Class Displacements – Friday 30 January

Period 2 / 1/23I Music - Mrs Watson / Class displaced to B14

Mr Barnett’s 7-Up: The venue for the meeting is Mr Barnet’s office. Before coming to your meeting, please think about the following: “We are about to start deciding what areas we should work on within the School Improvement Plan for 2015-2016. What one thing would you suggest for us to work on to improve the school or to improve learning in the school?”

Friday 30 January 2015

Caitlin Crombie 3M

Callum Farquhar 3G

Callum Nicol 3G

Cameron Cruickshank 3G

Camila Oreata Bascope 3M

Cara Smith 3S

Cemlyn Staples 3G

Harry Potter and Elgin Academy Readers: Why not borrow a Harry Potter book from the library and get in the mood for the party next Thursday? J.K. Rowling haswritten great stories and introduced truly memorable characters, so give them a go. If you are already a fan, then our Harry Potter Night will be a great opportunity to pass the wand on to new readers. (ST)

Team Photographs/Orchestra – Deadline extended: Team photos are on display on the WOW board on the blue floor (beside the blue lockers). Order forms available from the school office. The deadline date for orders has been extended and completed orders should now be returned by Friday 6 February.


S3 Holland Trip: All Holland pupils must remember that their second payment£150is due on Monday 2/2/15 to Miss Morton and their passport forms and passport forms and photographs must be handed in to Mr Robertson by the same date. Thank you. (KM)

S3 Interhouse Basketball: Will take place next week on Tuesday 3 February at 1pm. Entry forms at the PE department. (RS)


Career Planning Appointments with Skills Development Scotland – Friday 30 January:

P2 Tiegan Green 5I P3 Alfie Young 5R P4 Evan Forsyth 5R

P5 Eilidh Sandison 5R P6 Ross Elliot 5R

Career Planning Appointments with Skills Development Scotland – Monday 2 February:

P2 Dani Morrison 5M P3 Audrey Green 4I

S4 & S5 Assemblies:

·  All S4 pupils should attend an assembly in the hall on Monday 2 February 8:45-9am.

·  All S5 pupils should attend an assembly in the hall on Tuesday 3 February 8:45-9am. (LB)

Pupils and staff should go straight to the Assembly Hall on their allocated day and register their class in the Hall. All pupils should be seated together in their registration class.

My World of Work website - aged 16 years and over? Register for your chance to win £1000 of travel vouchers to include, rail travel, driving lessons etc... For students who are already registered, visit My Account, click Edit details and Save. Your name will then also be automatically entered in the draw. (CF)

S6 House Leaders: Please don't forget to deliver your party invitations, as well as the meeting on Tuesday at interval. (ST)

S6/Staff Photograph – ‘Fun’ Photo: The ‘fun’ picture taken of S6 pupils and staff is on display on the ‘Elgin Academy News’ display board in the canteen. Order forms can be collected from the school office. The deadline date for all orders has been extended and completed order forms should now be returned by Friday 6 February. Thank you

S6 Vs Staff Football Match: Date has been rescheduled for Wednesday 4 February. It will take place after school and will be held either on the grass pitch or astro turf depending on the conditions of the pitch. There is a sign-up sheet in the S6 area for those who want to play. (Drew Cooper)

Fundraising Committee: Meeting on Monday 2 February at 1:10pm in B20.