SERA2015 PROGRAMME final (20 Oct 2015)

Theme: Education as (if) the whole earth mattered
9.30-10.30 / REGISTRATION (Foyer) with Tea/coffee in MR028 CPD suite
(Rooms and Strands) / Room 1
MR027 / Room 2
MR317 / Room 3
MR265 / Room 4
MR613 / Room 5
MR614 / Room 6
1045-1100 / Welcome (MR028 CPD suite)
1100-1200 / KEYNOTE: Tim Ingold (MR051 Lecture theatre) - Anthropology and the Education of Attention
1215 -1330 / LUNCH (CPD suite)
1330-1400 / 75
Rachel Shanks
Purpose, planning and passion: the 3 Ps needed for successful partnership and policy initiatives / Symposium S002
Cate Watson
oPENing critical spaces for professional learning: developing and researching spaces for online learning / 87
Julie Brown
Generating a local evidence base to support global and national policy demands in Higher Education / 92
Cheryl Williams
Imagining that every student mattered: Building a lighthouse foundations of education course / Symposium S006
Gabrielle Ivinson
Education and poverty in times of austerity / 27
Guðlaug Erlendsdóttir
Is participating in an educational project beneficial for all stakeholders: teachers' voices from the Chimbende Primay School in Malawi
1400-1430 / 72
Fiona Copland
Education for the whole earth: what can we learn from the global spread of English? / Symposium S002
Cate Watson
oPENing critical spaces for professional learning: developing and researching spaces for online learning / 86
Dalene Swanson
Internationalisation: discourses, ethics, and the postcolonial / 9
Carolyn Cooke
Teaching as performance: music student teacher’s perceptions of pedagogy / Symposium S006
Gabrielle Ivinson
Education and poverty in times of austerity / 49
Mishel Moriah
School Leadership and Inclusive Education in the Caribbean
1430-15.00 / 83
Anna Beck
The Rise of For-profit Provision in Scottish Higher Education: Back-door Privatisation? / Symposium S002
Cate Watson
oPENing critical spaces for professional learning: developing and researching spaces for online learning / 46
Stephen McKinney
Got to keep searching. Do we need religious education in Scotland in the 21st century? / 70
Bethan Mitchell
Performing practice: acting out actor-network theory to reconceptualise professional learning / Symposium S006
Gabrielle Ivinson
Education and poverty in times of austerity / 07
Evelyn Corrado
Challenging Negative Perceptions towards the African Child
1500-15.30 / TEA BREAK (CPD Suite)
1530-1600 / Pecha Kucha
PK001 - Fiona McGarry
PK002 – Merrin Evergreen, PK003 – Paola Sangster
PK004 – Marie Dey / 76
Rachel Shanks
Massive Open Online Courses and Community Learning and Development: Open Education and Community Educators / 18
Angela Scollan
The implications of the ‘Children and Families Act 2014’ for Early Years Provision and professionals. A case study research / Symposium S003
Nikki Gauld
Education as if Research Mattered / Symposium S004
Stephen McKinney
Poverty and School Education / 44
Stephanie DeMarco
The Hidden Curriculum of Private Language Schools: Observations on the Social Positioning of privilege in the classroom
1600-1630 / Workshop W004
Sarah Cornelius
Learning from the massive: the wider impact of MOOCs on teaching and learning / 78
George Head
Schools, Political Literacy and the 2014 Scottish Referendum / Symposium S003
Nikki Gauld
Education as if Research Mattered / Symposium S004
Stephen McKinney
Poverty and School Education / 67
Svanborg Jonsdottir
Crossing boundaries with Innovation and entrepreneurial education
16.30-1700 / 3 minute thesis competition:
Leanne Mattu
Aoife Prendergast
Jennifer Obbard
Kate Martin / Workshop W004
Sarah Cornelius
Learning from the massive: the wider impact of MOOCs on teaching and learning / 80
Denise Mifsud
Policy enactment across hierarchical leadership strata: A case of global policy shaping educational actors' response at the local level / Symposium S003
