Opening Remarks

for the Under-Secretary-General, Mr. Gyan Chandra Acharya,

for the Reception celebrating 15 years of UN-OHRLLS supporting the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States towards a sustainable future

21 September 2016, 6.00-7.30 pm

East Lounge, UNHQ, New York

  • It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to warmly welcome you all to this event, marking 15 years of the establishment of UN-OHRLLS.
  • It was a landmark event. An office was created to particularly highlight and raise the interests and concerns of these countries in a focused manner. There were a few reasons for that. First, their challenges are particular to them and are of structural nature. Second, they were not making progress. Third, they needed enhanced and focused international support and cooperation. Fourth, their progress or lack thereof affects global peace and prosperity. Despite some visible progress that they have made in some specific areas, those reasons continue to remain valid today.
  • For 15 years, OHRLLS has been advocating for them. These three groups of vulnerable countriescollectively are 92 member states in total,with a combined population of 1.1 billion people. They account for about 15 per cent of the global population.
  • Vulnerable countries have a lot to offer to the global community and represent an enormous human and natural resource potential, despite suffering from deprivation and conflict and under development and multiple vulnerabilities. Indeed, today, in this room, we are showcasing an exhibition called Least Not Last. It presents vulnerable countries that have been showing leadership and vision, by championing initiatives and projects in various sectors.
  • When they are showing national leadership and ownership, we have to enhance global cooperation. The concept of mutual responsibility is critical. The enlightened self-interest of us all demands that we extend global partnership and support to these countries, in their efforts towards building a better and sustainable future for their people.
  • These countries have their own programs of action, from IPOA, VPOA to SAMOA Pathway, which needs to be implemented in an accelerated manner. But they have also been able to integrate many of their issues in SDGs, Climate change agreements and AAAA. OHRLLS was very pleased to provide analytical study, support for negotiations and advocacy with all stakeholders. We have recently further intensified work with all the relevant financial and trade-related institutions, civil society, foundations.
  • I would like to express my gratitude to all of you particularly the partners from the north and south and of course the vulnerable countries themselvesfor supporting my office and the partners for giving priority to the most vulnerable countries.I hope that this event will strengthen the partnerships and plant seeds for further consolidation of support to the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States in the years ahead.
  • OHRLLS remains committed to intensifying its work together with all the stakeholders to bring about transformative change in all regions and groups, especially rural populations, women, youth, children and the disabled – we want to ensure that no one is left behind. We will consider our work successful, only when we see that the lives of people living in vulnerable countries have been visibly changed for the better.
  • This event is a good occasion for reflections and also an occasion for reinforcing our collective commitment.
  • With these remarks, I would like to thank all for coming tonight to join us in this celebration.
  • Thank you very much