Academic CV
Retired:August 2006.Email:
Founder and Director of the Joint Members of Parliament Research Project (1991-2006)
Lecturer in Politics - University of Sheffield 1981-88
Reader in Politics – Nottingham Trent University 1991-98
Associate Professorof Politics - University of Warwick (1998-2006)
Programme Director for Core Undergraduate Programme – PAIS Warwick (2000-2006)
Brief Academic Career Resume
- BA (Hons) Politics & History University of Sheffield (1977), Ph.D. (Politics) Sheffield (1982).
- Joined Warwick in 1998 after Sheffield University (Lecturer 1981-88) and Nottingham Trent (SL/Reader 1991-1998).
- With Professor Andrew Gamble founded the ‘Members of Parliament Research Project’ in 1991 which has since extensively investigated the impact of European Union membership on domestic parties and elite opinion in the UK. Read the founding document of this research: ‘Mapping Conservative Fault Lines: Problems of Typology'
- Published extensively in the field of Political Parties and the political economy of Britain in Europe andalso theorising and conceptualising fascism.
- Elected to a Jean Monet Research Fellowship of the European University Institute in Florence for the academic year 2000/01.
- Elected member of the Executive Committee of the British Politics Group of the American Political Science Association. 2003-5
- Elected to a Fellowship of the Political Economy Research Centre of the University of Sheffield for the academic year 2004-5and again 2008-10
- Regular media commentator on UK/EU politics to National and International TV, radio and Press.
- Peer referee for the UK national Economic and Social Research Council research grant applications and End of Award reports.
- Peer referee for Political Studies, Party Politics, West European Politics, Politics, Talking Politics, Current Politics and Economics in Europe, and Sociology etc.
- Reviewer of Palgrave-Macmillan; Pearson Education; Routledge;Oxford, Cambridge;I. B. Tauris, Manchester University Press, and Polity.
- Research project reviewer for HCFCEand ESRC
- Undergraduate Admissions Director (Sheffield)
- (1995-98) Politics RAE Strategy Advisor (Nottingham)
- 1997-8Undergraduate Admissions Director (Nottingham)
- (2001) Joint TQA Audit Director (Warwick)
- (1999-2006) Undergraduate Program and Admissions Director for the Core degrees (Warwick)
- (2003-5) Chair QA Teaching Committee (Warwick)
Teaching and Research Interests
- Political Economy and Political Ideologies
- British Political Parties and Europe and the Impact of British membership of the EU on the UK's domestic political agenda.
- Ideologies and Movements of the Extreme Right.
- Innovation and the development of research-led teaching in Politics and International Studies
Work in Progress
- Book Manuscript: Reclaiming Political Economy: Routledge for publication in 2016
- Book Manuscript with Pauline Schnapper (Sorbonne) Britain and the Crisis of the European Union – Palgrave Macmillan, publication 2015.
Selected Publications Since 2001
- “Negotiable Asset” or “Zero Sum Game”? Sovereignty verses Democracy in the Contemporary European Union?' Accepted for publication in Luis Filipe Lobo-Fernandes and Joel D. Wolfe (Eds.):Assessing European Political Integration: New Perspectives and Theories.Little Brown and Co, New York, 2007.
- The ‘Political Economy' of Fascism: Mythor Reality: or Mythand Reality? New Political Economy Volume 11, Number 2, June 2006. pp. 227-250.
- 'Britain and Europe: The dog That Didn't Bark.'Parliamentary Affairs, Vol 58, No 2. April (2005). pp. 303-317 (With Dr. Philippa Sherrington)
- Of Fascism and Idealising Abstractions: Are All Cats Grey? A Response to “Fascism’s new faces (and new facelessness) in the ‘post-fascist’ epoch.” And "Generic Fascism: an off-road vehicle mired in the conceptual mud; or speeding down the highway towards a greater understanding of nazism? A response to Roger Griffin's: “Da capo, con meno brio: towards a more useful conceptualization of generic fascism.” Both articles are published inErwägen Wissen Ethik(Deliberation Knowledge Ethics), Stuttgart, October/November 2004.