Nikki Gauld
Education as if Research Mattered / Symposium S004
Stephen McKinney
Poverty and School Education / 89
Kan Wei
Who benefit from the Equality in Admission: Voices from Students in Selective Universities in Mainland China
1700-1730 / NETWORK (CPD suite)
Poverty and Education – Stephen McKinney / Aberdeen Teachers TBC
17.30-1800 / NETWORK (CPD suite)
LiSEN – Leadership in School Education Network –
Joan Mowat / Aberdeen Teachers TBC
1830 / DRINKS RECEPTION: Floor 7 Hosted by Aberdeen University, School of Education
Social Justice and Inclusion
Professional and Vocational Learning
Policy and Education
Curriculum and Assessment
Digital Learning
Innovative Research Methods

Theme: Education as (if) the whole earth mattered
0830-0930 / REGISTRATION (Foyer) and Tea/Coffee in CPD suite
(Rooms and Strands) / Room 1
MR303 / Room 2
MR101 / Room 3
MR310 / Room 4
MR029 / Room 5
MR614 / Room 6
MR314 / Room 7
0930-1000 / 69
Susi Peacock
Reflectively pursuing deep learning in a private sanctuary: an enhancement to the Community of Inquiry Framework supporting online learning in professional programmes / 34
Karen McArdle
Crossing Boundaries: Building Bridges: Stories of Evaluation / Symposium S005
Alan Britton
Don’t Waste Our Future! / Symposium S010
Aline-Wendy Dunlop
A disappearing workforce: who are they and what do they do? Exploring the roles and contributions of GTCS-registered teachers working in prior to school settings in Scotland / Workshop W008
Mark Murphy
Using Social Theory in Educational Research: The art of application
1000-1030 / Workshop 26
Gameli Tordzro
Innovative Research Methods / Symposium S005
Alan Britton
Don’t Waste Our Future! / 11
Fiona McGarry
Story Teaches You Things / Symposium S010
Aline-Wendy Dunlop
A disappearing workforce: who are they and what do they do? Exploring the roles and contributions of GTCS-registered teachers working in prior to school settings in Scotland / 59
Stella Mouroutsou
Behaviour support in mainstream schools: teachers' and pupils' perceptions / Workshop W008
Mark Murphy
Using Social Theory in Educational Research: The art of application
1030-1100 / 24
Eddie Beggan
How do creative arts and music help with young peoples’ educational development in a digital media environment? / Workshop 26
Gameli Tordzro
Innovative Research Methods / Symposium S005
Alan Britton
Don’t Waste Our Future! / 28
Hannah James
Developing Primary Education Students’ Scientific Literacy through Case-based Reasoning / Symposium S010
Aline-Wendy Dunlop
A disappearing workforce: who are they and what do they do? Exploring the roles and contributions of GTCS-registered teachers working in prior to school settings in Scotland / 15
Aoife Prendergast
Fractured and Inequitable Entanglements in Early Childhood Education and Practice: Irish expectations of Social Justice / Workshop W009
Stephen McKinney
guide to Publishing for the researchstudent
1100 – 1130 / 61
Eddy Moran
Thoughtful Combinations: Implications of Research on Post-Graduate Students’ Perceptions of Social Inclusion and Teacher Authority when Using Online Video Tutorials in Blended Delivery in Higher Education / 57
Catriona Oates
Methodological difficulties in research: accessing schools as sites of research / 39
Nafla Ahbabi
Self Evaluation for school improvement: reframing the debate upon accountability in Abu Dhabi secondary schools / 12
Adel Bawazeer
Teachers and Students Engagement in Dialogue: The Development of Religious Education Classroom Activities in Saudi Universities / 05
Carey Philpott
Medical Models for Teachers’ Professional Learning: asking for a second opinion / Workshop W009
Stephen McKinney
guide to Publishing for the researchstudent
1130 – 1200 / MORNING BREAK (CPD suite)
1200 – 1300 / KEYNOTE Chris Chapman (MR051 Lecture theatre) - Rethinking Educational Change: Harnessing the power of collaboration?
