
Ash Grove, North Hykeham, Lincoln LN6 8DU

Tel: 01522 682020


2ndFebruary 2017

Dear Parents

As part of the children’s topic work this term on Roman Lincoln a visit has been arranged to Lincoln Bailgate area and The Collection Museum on Monday 27th February and Friday 3rd March 2017. On Monday 27th February the children from Miss France’s and Miss Grundy’s classes and the Year 3’s from Mrs Deakin’s class will take part in the visit. On Friday 3rdMarch the children from Mrs Douglas’s and Mrs Spray’s classes and the Year 4’s from Mrs Deakin’s class will take part in the visit.

Coaches will leave school at 9.30am and return back by 3.25pm (depending on traffic). The children will need to wear their school uniform and bring rain coats if wet, sun cream and sun hats if hot and we ask that you please pack your child's lunch in a named carrier bag which can be disposed of straight after.

During the day the children will follow a walking trail of Lincoln, tour the Bailgate area, taking photos and videos and also seeing at first hand, evidence of Roman life in the city. The day will include a visit to The Collection. This archaeological collection covers 300,000 years of history from the earliest inhabitants of Lincolnshire to the Eighteenth Century and will link to our recent topic about Early Briton. The archaeology gallery at the collection takes visitors on a journey through the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages before exploring the Roman, Saxon, Viking and Medieval eras.

There is a voluntary cost of £5.50per child (free of charge if currently in receipt of free school meals). If paying by cheque please make it payable to FosseWayAcademy.

If you are free on either of these days and have time to spare, we are looking for some adults to work with a group of children on what sounds a very exciting day. If you are able to please tick the box at the bottom of this letter and names will be drawn from a hat, if we have more offers than places.

Please remember not to book a hot meal for your child on this day. If your child is entitled to a free school meal please contact Jo at Good Lookin Cookin (01522 500779) who will be happy to provide a packed lunch on the day. When sending money for the trip please place in a named sealed envelope.

The Governors have agreed that the school reserves the right to exclude any child who has a poor record of behaviour.

Yours sincerely

Head Teacher


Visit to the Lincoln Bailgate area and The CollectionMuseum

I give permission for my child ______of Class ______to go on the above visit and enclose a voluntary contribution of £5.50/my child is in receipt of free school meals therefore no contribution is made (please delete)

Signed ______Name ______


I am able to helpon Monday 27th FebruaryI am able to help on Friday 3rdMarch