- ’Europeor America: or Europeand America? Redefining Britain and Europe in 2003’Parliamentary Affairs Vol. 57, No 2, April 2004 (with Dr Philippa Sherrington)
- ’Treading Water or Slowly Drowning: Britain and Europe in 2002’, Parliamentary Affairs, Vol 56, No 2, (2003).
- ‘Sovereign Nations and Global Markets: Modern British Conservatism and Hyperglobalism.’British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol 4, No 3, October 2002. (with A Gamble, and D. Seawright.)
- ’Britain and Europe: More blood on the Euro Carpet’Parliamentary Affairs, Vol 55, No 2, (2002).
- ’Elite Discourse and Popular Opinion on European Union: British Exceptionalism Revisited.Politique Europeenne, 6, Spring, (2002).
- ’Cast from the same pro-European mould? Attitudes of Labour members of the House of commons, Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly Towards Europe.’Politique Europeenne,6, Spring, (2002). (With D. Seawright and N. Randall.)
- ‘Britain and Europe: The Argument Continues’,Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 54, No 2, (2001).
Chapters in Edited volumes since 2001
- Euroscepticism in the British Party System: A Source of Fascination, Perplexity and Sometimes Frustration.' (with A. Gamble, D. Seawright, and N. Randall) in P. Taggart and A. Sczerbiak (eds):Comparative Euroscepticism (2 Volumes) Oxford University Press, September (2005).
- ’Intra-party relationships of British ’state-wide’ political parties within the developing devolved territorial agenda.’ in M. O’Neill (ed)Devolution and British Politics, Longman, (2004)
Scholarly Non-Refereed Articles and Other Contributions Since 2001
- Entry on 'Fascism' in Mitcham, Carl. ed. (2005).Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. (2005)
- ‘On Track From the First Minute: The Discipline of Politics at Warwick’.Times Higher Education Supplement April 2004. (With Dr. Philippa Sherrington).
- ‘Far Right and Wrong: Who Votes for the BNP and Why’.Progress, May/June 2002.
- ‘British Conservative Scepticism towards European Union Re-examined.’ On Line article Atelier électronique « Regards sur les partis de droite en Europe 2001. (with Gamble, Randall, and Seawright.)
- 'Pariah Politics; Modernizing The British Far Right?’Talking PoliticsVol. 12, No 3, (Spring 2001)
Publications Prior to 2001
- Britain For and Against Europe? British Politics and the Question of European Integration. Oxford University Press, March 1998. (with Dr. David Seawright.)
- Ideology of Obsession: A. K. Chesterton and British Fascism. I. B. Tauris, London, 1996
Scholarly Articles
- Panelism in Action: The Outcomes of Labour’s New Selection Methods for the 1999 European Elections.Political Quarterly, (Spring 2000)
- 'Researching British MPs: The Members of Parliament Project Studies.'Talking Politics, Autumn, (1998.)
- 'The Members of Parliament Project: A Research Review.'Politics,17:1 January (1997.)
- 'Labour and Europe: A Survey of MPs and MEPs.'Political Quarterly, 67:4. October- December (1996.) With A. Gamble, S. Ludlam & D. Seawright.
- ''The Conservative Parliamentary Elite 1964-1994: The End of Social Convergence?Sociology29:3.August. (1995) pp. 703-713. With I. Fountain; A Gamble, and S. Ludlam.
- 'Backbench Conservative Attitudes to European Integration'Political Quarterly66:2, April-June (1995.) pp. 221-233. With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam
- 'The Parliamentary Siege of Maastricht'Parliamentary Affairs47:1, January (1994) pp. 37-60. With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam.
- '1846..1906..1996: Conservative Splits and European Integration.'Political Quarterly, 64:4, October-December, (1993.) pp. 420-434. With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam
- 'Whips or Scorpions? The Maastricht Vote and the Conservative Party',Parliamentary Affairs, 46:2, April (1993.) With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam.
- 'Conservative MPs: A Response.'Sociology- 26:4, November, (1992.) With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam.
- 'More "Classless" and Less "Thatcherite": Conservative MPs and Ministers after the 1992 Election.'Parliamentary Affairs, 45:4, October (1992), pp. 656- 668. With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam.
- 'Christian Opposition to Conservative Governments Since 1979: A Theoretical Framework.'Political Quarterly, 62:1, (1991). pp. 90 - 105.
- 'The Appeal of Fascism'Patterns of Prejudice, 20:3, (1986.)
- 'A .K. Chesterton, the Strasser Brothers and the Politics of the National Front.'Patterns of Prejudice19:3, (1985).
Chapters in Edited volumes
- ‘The British Conservative and Labour parties and Europe: Euro-positive, Euro-sceptic or Euro-exit?’ In Pauline Schnapper, Agnes Alexandre-Collier and Katrine Cabrol (eds.)Le Royaume-Uni et la construction Européenne, published by the University of Orleans and British Council – October (2001)
- MPs and Europe: Enthusiasm, Circumspection or Outright Scepticism?British Elections & Parties Review Volume 9: Eds. C. Pattie; D. Denver; J. Fisher; P. Cowley Frank Cass, (1999) (with A. Gamble & D. Seawright).
- 'Backbenchers with Attitude: A Seismic Study of the Conservative Party and Dissent on Europe.', inParty Cohesion, Party Discipline and the Organization of Parliaments. eds. S. Bowler, D. M. Farrell and R. S. Katz, Ohio State University Press, (1998). With A. Gamble, S. Ludlam & D. Seawright.
- "The Extreme Right in the 1920s', in The Failure of British Fascism:The Far-Right and the Fight for Political Recognition,(edited by Dr. M Cronin, Macmillan, (1996.) ISBN 0-333-64674-6
- 'The Blue Map of Europe: Conservative Parliamentarians and European Integration..'Elections. Public Opinion and Parties in Britain Year-Book, Vol. 7(1996) Sage, ISBN 0-7146- 4705-5 With I. Fountain; A Gamble; and S. Ludlam
- 'The Socio-Economic Composition of the Parliamentary Conservative Party - 1945-94', (in Ludlam and Smith (eds.)The Contemporary Conservative Party ISBN 0-333-646746, Macmillan (1996.)
- 'Mapping Conservative Fault Lines: Problems of Typology' in P. Dunleavy and J Stanyer (eds.)Contemporary Political Studies(1994): Vol. 1. UK Political Studies Association, 1994. ISBN 0-9523150-0-9 With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam.
Scholarly Non-Refereed Articles and Other Contributions
- ‘British Conservative Scepticism towards European Union Re-examined.’ On Line article Atelier électronique « Regards sur les partis de droite en Europe2001. (with Gamble, Randall, and Seawright.)
- 'Pariah Politics; Modernizing The British Far Right?’ Talking Politics Vol. 12, No 3, (Spring 2000)
- ‘Understanding Fascism: A Plea for methodological Pluralism’, Searchlight, October 1999.
- ‘The Coming Reckoning: British Governing Parties and Europe.’Times Higher Educational Supplement. 23 November 1998.
- 'Westminster MPs attitudes towards Europe: The 1998 ESRC Survey Results.'European Journal,(October 1998). (With D. Seawright.)
- '‘MPs and Europe in the New Parliament.’Parliamentary Brief(October 1998) with D. Seawright.
- 'What do our MPs know, or care, about Europe?'Parliamentary Brief, (Spring, 1998.)
- 'The Major Problem in Labour's Europe.' Parliamentary Brief, 4:6, May 1996, pp. 8 - 12.. (With A. Gamble, S. Ludlam & D. Seawright. )
- 'What Tory MPs Think About Europe', inParliamentary Brief, 3:5, December 1994 (With I. Fountain, A Gamble, and S. Ludlam. )
- 'The Cracks in the Opposition on Europe.' in Parliamentary Brief, 3:5, December 1994 (With A Gamble; S. Ludlam; and D. Seawright. )
- 'What Difference Would Blair Make?'European Brief, 2:8, July/August 1995, (With D Seawright and D. Wring. )
- 'Tony Blair and Economic and Monetary Union.'European Brief,2: 4 Feb 1995. (With I. Fountain; A Gamble; and S. Ludlam: )
- 'The Ghosts of Peel and Balfour'Parliamentary Brief and European Brief, 2:1 July 1993. (With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam )
- 'Britain's Ruling Class.'The Economist, 23:1:93.
