Tumwater High School
Instructor: Nate Ditterline Email: Phone: 360-709-7631
Twitter: @DlineTBird
Course Description:
Accelerated Physical Science provides students the opportunity to learn physical science (with integrated earth science) in a coherent, spiraled, and articulated scope and sequence; to challenge students with depth of content, including but not limited to: scientific inquiry, nonfictional reading and writing; technology and career application, and mathematics. Content studied includes: study of matter, atomic structure, periodic table, chemical bonds, chemical reactions, motion, forces, energy, radiation, electromagnetism, waves, and some concepts of earth science as they relate to the previous topics. State standards are covered in depth as well as additional topics as time allows. STEM activities are incorporated.
Required Materials:
- Texts:
- Chemistry, Prentice Hall, 2008
- Physical Science Concepts in Action, Prentice Hall, 2006
- Science Binder: You need to have a 3 ring binder for class.
- Notebook paper, dividers, pen/pencil
- Calculator: You need to have a calculator with you each day. Cell phones may not be used as a calculator. A scientific calculator will be just fine.
Grading Policy
Because we are focused on mastery learning of standards based curriculum, 80% of your overall grade will be assessments/projects/labs. 10% of your overall grade will be tests (short term summative assessments) & the remaining 10% will consist of assignments/daily work. Keep in mind that you will be able to retake any test (except the final) for the retake score. Retakes need to be completed prior to the next unit test.
- Formative assessments will be given throughout the year. These may include quizzes, oral question/answer, performance based (labs), clicker quizzes, etc… Formative assessments will not be put in the grade book, they are used to “inform” instruction.
- Students will be given a test at the completion of the chapter or unit being studied. These grades will be placed in the tests/projects/labs category.
- Students will complete standards-based projects throughout the school year. These grades will be placed in the tests/projects/labs category of the gradebook.
Your course grade is determined by how well you demonstrate mastery of the standards as evidenced through averaging all scores. Grades will be awarded as follows:
93 - 100A87– 89.9B+77– 78.9C+67– 69.9 D+
90 – 92.9A-83 – 86.9 B73 – 76.9C60 – 66.9 D
80 – 82.9B-70 – 72.9C-Below 59.9 F
STEM Based Learning
This course will be taught with STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) integrated into the curriculum. Many STEM challenges will be done throughout the school year. These challenges will be graded accorded to an assigned rubric.
Attendance: Attendance is vital to your success during this course. If you are absent from class, you may miss important activities and information for which you will be held accountable. If you are absent, please follow the instructions under “Make-up Work.”
Tardiness: Please be ready to begin class on time. Tardy students are distracting to others and miss opening exercises (bell work). Any unexcused tardy offenses will be handled in accordance with the building tardy plan.
Make-up Work: Absent students will be responsible for determining which assignments they have missed. Students are also responsible for obtaining any notes that are taken in class from a classmate.
Professionalism: You are responsible for conducting yourself in a professional manner while in this classroom by showing respect for yourself, others and property. Lack of professional conduct will result in disciplinary action.
Test Policy: Up to four tests per semester (exception: final exams) may be re-taken once to improve your score. All classwork from the unit you wish to retake must be turned in prior to the retake. The retake score will be the grade awarded. Retakes must occur outside of regular class time (core/flex or before/after school). If retakes are done during flex time, you must sign up for an available time slot. Retakes must be completed by the assigned retake deadline (approximately one week after the original test).
Lab Policy: This course is based on a variety of activities that will be done in the laboratory. Plan to be dressed appropriately for lab on lab days.
Safety: Safety is a priority in the science classroom. All students must sign a safety contract acknowledging understanding of safety regulations. Any safety infraction will result in removal from laboratory, loss of credit for the activity and possible referral to building administration.
Videos: Any film or video used during the course will be used in accordance with District policy as curriculum enhancement/support and will carry a G to PG-13 rating.
If you have any questions or concerns at any time during the school year please contact me by phone (360-709-7631) or by email (). Let’s have a fantastic year!
Mr. Nate Ditterline
THS Science
Student: Please have your parent/guardian sign below and turn in THIS PAGE ONLY to me!! The previous two pages will be pasted in your science notebook for you to reference when needed.
Signatures: Please sign this syllabus in the space below confirming that you and your parents/guardians have read and understand the expectations, requirements and assessment policies of this THS Physical Science course. Return it to me promptly for 5 points extra credit – a great way to start the trimester!
Student Name:
(please print)
Student Signature: Date:
Parent Signature: Date:
Parent E-mail Address/Contact Information:
Is there any information that you would like me to know about your student? Please write it here or email me with any concerns or comments. Thanks!
Physical ScienceNate Ditterline COURSE SCHEDULE 360-709-7631
Date / Unit / Chapter / Notes
Sept 9-11 14-18 / Intro
Scientific Method / Pre-book!
Power Standards 1,2,10 / First Day Sept 9th
15-19 22-26 / Intro / Ch. 1, sections 1,2,3,4
Power Standards 1,2,10
Sept 29 - 3 Oct 6-10 / Properties of Matter / Ch. 2, all sections
Power Standard 4
Oct 13-17 / States of Matter / Ch. 3, sections 1 and 3
Power Standard 8
Oct 20-24 27-31 / Atomic Structure / Ch. 4, all sections
Power Standards 3 & 4 / Π
Nov 3-7 10-14 / The Periodic Table
Review for Mid-Term / Ch. 5, all sections
Power Standard 4 / Nov 11 Veterans Day
Nov 17-21 24-26 / Chemical Bonding / Ch. 6, sections 1 and 2
Power Standard 3 / Thanksgiving: Nov 27-28
Dec 2-5 8-12 15-19 / Chemical Reactions
Solutions / Ch. 7, sections 1, 3, and 4
Ch. 8, section 1 / Winter Break: Dec 22-Jan 2
Jan 5-9 / Radioactivity / Ch. 10, Sections 1 and 2
EALR: 1.3.3 (c) & (d)
Jan 12-16 / Scientific Method Review / Power Standards 1, 2, 10
Jan 20-23 / Review for Final / Jan 19 MLK Day END OF SEMESTER
Jan 26-30 Feb 2-6 / Motion / Ch. 11, sections 1-3
Power Standard 5
Feb 9-13 19-20 23-27 / Forces and Motion / Ch. 12, sections 1-4
Power Standard 6 / Feb 16-17:
Mid-Winter break
Mar 2-6 9-13 16-20 / Work, Power and Simple Machines / Ch. 14, sections 1,2,4
Mar 23-27 / Review for Mid-Term / MID-TERM
Mar 30 - 3
Apr 13-17 / Energy / Ch. 15 sections 1 and 2
Section 15.3 if time allows / April 6 - 10: Spring Break
Apr 20-24 - 27 May 1 / Thermal Energy and Heat / Ch. 16, sections 1 and 2
Power Standard 8
May 4-8 11-15 18-22 / Mechanical Waves and Sound / Ch. 17, sections 1-4
Power Standard 9
May 26-29 June 1-5 / The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Light
Review for Final / Ch. 18, sections 1 and 4
Power Standard 9 / May 25: Memorial Day
June 8-12 / Culminating Project / Power Standard 10, and varies with subject matter
June 15-16 / Presentations / June 16: Last day