1300-1345 / LUNCH (CPD suite)
(Rooms and Strands) / Room1
MR303 / Room2
MR101 / Room3
MR304 / Room4
MR029 / Room5
MR614 / Room 6
MR314 / Room 7
1345-1415 / PK22
David Watt
Is it Who You Are / Workshop W001
Anna Robb
Capturing true voices: comparing traditional and innovative data collection methods / 53
Ingolfur Johannesson
Academic action for sustainability education and the political conjuncture of opportunities in Iceland in 2007–2011 / 40
Olaya Alvarez-Garcia
Environmental competencies of pre-service teachers in relation with their environmental behaviour: a case study in two Spanish Universities / 32
Jill Shimi
Knowledge Transfer: Exploring the Issues for Social Work Child Protection Practitioners and in Primary Education / Round Table RT001
Katy Vigurs
How to Engage a Range of Education Stakeholders in the Pursuit of Social Justice for Children and Young People? A story of research-informed blogging and the production of an alternative policy manifesto / 74
Gabrielle Ivinson
A live demonstration of Sharing Learning Spaces through Technology-enhanced Professional Learning
1415 - 1445 / 79
Svanborg Jonsdottir
Creating meaningful online learning in teacher education / Workshop W001
Anna Robb
Capturing true voices: comparing traditional and innovative data collection methods / 68
Sajid Ali
Supply and demand of qualified teachers in Pakistan – post 2015 challenges in supplying quality teachers / 77
Brian Hudson
Studying Mathematics Teachers' Assessment Practices: Implications for Teacher Education Policy and Practice in Ghana / 73
Gabrielle Ivinson
The Art of Critical Reflection / 56
Karolina Gombert
[title to be added] / 10
Fiona McGarry
Story In the Classroom: Teacher v Pupil Perspectives
1445-1500 / AFTERNOON BREAK (MR028 CPD suite)
1500 - 1600 / KEYNOTE: Tara Fenwick (MR051 Lecture theatre) - Matters of professional responsibility for hopeful futures
(Rooms and Strands) / Room 1
MR315 / Room 2
MR101 / Room 3
MR310 / Room 4
MR029 / Room 5
MR614 / Room 6
1600 - 1630 / 64
Gabrielle Ivinson
The Technology-enhanced Professional Learning (TePL): the emergence of the hybrid pedagogue / 60
Evelyn Cook
Deleuzian concepts as tools for researching children’s experiences / NERA n21 S008
The present situation and challenges for education policy in Nordic welfare states / 62
Annette Moir
I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship
1630-1700 / P002
Khristin Fabian
Student Perception on the Use of Mobile Technologies for Mathematics / 88
Dalene Swanson
Performing the rhizome: critical rhizomatic narrative methodology and a call for radical hope / 90
Stephen Edgar
Knowledge into Action – applying an evidence based model to Education Scotland’s national improvement remit / 20
Catriona Macdonald
Valuing Diversity, Developing Flexibility: teachers' understanding of children's mathematical thinking / NERA n21 S008
The present situation and challenges for education policy in Nordic welfare states / 47
Tracey Hughes
Exploring schools that exceed expectations
1700-1730 / 6
Ian Matheson
Turning point – the transformation of the General Teaching Council for Scotland / 16
Paul Argyle McDonald
An investigation of teachers’ beliefs about mathematical problem solving and problem posing within the Curriculum for Excellence / NERA n21 S008
The present situation and challenges for education policy in Nordic welfare states / 35
Leon Robinson
The unappealing smells of sacrifice – values, sustainability and education
1730 – 1815 / AGM (MR028 CPD suite)
1900 for 1930
ends 2100 / CONFERENCE BUFFET with Musical accompaniment: Town Hall, Aberdeen City. Hosted by Aberdeen City Council
Social Justice and Inclusion
Professional and Vocational Learning
Policy and Education
Curriculum and Assessment
Digital Learning
Innovative Research Methods
FRIDAY 20th November 2015
Theme: Education as (if) the whole earth mattered
(Rooms and Strands) / Room 1
MR027 (takes 26) / Room 2
MR304 (takes 30) / Room 3
MR310 (takes 36) / Room 4
MR613 (takes 60) / Room 5
(takes 50) / Room 6
takes 26) / Room 7
(takes 36)
0900-0930 / REGISTRATION Foyer) and Tea/coffee in CPD suite
0930 - 1000 / 65
Sarah Kearns
Exploring the significance of an adult attachment lens within pre-service teacher education / 37
Maria Imperiale
Breaking the siege: developing online critical participatory action research with English teachers in Gaza Strip, Palestine / 84
Allyson MacDonald
I am an island” * – dilemmas in assessment in sustainability education [ / 21
Daisy Nwaozuzu
