Day 1: 8 May 2005

3.00 - 5.30pm / Registration
7.30pm / Dinner talk

DAY 2: 9 May 2005

8.00 - 8.30am / Registration
8.30 - 9.30am /

Plenary lecture 1

“Emergency medicine pharmacy – an evolving remedy”
- Mr Luigi Gaetani, Wolongong, Australia
9.30 - 9.50am / Opening session by Y.Bhg Dato’ Hj Che Mohd Zin bin Che Awang, Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Ministry Of Health, Malaysia
9.50 - 10.30am / Tea break and booth viewing
10.30 - 11.10am / Lecture 1: Management of poisoning cases in the Emergency Department
- Dr. Ismail Mohd Saiboon, Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
11.10 - 11.50am / Lecture 2: Essential drugs used and common medication errors”
- Mr Luigi Gaetani, Wolongong, Australia
11.50 - 12.30pm / Lecture 3: “Management of ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction”
-Dr. Lee Shuey Yan, Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Malaysia
12.30 - 12.50pm / Q & A SESSION
12.50 - 2.30pm / Lunch and booth viewing
2.30 - 3.30pm / Plenary Lecture 2: “ The coronary care pharmacist”
Ms. Leanne Stafford, Fremantle, Australia
3.30 - 4.10pm / Lecture 4: “Role of pharmacists in the Emergency Department”
- Mr. Luigi Gaetani, Wolongong, Australia
4.10 - 4.50pm / Lecture 5: Highlights of pharmacist’s involvement in the coronary care unit
- Mr Lawrence Anchah, Hospital Umum Kuching. Malaysia
4.50 - 5.00pm / Q & A SESSION
5.00pm / Tea break and booth viewing
7.30pm / Dinner and cultural show

DAY 3: 10 May 2005

8.00 - 9.00am / Plenary lecture 3:
“Pharmacists in Heart Failure Clinics – the way forward”
- Mr Greg Roberts, Adelaide, Australia
9.00 - 9.40am / Lecture 6: “Common cardiac problems in the emergency department”
- Dr. Hj. Azhari Rosman, National Heart Institute, Malaysia
9.40 - 10.20am / Lecture 7: “Role of the pharmacist in cardiac surgery”
- Ms Leanne Stafford, Fremantle, Australia
10.20 - 10.30am / Q & A SESSION
10.30 - 11.00am / Tea break and booth viewing
11.00 - 11.40am / Lecture 8: “Warfarin clinic – Singapore experience”
- Mr Kong Ming Chai, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
11.40 - 12.20pm / Lecture 9: “Improving compliance/ concordance for prescribers”
- Mr Greg Roberts, Adelaide, Australia
12.20 - 1.00pm / Lecture 10: “Cardiac rehabilitation programme – a Malaysian perspective
- Mr Lawrence Anchah, Hospital Umum Kuching. Malaysia
1.00 - 1.10pm / Q & A SESSION
1.10 - 2.30pm / Lunch and booth viewing
2.30 - 3.10pm / Lecture 11: Research and recent drug developments in cardiology
- Dato’ Dr. Omar Ismail, Hospital Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
3.10 - 3.50pm / Lecture 12: “Protocols of care in Cardiology Pharmacy”
- Ms. Leanne Stafford, Fremantle, Australia
3.50 - 4.30pm / Lecture 13: “Integrating pharmacokinetics and cardiology – challenges and opportunities”
- Mr Greg Roberts, Adelaide, Australia
4.30 - 4.50pm / Q & A SESSION
4.50 - 5.00pm / Closing session by Mr. John Chang, President of the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society.
5.00pm / Tea break and collection of certificates
7.30pm / Dinner

Scientific Committee

Advisor / Mdm Hasnah bt. Ismail
Mr Leong Hor Yew
Chairman / Dr. Mohamed Mansor b. Manan
Deputy Chairman / Mr Hj. Abdol Malek b. Abdul Aziz
Ms Sameerah bt Shaik Abdul Rahman
Scientific / Mr Hj. Abdol Malek b. Abdul Aziz
Mr Wong Kok Thong
Mr Lim Chong Eng
Secretary / Ms Normi bt Hamdan
Treasurer/ Publication/
Registration / Mr Lam Kai Kun
Committee Members / Ms Mariam Bintarty bt Rushdi
Ms Fatimah bt. Abdullah
Ms Rohana bt. Hassan
Mr Lawrence Anchah
Ms Narimah bt. Mohd. Yusof
Ms Siti Normiyah bt. Hussein
Mr Leong Weng Choy


1. Ms Maimunah bt. Wasli - Protocol/Registration

2. Ms Han Li Chin - Accommodation

3. Ms Rohayah bt. Abd. Ghani - Booth & Souvenir

4. Mr Ali b. Ismail - Transportation & Social

5. Mr Shaari Abd. Rahman - Technical