Medium Term plans across the curriculum Prep llSpring 1 2015

Subject / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6
Word reading
National strategy support for spelling / Go over phonemes phase 5 /6. Assessment
Introduce compound words (+ simple and complex words) / 'kn' and 'gn' phonemes
Read 'fairy land' instructions recording difficult words to discuss with the class.Compound words - spell each part correctly and circle the simple words. / Use adverbs ending in '-ly'
Compound words - extend work to two and three syllable words. / Look at the 'u' and 'o' sound after a 'w' eg. in wondered and wash. Decode tricky words i alien poems.
Compound words - word hunts - identify from texts etc / Phase 6 phoneme work from book.
Look at history of unusual compound words eg handkerchief, cupboard etc. use in writing and learn. / Assess and review compound words - dictate 3 sentences and children to self assess.
Grammar and punctuation / Check punctuation in diaries. Check for sense. / 'bossy' verbs
Demarcating sentences with !,?,.,Caps. / Change sentences into instructions using 'bossy' verbs. Can they use !or ? / Use adjectives to describe nouns. / Use adjectives to describe nouns for their own poems. / NA
Writing composition / Xmas diary writing and reading to class. Handwriting - difficult joins, 'x' 'f' and 'z'. / Non fiction - Instructions. Memorise, improvise and retell the 'instructions' by Neil Gaiman. Write dictated instructions. / Begin writing instructions laying out appropriately.
Rewrite instructions to be published in the 'Fairy Land' map book. / Poetry- Humorous poems
Compose short simple poems using rhythm rather than rhyme. (template of pictures) / Write, edit and rewrite their favourite poem in neat joined handwriting.
Draw and describe aliens, then discuss improvements. / Write a poem for their blue book.
And spoken language / Further exercises from Bond Book. Read and begin to memorize 'Instructions' by Neil Gaiman. / . write instructions on strips to put in order. Create a drama sequence based on retelling of 'instructions'. / Children to give each other instructions to write a letter shape.
Reading buddies with another class to share their work. / Choose favourite poem in pairs to recite to another class with lots of expression.
Maths. / Objectives:Mark two-digit numbers on a landmarked line. Compare numbers using the symbols < and >; Use ordinal numbers; Round two-digit numbers to nearest multiple of ten. / Use pairs to ten to find the complement to the next multiple of ten;Add/subtract a single digit to/from a 2-digit numberUnderstand that addition can be done in any order, but not subtraction. / Add/subtract two-digit numbers by adding/subtracting multiples of ten then one (e.g. add 45 and 23 by adding 20, then 3); Add/subtract using a 1-100 number square and landmarked lines. / Estimate, measure and compare weights; Use units of time (seconds. minutes, hours, days and weeks) Read time to the quarters; Measure activities using seconds and minutes. / Count in 2s, 5s and 10s from any number to 100; Recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10; Find, describe and continue patterns; Understand multiplication as repeated addition and as an array. Understand grouping as one model of division; / Compare two 2-digit numbers; Find numbers in between 2 given numbers; Find fractions of amounts 1/2s, 1/4s and 1/3s by sharing and using known number facts.
Science / Living things and their habitats- Alive or dead?
How do we know that something is alive? Life processes of animals and plants. Explore what they need to stay alive and healthy. / Characteristics of living things, MRS NERG- 7 life processes of movement, reproduction, sensitivity, nutrition, excretion, respiration and growth. / Sort things into living and non –living including objects that were once alive eg dead leaf, wooded ruler, cotton T- shirt and discuss what they were part of. / Recap on basic needs of animals and plants to keep them alive and healthy. Establish that plants and animals live in particular habitats which serve their needs. Link with different habitats found in Africa. / Explain that animals and plants depend on each other for survival in their habitats. Animals depend on plants for food and shelter and plants depend on animals for seed dispersal. Draw oak tree and it’s animal dependents. / Compare plants and animals found in local habitats with those found in Africa. Eg the desert, savannah, jungle, woodland, seashore.