How has the infusion and explicit use of ICT in schools impacted on skill development for post school transitions: A qualitative account of Scottish teachers and pupils / 08
Antony Luby
Aberdeen Quines and Loons bletherin’ aboot religion: an exploration of social cohesion / 03
Laurence Reilly
Nurture as an Overarching Approach to Closing the Gap / Symposium S001
Do Coyle
Innovative approaches for deepening professional plurilingual learning in tertiary education
1000 - 1030 / 85
Audur Palsdottir
The angry student: How students influence what and how they learn – an example from HE / 30
Jakob Billmayer
Subject and Class Teachers' Classroom Management. An Exploratory Study in Four Teachers' Classrooms in Bavaria / 48
Claire Ramjan
Using Citizen Science to engage Secondary School pupils in practical ecology / 04
Lahiri Sudeshna
Assessment of assessors when teachers are evaluated: Relationship with Occupational Variables / 33
Karen Lowing
The Tartan Elephant in the Room: Scots Language, Social Class and Identity in Scotland’s Classrooms / 29
Jacinta Birchley
What if this were my child. An exploration of teachers experiences of the corporate parent role / Symposium S001
Innovative approaches for deepening professional plurilingual learning in tertiary education
1030 - 1100 / 42
Sarah Blackwell MacLean
The Boundaries of Online Professionalism / 31
Jennifer Farrar
Border-crossing with pupils and parents: innovating research methods across the home-school ‘divide’ / 54
Anna Walshe
Curriculum development for an unpredictable future / 41
Paul Adams
Why data might be wickedly important / 25
Federico Farini
Challenges, opportunities, risks and hopes. Making the voice of non-English speaking children stronger in Early Years provision / Symposium S001
Innovative approaches for deepening professional plurilingual learning in tertiary education
1100 – 1130 / MORNING BREAK (MR028 CPD suite)
1130 – 1230 / KEYNOTE: Do Coyle (MR028 CPD suite) - Education because the whole Earth matters: Reconceptualising dialogic spaces, learning places and meaningful pedagogies
1245-1330 / LUNCH (CPD suite) with Posters in MR028
1330-1400 / 93
Julie McAdam
Artefacts of Value: Building Communities / 81
Tom Bryce
Manipulating models and grasping ideas which they represent / 45
Stephen Day
Fostering Primary Education Students’ Socio-scientific Reasoning through Dialogue within a Virtual Learning Environment / 55
Beverley Ferguson
How does policy implemented at a local level impact on the ability of schoolgirl mothers/mothers-to-be to continue in education and lifelong learning? / Symposium S007
Margery McMahon
Raising Attainment: the critical role of leadership / 82
Patrick Bonvin
Collaboration between regular and special teachers in inclusive settings: Interrelationships between research, practice, and teacher education
1400-1430 / 13
Donatella Camedda
Understanding inclusion. Teachers inclusive attitudes between values and practice / 50
Katja Frimberger
Bodily poeticising in intercultural education research: A reflection on the role and value of 'estranged' drama methods / Workshop W002
Elizabeth Lasley
Project-based Learning as an Instructional Model in Higher Education / 91
Jonathan Firth
How can education in the social sciences prepare young people for major societal changes / Symposium S007
Margery McMahon
Raising Attainment: the critical role of leadership / 71
Jo Ailwood
Preservice teacher biographies: exploring the educational aspirations of students participating in the National Exceptional Teachers for Disadvantaged Schools project
1430-1500 / 43
Soumi Dey
Empathy in a multicultural world: Lessons learnt from picturebooks in a primary classroom / Workshop W002
Elizabeth Lasley
Project-based Learning as an Instructional Model in Higher Education / 23
Donna Dey
Health and wellbeing - a responsibility for all teachers: Analysis of teachers’ professional practice and learners’ wider achievements in Scottish secondary schools / Symposium S007
Margery McMahon
Raising Attainment: the critical role of leadership / 01
Chris Holligan
Children in care and secure as research participants: An Actor-network theorisation of the perspective of these marginalised children about government led research methodologies used to measure their progression in the systems
1500-1530 / CLOSE (MR028 CPD Suite)
Social Justice and Inclusion
Professional and Vocational Learning
Policy and Education
Curriculum and Assessment
Digital Learning
Innovative Research Methods

SERA 2015 18th – 20th NOVEMBER 2015 at Aberdeen University