Conference Activities
I attended most of the annual Political Studies Association Conferences since 1983. I am also an active member of the EPOP (Elections, Public Opinion and Parties in Britain) sub-group, whose conferences I have been attending since 1992. I have given papers at several European Consortium for Political Research Conferences. (Madrid, Bordeaux, Oslo, and Mannheim) I have also attended various international conferences in Britain, Europe and North America including APSA. I am an active member of the APSA British Politics Group and this year chairing of the Donald Stokes Prize Committee to award a scholarship to an outstanding postgraduate student to research British Politics at any university in the UK in 1999. In a typical year (2002) I represented the MPP at PSA; ECPR; APSA and EPOP, gave papers at ECPR and APSA and chaired sessions at PSA, EPOP and APSA. I am currently a member of the Executive Committee of the British Politics Group of APSA.
Conferences Papers
- “Negotiable Asset” or “Zero Sum Game”? Sovereignty verses Democracy in the European Union? International Round Table on "Assessing European Political Integration: New Perspectives", University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. (October 7-8th 2005).
- ‘Old Europe’ or ‘New Europe’? The UK's post-war standing in the EU. Second Pan-European Conference on EU politics of the EU. Standing Group on European Union Politics, Bologna, 23rd – 26th June 2004 (With Philippa Sherrington)
- ‘The Shotgun Marriage: Managing Eurosceptical Opinion in British Political Parties 1972-2002’. Paper given to the panel on "Scepticism in European Party Politics" at the Eighth Biennial European Union Studies Association International Conference, Nashville Tennessee, (March 27-29th 2003).
- “British Sovereignty and the European Union?” Presented to ‘Britain and the European Union: At the Heart of Europe or On Its Edge?’ A Conference sponsored by the European Union Center at the University of Oklahoma Co-sponsored by the APSA ‘British Politics Group’ and the British Consulate in Houston, Texas. (November 2002)
- ‘Celtic Exceptionalism and Europe: the case of Scotland and Wales’presented at APSA in San Francisco, August/September 2001.
- IPSA 2000 Panel: Quebec City, Canada: 'Varieties of Conservative Politics in a Global Age' Paper Title: 'Nation For Market - Modern British Conservatism and Hyperglobalism as Hypernationalism?' (with Andrew Gamble, David Seawright.)
- ECPR Copenhagen 2000. Workshop on 'The History of Political Concepts - A New perspective on European Political Culture.' Paper Title: ‘National Sovereignty and European Integration: A Very British Concept.’
- ‘Panelism in Action: Labour’s 1999 European Parliamentary Candidate selections’, Paper presented to the September 1999 EPOP Conference, Northampton University College.
- ‘Open regionalism or national political economy? New Labour and the British Conservative consensus on EU.’ Paper presented to the British Politics Group Sessions: American Political Science Association Conference, Atlanta, September 1-4 1999. (with Andrew Gamble and David Seawright)
- The European Exceptionalism of the British Political Elite. ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Mannheim, 26-31 March 1999 Workshop 4: Conservative Politics and the Nature of Consensus in the 1990s (with Andrew Gamble and David Seawright)
- 'The Attitude Survey of Westminster Parliamentarians on Europe: Initial Findings' Paper for the Elections, Political parties and Opinion Polls Conference, Manchester, September 18-20, 1998. (With A. Gamble, & D. Seawright.)
- 'New Labour - New Attitudes to Europe? 1998 Political Studies Association Conference, Keele University, April 7-9. 1998
- 'Comparisons and Contrasts on Europe: The Two Members of Parliament Project Survey's of MP's and Europe Compared. Britain in Europe Panel at the American Political Science Conference, Washington DC, 28th August 1997. (With A. Gamble, S. Ludlam and D. Seawright.)
- 'Sovereignty: The PLP's Battleground for Economic Management.' 1996 EPOP Conference, Sheffield, 13th-15th September 1996. (With Gamble, and Seawright.)
- 'A "Rosy" Map of Europe? Labour Parliamentarians and European Integration: Initial Survey Results. 'Britain in Europe Panel (2) PSA Conference, Glasgow, April, 1996. (With Gamble and Seawright.)
