways. David Cowie. Nothing to report.

v) Play Park. Angela Richards.

Angela is working with Sovereign to ascertain if and how it might integrate its services with our play park provision. Quotes had been acquired for painting play equipment and the black and white posts. It was requested that the quote for the latter be clarified.

vi) Footpaths. Alan Conway. Not present.

5. Matters Requiring Discussion.

i) Seafarers UK. Flying the Red Ensign on Merchant Navy Day. This was passed on to Stoke Canon PPC.

ii) LGBC. Electoral Review of East Devon. Noted.

6. Correspondence.

There was no paper correspondence.

7. Financial Matters.

i) To agree the Financial Regulations. Agreed and signed.

ii) Payments Out

North Devon Council. Clerks salary £327.72

The Bridge. Hire. May meeting. £18.00

The Bridge. Hire. July meeting £18.00

Devon CC. £37.50. Playing field.

Hedgerow print. Questionnaire printing. £215.00

Wicksteed. Parts for repair of equipment in play park. £527.57

Hoopers Services. Grass cutting in play park. £78.00

Hoopers Services. Grass cutting in play park and strimming verges. £286.80

Mark Tripe. Paint and renovate bus stop. £643.00

Visionict. Design of website. £600.00, and training £90.

iii) Payments In:

DCC. Parish paths. £300.00

iv) Bank balance @ 01.07.17 - £14275.08 (does not include all the payments out).

8. Planning Matters.

Retention of double classroom unit. Stoke Canon Primary School. Withdrawn. Noted.

9. Any Other Business.

i) An informal request was made for a financial contribution towards cutting the grass in the high cemetery. It was regretted that a contribution could not be made on this occasion.

ii) It was noted that the public house had been put on the market and its future was unclear.

10. Date of Next Meeting.

Thursday September 7th. .