Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

School of Languages and Cultures

Department of French Studies

Room 506, Brennan MacCallum Building A18

University of Sydney, NSW, Australia 2006

Phone: +61 2 9351 2869

Fax: +61 2 9351 2319

The Emilie M. Schweitzer Exchange Scholarships in

French or German Studies 2017


Please read carefully the terms and conditions of The Emilie M. Schweitzer Exchange Scholarships:

1) The Emilie M. Schweitzer Exchange Scholarships are offered to:

3rd Year students currently enrolled in a French Studies or Germanic Studies major in the introductory stream, who are taking up an approved exchange place at a French/German university to be credited towards their degree. Please note that students can apply pending their exchange approval but the scholarship will be awarded only if the exchange is approved.

Students will need:

i) To demonstrate their intention to continue with French or German Honours (or joint Honours) and;

ii) An average mark of 70% in French or German (in both language and cultural units).

2) Six scholarships will be awarded annually (funds permitting) on the basis of academic merit with the approval of:

i) The Head of School of Languages and Cultures; and

ii) The Chairs of the Department of French Studies and Germanic Studies.

3) The value of each scholarship will be $3,000. The duration of the period in France or in Germany must be a minimum of three months.

4) Each scholarship will be awarded for a maximum period of one year only. No student will be eligible to hold more than one award from this legacy.

5) A scholarship may not be awarded to a person holding other primary scholarships for the same period of time.

6) As part of their applications:

i) candidates will need to include a personal statement regarding their reasons for their study in

France or Germany and relevance for their future studies/career.

ii) a statement regarding their intention to complete Honours in French or Germanic Studies (or joint

Honours); and two letters of reference from relevant academics and;

iii) two letters of reference from relevant academics. Declarations:

□ I have read the Conditions of Award and declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the

information supplied in this application is true and accurate.

Applicant’s Signature: Date:

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

School of Languages and Cultures

Department of French Studies

Room 506, Brennan MacCallum Building A18

University of Sydney, NSW, Australia 2006

Phone: +61 2 9351 2869

Fax: +61 2 9351 2319

The Emilie M. Schweitzer Exchange Scholarships in

French or German Studies 2017



Are you a local student (i.e. Australian or New Zealand citizen, permanent resident of Australia?)

o YES o NO

Note: International students are not eligible for this scholarship

Title: First Name: Surname:


Suburb: State: Postcode:

Phone: Email:

Student ID:


Currently enrolled units of study:

Details of approved exchange place:


o Statement regarding your reasons for study in France or Germany and relevance for your future studies/career

o Statement regarding your intention to complete Honours in French or Germanic Studies (or joint


o Two letters of reference from relevant academics.

□ / German Honours - send application to: Dr Andrea Bandhauer / □ / French Honours – send application to
Associate Professor Michelle Royer
Department of Germanic Studies / Department of French Studies
School of Languages and Cultures / School of Languages and Cultures
Brennan-MacCallum Building - A18 / Brennan-MacCallum Building - A18
The University of Sydney NSW 2006 / The University of Sydney NSW 2006

Applicant’s Signature: Date: