Deadline #1: January 24/25:

-Typed title page,

-process paper

-annotated bibliography with 10 primary sources and 5 secondary sources due.

-On a separate typed page write the following two items:

1.(Your topic) is a turning point in history because (then list FIVE specific reasons!)


The Fugitive Slave Law was a turning point in history because the US Congress federally supported slavery, the fugitive slave law (as stated in the US Constitution) was officially enforced for the first time, Northerners were forced to comply with a law they largely disagreed with, the underground railroad increased its activities, and many citizens were forcefully “deputized” as slave catchers.

2. Your source for each of the five pieces of evidence with full citations.


Evidence 1: the US Congress federally supported slavery

Source: Fugitive Slaw Law

United States. Congress.Fugitive Slave Act.1850.US Government. Library of Congress, 27 July 2010.

Web. 14 Jan. 2013.

Deadline #2: Early February: $10 competition fee and history day registration

Deadline #3: February 11/12:

-Typed title page,

-process paper &

-annotated bibliography with 12 primary and 7 secondary sources due.

-On a separate typed page write the following:

1. If in American Literature, explain how the project you will turn in for history is improved from the January American literature project. You must state specific details. Do NOT say: ”It connects better to the history day theme.” From your description, I should be able to visualize the specific differences.

- If not in American Literature, state specifically how your project will address the theme of Turning Points in History: People, Ideas and Events.

Example: (Consider my thesis above):

In my individual website,I have an excerpt of the 1850 fugitive slave lawand I have a copy of the section from the US Constitution that discusses the fugitive slave law. In addition, I have a diary entry from a Northerner who disagreed with the law and a testimony from a conductor on the Underground RR stating he was very busy after this law was passed. Lastly, I have pictures of citizens being deputized as slave catchers.

2. For all students additionally include where/when your thesis is stated in your project.

Deadline #4: February 21/22:

-Title page

-Process paper

-annotated bibliography with 15 primary sources and 7 secondary sources

-On a separate typed page, state specifically where I can find your 5 pieces of evidence in your project. The idea is to make sure your project HAS AN ARGUMENT and is not simply a restatement of “what happened” in history. Make it clear, make it evident and make an argument!

Example: My first piece of evidence can be found as a link on the home page of my individual website. My second piece of evidence can be found on the home page; it is a picture. Etc…

Deadline #5: February 28: History Night Competition! If you are not attending history night competition, you will bring your project/presentation/project/web address to class on this day/Friday with one copy of your title page, process paper and annotated bibliography.

If you ARE participating in history night at Central, bring your completed project along with 3 copies of your title page, process paper and annotated bibliography stapled together. Dress Nicely!


-Come and talk to me if you need help!

-This project is worth 10% of your APUSH grade for semester 2. There are fewer chances for points this semester than last semester so make them count. You have been working on this since August; it should look like you have been working on this since August! It should be perfect and everyone should earn an A if they have done the work correctly!

-Be proud of the work you completed. If you are embarrassed or not proud of your work then you have failed to grasp the value of this assignment. A student should never be embarrassed by his work because it is the BEST work—always! 

-Enjoy yourself at history night and/or history day competition. It is your time to SHINE and SHOW OFF the great work you have completed!