Topic (geography) / Kenya/Africa
Introduce Africa & explain that it is a continent. Zoom in on Kenya. Look at world map and children to trace outline of Africa into books. / Watch DVD, Barnaby Bear goes to Kenya. Comparison between Kenya and Cornwall. Complete venn diagram with drawings. Discuss climate in different parts of Africa creating different living conditions. / Look at Kenyan flag.
Draw flag in books. Make zigzag book of Swahili/English words and illustrate.
Watch African power point / Watch video of village life in Kenya. Look at the way families live;houses, and schooling. Look at time in Kenya and Cornnwall. Complete p14 worksheet 9 Our school day. / Look at different animals in Africa and how they live in different habitats; savannah, desert, jungle. Make animal masks. Watch some of David Attenborough – Africa. / Food in Africa. Read Handa’s Surprise. Children to create a fruit salad from African fruit, eat and evaluate.
Art / African Art- Look at paintings from Africa. What are the colours of the savannah? Create a watercolour background. / Cut out silhouettes of African animals to stick on the savannah background. / Look at patterns in nature and use clay to make a turtle with patterned shell. (Tortoise’s Dream story) / Continued from last week. Paint tortoises and glaze. / Make Rain Maker stick musical instruments. Create a design and think about how we could make it. What materials, methods? / Paint tubes to create rain-makers, using acrylic paint.
French / Animals
Introduce animal names & use in song / Revise animals, learn more animals, consider characteristics / Read ‘Cher Zoo’ – children join in repeated phrases / Repeat ‘Cher Zoo’ and consider what other animals might have been sent / Start to make a class book of ‘Cher Zoo’ using their own animal ideas / Finish ‘Cher Zoo’ book
PE / Gymnastics
Exploring big and little shapes. / Exploring shapes continued using large apparatus. / Travelling using apparatus. / Linking travelling and shapes. / Developing sequences on their own or in partners. / Revise sequences and perform and evaluate.
Invasion games
Develop receiving skills using hockey type sticks and bats. / Travelling and sending skills in a games situation. / Ball control using feet. / Develop travelling skills with a ball. / Throwing and catching.
Team games for practice. / Children to devise their own games in small groups.
ICT / Maths and English interactive programs e.g. Roy the Zebra. Use of 'Word' to write stories and Hamilton links as specified. Numberzones and mymaths and SumDog for maths. BBC clips / games for science. Research on Africa topic and Taste of France themes.
RE / What makes a good leader?
Identify qualities of leadership and reflect upon who they trust. / Old Testament – important for Christians and Jews. Learn about Abraham. / David – retell anointing of David. / Moses
What sort of leader was Moses? Read story of Moses and the burning bush. / St Valentine
PSHE / Good to be me
Recognize, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way.
Look at faces and expressions / Draw different faces for each expression. / What are you good at? What are other people good at? / Doing something to be proud of (Resolutions assemblies) / Respect
Growing up – how people’s needs change – respecting the elderly / N/A

Medium Term plans across the curriculum Prep llSpring 2 2015

Subject / Week 7 / Week 8 / Week 9 / Week 10 / Week 11
Word reading
National strategy support for spelling / Common inflections (suffixes) revise verbs ending in -ed and -in for past tense. Explain doubling consonant rule. / Identify words ending in 'tion'. Create a list of fantasy words using thedz / j sound - dge, g, ge.
Suffixes - explain rule for adding ed, ing for words with split digraph. / Spell words with /ll/ endings. - le or el.
Introduce words 'singular' and 'plural'. Add suffix 's' to make a word plural, but a word ending in 'y' changes to 'ies'. / Add suffix 'y' to make adjectives.. eg. fun to funny. If a word ends in 'e' then take off 'e' and add 'y' eg. bone to bony. / Add suffix 'ful' to adjectives to mean 'full of'. Add suffix 'less' to mean 'without'. Practise spelling and use in writing. / .
Grammar and punctuation / Mind map of St George using adjectives and descriptive phrases.
