INVITE and RSVP FormforCaLP’s Research Dissemination Event
29 April 2014
Dear Colleagues,
We are writing to invite you to a CaLP Research Dissemination Event on the 29th April in Bangkok.
From 2007 to 2010, humanitarian aid spending on cash transfer programmes increased from US$1.8 million (0.7%) to US$52 million (25.9%) (Global Humanitarian Assistance, Briefing: Tracking spending on cash transfer programming in a humanitarian context, March 2012).
This has, in part, been enabled by the advances, availability and adoption of appropriate technology even in the most remote and insecure areas along with other developments such as the need for humanitarian assistance and response tobecome– as highlighted by the UN Transformative Agenda – more tailored and appropriate to context, accountable to beneficiary choices/ preferences/ dignity, coordinated and cost-efficient/ effective in its responses, in an environment ofcompeting emergency priorities and decreasing funding.
This is particularly the case within the Asia region, where humanitarian agencies often operate in middle-income settings where governments, private sector, markets and civil societies are strongly present, capable and willing to lead emergency responses.
Latest Research:
In this context, the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) commissioned various piece of research recently around the following subjects:
- Is Cash Transfer Programming 'Fit for the Future'?
This report includes four thematic report annexes on the following themes (which can be found on the following link:
1)The potential links between social protection mechanisms and emergency response;
2)Coordination systems and CTP;
3)The future of financing CTP; and
4)The use of CTP by governments responding to national emergencies.
- Research Gaps in Cash Transfer Programming
This paper goes into the evident need for a thorough understanding of research ‘gaps and needs’ in CTP within the wider humanitarian sector (which can be found in: It identifies current gaps in CTP research, with the aim of enabling:
(a) An appreciation of what CTP research (action and evidence based research) has taken place, is planned and is being undertaken
(b) An identification of who is requesting, undertaking and applying the research. Linked to this is an understanding of how research findings and recommendations are used, shared and their impact monitored (with a view to increasing this aspect)
(c) A better understanding of any gaps in action research and a prioritisation of topics that may require awareness raising and advocacy to highlight their importance.
- E-Transfer Payments
A recent paper entitled ‘New technologies in cash transfer programming and humanitarian assistance’ (Smith G et al 2011) made a clear recommendation around a need for NGOs to have more guidance; ‘a ‘tool box’ of successful mechanisms, to enable wider adoption of proven innovations. This would lead to the development of common tools such as contractual templates, and could reduce set-up costs.
To contribute to the achievement of these recommendations, and building on previous collaboration between CaLP and Visa, CaLP established a working group in January 2013focused exclusively on e-transfers, and began three pieces of research on this topic:
1)Cost-effectiveness research (Donor: Visa)
2)E-transfer guidelines (Donor: Visa + DFID)
3)Principles and operational standards for the secure use of personal data in cash and e-transfer programmes (Donor: Visa + DFID)
Further Information and RSVP
These workshops are open to all regional and countryIASC (UN/ NGO/ donor agencies) as well as private sector and government bodies (NDMAs in particular) – where/ if possible –, those who have regional and country representation in Asiaand who participate in regional or country Cash Working Groups.
Attachedis an RSVP form for you to complete. We would be grateful if you could return the RSVP form byMonday 21 April towith copy to. Once we have the information about your participation, we will send your attendee the logistical information and updated agendas.
Unfortunately, CaLP does not currently have funding available to cover airfare or in-country costs for participants from outside of Thailand, however if you require any administrative/ visa/ transport/ travel booking support, please contact the above email addresses by Friday April 18.
More information on CaLP’s Asia Regional Hub work can be found at
We look forward to meeting with youor your representatives.
Yours sincerely,
Sara Almer
CaLP Coordinator
Carla Lacerda
CaLP Asia Regional Focal Point
(Please send to with copy y no later Monday 21April)
I confirm my participation in the CaLP Regional Dissemination Event on 29th April
Name of OrganisationName of Attendee
Duty Station (City, Country)
Job title
Contact information (e-mail, telephone)
Any dietary restrictions
I am interested in volunteering to support with co-host and/ or presentation on a topic:
Co-Host (Y/N)'Fit for the Future' Components (either Cash Coordination, Funding of CTP, Social Safety Nets, Uptake by Government) (Y/N)
Research Gaps in Cash Transfer Programming (Y/N)
E-Transfer Payments (Y/N)
I require additional support with: (please submit by April 18)
Travel including Bookings/ Visa (Y/N)Accommodation (Y/N)
Funding (Y/N)