IELTS Preparation: READING 4

Read this passage and complete the exercises on pages two and three.

Questions 1 – 8

Matching Headings to Paragraphs

The passage on page 1 has 8 paragraphs A – H.

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings.

List of headings

1.  The first powered flight G

2.  Pushing the limits of technology ……….

3.  The first international flight ……….

4.  Planes with no engines ……….

5.  How a hot air balloon works ……….

6.  Birdmen ……….

7.  The genius who saw the future D

8.  The first man-made things to fly ……….

9.  The flying farm E

10.  The long history of flying ……….

Questions 9 – 12

Multiple Choice Questions with a single answer

Here you choose one answer from four possible answers.

E.g. 9. According to Greek legend, Icarus never got home because

a.  he was exhausted and fell into the sea.

b.  the wings became too hot and he crashed.

c.  the sun burned him.

d.  he was recaptured and taken to prison.

Before you consider the options A, B, C or D, think about the following.

·  What keywords in the question can you compare to the relevant section in the passage?

·  Which paragraphs do you need to look at?

Underline the keywords and then write the paragraph that you think has the answer.

The Chinese were good at making ……….

Which modern flying machine is based on a 500-year-old design? ……….

The first powered flight was performed by ……….

Questions 10 – 12

10. The Chinese were good at making…
a.  weather balloons
b.  sketches of flying machines
c.  gliders
d.  kites
11.  Which modern flying machine is based on a 500-year-old design?
a.  helicopter
b.  plane
c.  hot air balloon
d.  kite / 12.  The first powered flight was performed by…
a.  Leonardo da Vinci
b.  the Montgolfier brothers
c.  George Cayley
d.  Orville Wright

Questions 13 – 14

Multiple Choice Questions with multiple answers

Here you choose more than one answer.

According to the information in the passage, which TWO factors did George Cayley realise would be necessary for a long flight?

a.  Planes should be light.

b.  Effective steering would make balloons more efficient.

c.  Planes required an engine.

d.  Tails enable biplanes to travel further.

e.  There should be airflow over the wings of a plane.

13.  ……….

14.  ……….

According to the passage, what did humans always want to do? .…………………………..

Questions 15 – 17

Short answer questions

Answer these questions using no more than 3 words from the passage.

15.  According to the passage, what did humans always want to do? .…………………………..

16.  What is an ornithopter? .…………………………..

17.  When did the first manned flight take place? .…………………………..

Questions 18 – 21

True,False, Not Given

Write True,False or Not Given in the spaces

18.  The Chinese used kites to research rainfall, wind, temperature, etc. ………………..………….

19.  Leonardo da Vinci built the ornithopter. ………………..………….

20. The Montgolfier brothers animals up in a glider. ………………..………….

21.  There are only two brothers in the Wright family. ………………..………….

Questions 22 – 24

Sentence Completion

Complete the following paragraph using no more than 3 words from the passage.

Hot air balloons were guided by the flow of the wind. People had no control over their 22. ………………………... . Caylee designed gliders with tails. He knew that air needed to flow over the 23. ………………………... and that a long flight needed energy. The Wright brothers used Caylee’s research and built The Flyer, which used power from a/an 24. ………………………... and a propeller.


Read these definitions of some of the parts of an aeroplane.

cockpit - where the pilots fly the plane, located at the front of the plane.
door - allows people to enter and exit the plane.
fin - the vertical part of the rear of the tail. The rudder is located on the back edge of the fin.

nose - the front of the plane.
nosewheel - the part of the landing gear located under the nose of the plane.
tail - the rear section of the plane, consisting of horizontal and vertical parts.
windows - sealed viewing openings, located along the sides of the plane.
wing - the airplane's two wings produce lift as the plane moves through the air.

Now complete these sentences with one of the words above.

1.  The ………………………….. is found below the plane and is right in front.

2.  The ………………………….. is at the back and has two parts

3.  The ………………………….. make the plain lift into the air.

4.  The 777 has a big ………………………….. so the pilot can sit quite comfortably.

5.  The ………………………….. of the aeroplane is right in front of the aircraft.

Now label the 8 different parts of the plane. (There are more labels than answers)