Humberside Police


Joint Branch Board

Established by Act of Parliament

1a Redland Drive, Kirk Ella, East Yorkshire, HU10 7UE

Telephone 01482 653480 Fax 01482 653478

15th February 2016

BBC Radio Humberside Interview 12th February 2016


I write to you on behalf of all members of the Humberside Police Federation in regards to the above interview given by yourself last Friday on local BBC Radio.

In particular I refer to the comments you made in relation to the welfare, work life balance, shifts and the annual leave policy and the options open to both our members and Police staff if they are unhappy with the situation i.e. they have the option to seek alternative employment.

Firstly, we have to express our bitter disappointment at these comments and the fact that this has caused many of our members to feel angry, undervalued and further disenfranchised from the Organisation.

Government cuts to Police funding have in the last 12 months seen the complete change and restructure of the Organisation here in Humberside with a new operating model and the subsequent significant difficulties experienced in its implementation. Our members bore the brunt of this with the introduction of a new corporate shift pattern, postings across the Force geographical area as well as a more stringent flexible working policy. A vast increase in workloads and roles and responsibilities have ensued as a result of this.

It is of no surprise to us at all that the last 12 months have seen a significant rise in the levels of sickness across the organisation and in particular that of stress related illnesses.

It has to be noted though that our members are fully committed to delivering the best service that they possibly can to the Communities that they serve during what has been a long period of upheaval and uncertainty.

In your comments of last Friday, you stated that the most important thing is that the Force protects the Public and puts them first.

I remind you that the Police are the Public and the Public are the Police and although we are Crown Servants and not employees, we are still entitled to an acceptable work life balance and to a family life.

I suggest both have been heavily tested and as you will be aware this has led to some making the ultimate decision to leave the Force. As the Police Federation Chairman, a serving Police Officer and member of the Public I find this deeply disturbing. This cannot be right or benefit the public we serve with such experience simply being allowed to walk out of the door if they don’t like it.

I have been made aware that your interview on Friday was political and given in your capacity as a candidate in the forthcoming PCC election. However, as the current incumbent in that role I would have hoped for a more balanced approach in your comments with the direct knowledge and experience of matters within Humberside Police that you will have in that position.

For our members this matter has done nothing but to undermine their confidence in you and I invite you to retract your comments, and to strengthen and rebuild the confidence of our members and that of the Public we serve too.

Yours sincerely,


Paul Yeomans

Humberside Police Federation


Represent - Influence - Negotiate