Historic Costume Project


  • The student will demonstrate an understanding of costumes worn during certain periods of time and how these costumes relate to current fashions.
  • The student will understand cultural differences and cultural influences on fashion.

Project Outline:

The student will work with a partner and the team will research a given time period in fashion history. You will be assigned a period from the following list:

  • Aegean 2000-1100 B.C.
  • Scandinavia 1500-1200 B.C.
  • Greece 700
  • Italy 100-300 B.C.
  • Rome 700 B.C. – A.D. 406
  • Byzantine
  • Middle Ages 800-1600 (Renaissance)
  • Baroque 1660-1715
  • French Regency 1715-1730
  • Rococo 1730-1770
  • Louis XVI 1770-1795
  • Directoire 1795-1804
  • Empire 1804-1829
  • 19th Century 1820-1870
  • 19th Century 1870-1899

You will be required to create a visual to describe the fashions of your period and you must present all of your information to the class on the due date. If you are absent on your due date you must be prepared to present the next class period.

My Time Period Is ______

Due Date: ______


  • Students will write a minimum of two typed pages on the dress and accessories of the period covering the following areas:
  • Silhouette
  • Necklines
  • Waistlines
  • Hemlines
  • Sleeves
  • Jewelry
  • Accessories (Shoes, Hats, Hairstyles)
  • Fabrics
  • Materials
  • Colors
  • Fashions are often a reflection of the social and economic scenes of an era. Students must also include factors that influenced the fashions of that period, such as:
  • War
  • Climate
  • Ruler
  • Politics
  • Economy
  • Industry
  • New Inventions
  • Etc…
  • Include a minimum of five different pictures of the major fashion features of the period. These can be shown by illustrations, magazines, pictures, photocopies, or hand traced sketches. Students must choose five DIFFERENT categories from the following list:
  • Complete look
  • Necklines
  • Waistlines
  • Hemlines
  • Sleeves
  • Accessories and Jewelry
  • Hairstyles
  • Hats
  • Shoes
  • Show a minimum of two adaptations of the period in current fashions by the use of magazine illustrations, newspaper articles, dress patterns, etc. Adaptations should be mounted side by side with the original costumes of the period.
  • The finished project will have a minimum of nine pictures mounted and labeled.

EXTRA CREDIT: Come to school dressed in the historic costume and receive extra points on your project. Wear the costume all day around school to promote the class and receive 250 DECA points.



Points Possible / Points Earned
Cover/Title Page / 4
Research Project Includes the Following:
* Silhouette / 4
*Necklines / 4
*Waistlines / 4
*Hemlines / 4
*Sleeves / 4
*Accessories / 4
*Hairstyles / 4
*Fabrics / 4
*Materials / 4
*Colors / 4
*Factors that Influence Fashion / 4
Four Different Pictures of Features (5 points each) / 20
Two Adaptations of the Period in Current Fashions
(9 points for each set) / 18
Grading Sheet Included / 4
Overall (Neatness, Packaging, Order, Followed Directions, Grammar) / 10
Total Points / 100
**Extra Credit** / Up to 20 Points