- 'Backbenchers with Attitude: the Gap between British Conservative MPs' Private opinions and Parliamentary Behaviour during the passage of the Maastricht Bill.' paper to the Conference of the European Consortium for Political research (ECPR) Bordeaux April 1995. (With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam and D. Seawright.)
- 'Sovereignty: The San Andraes Fault of Conservative ideology', paper presented to the Conference of the Political Studies Association, (PSA) York, April 1995. (With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam.)
- 'Conservative Parliamentarians and European Integration: Initial Survey results.' Paper presented to: Elections Public Opinion and Parties specialist Group of the Political Studies Association at Cardiff University, September 1994. (With I. Fountain, A Gamble, S. Ludlam.)
- 'The Conservative Party and European Integration' Paper presented to the European Consortium for Political Research Conference, Madrid, April 1994. (With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam.)
- 'Mapping Conservative Fault Lines: Problems of Typology' Paper presented to the Political Studies Association Conference at Swansea, April 1994. (With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam.)
- '1846...1906...1996? Could European Integration lead the Conservative Party into the Wilderness Again?'. Paper presented to the Political Studies Association Conference at Leicester University, April 1993. (With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam. )
- 'Conservative Members of Parliament: A Research Agenda.' Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association: Specialist Group on Elections Parties, and Public Opinion in Britain., Worcester College, Oxford, September 1991. (With A. Gamble and S. Ludlam. )
- 'Are the Far Left the "New Fascists"? Why Professor Paul Wilkinson has got it wrong.' (Conference on Fascism and Revisionism. - Sheffield 1986.)
- 'An Obvious Fact Clarified: Why the "New Right" is Not Fascist.' (Political Studies Association Conference, 1985)
- "There is No Alternative": A Study of the Authoritarian Roots of the New Right in Britain.' (Political Studies Association Conference, 1984)
Research Management
I have been involved in managing the Members of Parliament Project (MPP) since I co-founded it with Andrew Gamble in 1991. Three former researchers on the project, Dr. Dominic Wring, Dr. David Seawright and Dr. Nick Randall have since gone on to permanent politics lectureships (at Loughborough, Leeds and Newcastle respectively), and a third, Katrina Bull, formerly ran the private office for a leading East Midlands Labour MP and now works for the pressure group Britain in Europe and is a local Labour politician in Nottingham. The MPP is now in its thirteenth year of joint research activities.
Research Grants
- [2004-7] HEFCE £250,000 over three years (with Dr Philippa Sherrington at Warwick and colleagues at Oxford Brookes and Coventry.) To investigate the potential for the application of the American 'Scholarship of Engagement' methodology to British higher education teaching and learning. (In Progress.)
- [2000/01] ESRC £86,000 over 12 months: 'Attitudinal Mapping of Scottish and Welsh MPs on The Issue of Europe.' Completed rated ‘good’.
- [1998/9] ESRC £92,000 over twelve months 'Attitudinal Mapping of Westminster MPs of all Parties on The Issue of Europe' (ESRC Award 000222321) Completed - rated ‘Good’.
- [1995/6] ESRC £64,000 over nine months 'Attitudinal Mapping of Labour Parliamentarians on the Issue of Europe' (ESRC Award 000221298) 1998 £30,000 over 12 months ' Mapping British Parliamentarians' Attitudes to European Integration.' (ESRC Award 0000222397).Completed - rated ‘Good’.
- [1995]: £65,000 over two years NTU Research Enhancement Fund– To set up a database on Conservative and Labour MPs. (Successful)
- [1994/5] ESRC £ 48,000 over nine months. 'Attitudinal Mapping of Conservative Parliamentarians on the Issue of Europe' (an attitude survey of Conservative MPs, MEPs, and EP candidates) Funded by ESRC (Award No. R000231298). Completed – rated ‘outstanding’
Professor Andrew Gamble
Chair of Politics and International Studies
University of Cambridge
17 Mill Lane,
Cambridge, CB2 1RX
Professor Roger Eatwell
Dean of Faculty of Social Science and Professor of European Politics
Department of European Studies
University of Bath
Bath, BA2 7AY
Professor Ben Rosamond
Deputy director of Political Science Department
University of Copenhagen
Professor Tony Payne
Professorof Politics
Department of Politics
University of Sheffield
S10 2TU
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