Extend to work on similies. / Write longer sentences using conjunctions beginning to use subordination. / Use conjunctions for sentences. exercises with and and but. / Use conjunctions such as 'and', 'but', 'so' and 'because'. / SAT writing tasks
composition / Fiction
Fantasy stories
Dragon Stories
Remind children of their targets (English books) / Make story plan and write a story for dragon. edit and finish stories to make a class book. (use 'word' on computer) / Fiction
Traditional tales from other cultures / Plan story based on a traditional tale. Complete over the week and if time word process. / SAT writing tasks
Comprehension and spoken language / Discuss story - The dragon machine by Helen Ward - what are inferences? Group reading and ref to similies. / Make up and tell a story - create characters, setting and plot. / Retell the story of Hansel and Gretel - 2 min. presentation of drama using props then using a story map.
Group reading - Baba Yaga - make a list of interesting words. / Retell the story of Baba Yaga using story pegs. articulate clearly. Use articles and conjunctions. / SAT practice comprehension
Maths. / Add 2-digit numbers using grid and Spider; Add 2-digit numbers that cross the tens; Subtract 2-digit numbers; Finding the difference.(money)
Remind children of their targets for this term. / Estimate, measure and compare capacities, choosing and using suitable non-standard and standard units.block graphs and pictograms to show results. / Understand how to read an array; Know that multiplication can be done in any order; Know that division is the inverse of multiplication. Word problems. / Sort calculations according to whether they are known facts or need to be worked out; Use facts to add four or five small numbers, by spotting pairs to ten/doubles; / Subtract two-digit numbers e.g. 22 – 17, 32 – 27; Recognise coins and find totals using a combination of coins; Add two 2-digit money amounts together.
Assessment and SAT practice
Science / African habitats
An in depth study of the African savannah. / Exploration of a jungle habitat.
Supported by Eden visit. / The seashore or woodland. (A local habitat to compare with the African ones) / A suitable food source is the main criteria for animals to survive in a particular habitat. Plants make their own food but animals eat plants &/or other animals. Study some simple food chains. / .
Topic (history and geography) / Kenya/Africa
Story of Chocolate and the cocoa pod- supported by Eden Project visit. / Post card from Africa
(worksheet 2) Children to complete as if on holiday in Africa. / Visit to Newquay Zoo / Review work done this term. Answer questions and write down what they would like to learn about next. / Review work done this term. Answer questions and write down what they would like to learn about next.
Art / African Printing Look at African printing and patterns. Design for a tee-shirt. Materials, tools etc. / Create a t shirt design based on knowledge of African culture. Block print or other using African colours. (Mudcloth programme on computer?) / Mothering Sunday cards and gifts. Design pattern for pot and plant flower. / Easter / Easter Cards.
French / Tour de France
Children learn about the tour de France, practice following instructions in French. / 'Tour de France'
Use playground for a tour de france route. Children to bring in bikes and follow French instructions. Who will win the yellow jersey? / French Easter
How do they celebrate it in France? ICT / Create Easter cards in French. / Write the inside greeting in French.
PE - Dance / Based around 'Hop, skip and jump' programme and learning a African dance for our assembly.
PE – Net games / Throwing and hitting. Bean bags and bats. / Explore a variety of ball games. e.g. Basket ball, net ball / Balls and bats skills - team games and working co-operatively. / Introduce the net and play some team games using skills they have learnt. / Badminton skills. Explore different skills and equipment needed for badminton.
ICT / Use of IT in research of African topic. Ongoing programmes to reinforce learning in English, Maths and Science.
RE / The life of Jesus
What do you know about Jesus? Brainstorm ideas and watch beg. Of the Miracle Maker. / Shrove Tuesday
Explore the meanings and traditions of lent. Make pancakes. / Why did people follow Jesus? Look at parables and Sermon on the mount. What did Jesus teach? Watch Miracle Maker. / Jesus - What made him a leader?
(continued) / Mother's day
Explore significance of this tradition and how we celebrate it today. Make mother's day cards. / Easter story - children to write and illustrate Easter story booklet.
PSHE / It’s what’s inside that matters. Doesn’t matter colour of your hair or eyes or skin. / Gifts and talents challenge. Work in a group to discover their talents. / Make or illustrate or practise their talent. / Present it to the classes. / Mother's day cards. Thinking about helping others.