Case study – Jason

Jason is 12 years old, lives with his mum and two siblings Kerry 11 and Elena, 5 months.


1.  Truancy - Jason attends school on average three days a week.

2.  Verbal aggression Jason often swears at his family, using words like "f*king", and “slag” towards Mum and Kerry. His outbursts last from 5 minutes to an hour, happen almost every day and have been going on for the last year.

3.  Threatening and risky behaviour, such as throwing an ashtray and a chair at Kerry and throwing a kitchen knife at her. This kind of incident has happened 6-7 times in the last 4 months. Jason has not caused injury by throwing things, but has come close and once he threw a cup and nearly hit the baby.

4.  Physical violence towards Mum and Kerry including punching and kicking. This has resulted in bruising to both Mum and Kerry. This happens about twice a week. Began about a year ago and is getting worse.

Incident 1

During the day, Jason is playing a computer game in the front room

Mum asks Jason to hold baby Elena while she goes to get a bouncy chair for her

Jason ignores his mum

Mum steps in from the side and switches off the game

Jason tells her “I was in the f*cking middle of a game”

Mum says she “doesn’t give a shit about your bloody computer games” and hands Elena to him

While mum is getting the chair Elena vomits on Jason.

Jason yells to Mum “get your f*cking baby! Your f*cking baby’s puked all over me. Fu*king come and take her etc” until mum comes and takes Elena

Jason stands over Mum while she cleans off Elena and yells “look after your own disgusting baby you useless f*cking bitch etc” .

Mum yells "That’s enough Jason! You shut up now or you’re going to get a slap round the earhole!"

Jason goes in the front room and sulks and plays the computer game with the volume very high, Mum ignores him in the kitchen.

Incident Two:

Jason has been at school all day and comes home at around 4.30. Mum is in the kitchen looking at the internet and Kerry is watching TV in the front room. Jason decides he wants to use the TV to play Playstation.

He goes to plug in his Playstation and Kerry screams at him and blocks his way

Jason goes into the kitchen and shouts at Mum. Mum says “Oh shut up Jason, you’re always causing trouble”. She continues to work on the internet.

He continues to go in and out of the kitchen stamping around, hitting objects, swearing and calling Mum names.

Jason goes back into the front room and tries to plug the playstation into the TV. Kerry tells Jason “Get off its not fair” at which point Jason stands between Kerry and the TV and starts to mimic her. Kerry gets agitated and tells him increasing loudly to get out of the way.

Mum laughs and says "Bloody hell its like one of those wildlife films about monkeys. Jason, will you bloody stop being so stupid. For God's sake go upstairs or I’ll thump you one." Goes back to working on computer.

The children’s argument escalates in volume for a minute or so more and Kerry gets up and tries to push Jason aside. Jason grabs her and throws her to the ground

Jason is standing over Kerry hitting at her and they are struggling on the floor when mum gets up and kicks Jason’s backside.

Jason swings round and yells at mum to get off him. He says “I’ll fucking kill you!” and mum backs away.

Jason goes outside, still yelling and begins to hit and throw things in the garden, crying and swearing.

This goes on for about 5 minutes. Jason then comes into house slamming the door. Mum says “Oh for heavens sake Kerry let him use the playstation”.

Analysis and Safety Plan (to fill out with the parent)

1.  Risky or unsafe behaviours that have occurred in the past

2.  These risky behaviours are likely to occur when....? What can you find out about the settings, activities, and people are most likely to instigate the behaviour? It may help to ask “What is the one thing that you could do that would most likely set Jason off?”

3.  What are the first signs that trouble is brewing?

4.  Is there a payoff for the aggressive behaviour? What does Jason get as a result, or avoid?

5.  How could this parent help the child achieve a similar or equally rewarding payoff for not resorting to aggression? What behaviours might warrant rewards?

6.  In what ways might Jason’s mother change the way she responds to him which would help him to stay calmer, manage his feelings and avoid putting herself at unnecessary risk?

7.  What might be the barriers to her changing the way she responds? (Explore with her what feelings and thoughts go on for her which make this hard to do)

8.  What consequences might be levied for what behaviours of Jasons?

9.  Back up safety plan if the calming down stuff doesn’t work - What supports do the parent/s have? Safety must be the number one priority in the end – Other consequences should follow at a safer future time.

10.  Have any weapons or harmful objects been used during a high risk situation… How can they been disposed of or safely secured? Are there precious things that could get damaged? If so how can these be secured?