NOTES FROM Hampshire Superintendents Steering Committee MEETING

Friday, October 21, 2016 9:00 A.M.

Present: Karol Coffin, Marlene DiLeo, Kevin Farr, Nancy Follansbee, Craig Jurgensen, Anne McKenzie, John Provost, John Robert and Sheryl Stanton.

CES Staff: Cecelia Buckley, Angela Burke, Bill Diehl, Bill Erickson, and Albert Mussad.

Minutes: On a motion (Provost/Farr) notes from the September 23 Joint Franklin-Hampshire Steering Committee meeting were approved, with two minor corrections.

General Discussion-

1.  In the sense of leading at the pace of social media, the group shared examples of beneficial uses of Tweeting and re-tweeting others as an immediate and positive medium with fewer direct messages and less likelihood for random rants in reply as in other media. Most use it to update the community on school matters and strengthen or maintain positive parent-school engagement.

2.  In expressing concern about the prospect of lifting the cap on charters as proposed in Ballot Question 2, Superintendents spoke of how many School Committees have taken a stance in opposition. Reference was given to a recent Diane Ravitch piece “Report from Ground Zero of the Charter Fraud in Massachusetts.”

3.  John Robert asked for suggestions and advice about securing an accounting software program appropriate for a district his size.

CES Matters of Interest-

4.  Bill Diehl’s September report to the Board of Governors had been previously distributed.

5.  Bill outlined recent events, program offerings and new initiatives, including the impending piloting of District Liaisons – CES leaders who would serve as a direct and frequent link between designated school districts and the Collaborative. Angela spoke of the advantages of such a network for mutual recognition and understanding needs of the agency and its member districts.

6.  Bill spoke of the ‘terrific’ Social Justice Education Conference bringing together leadership teams and individuals from area school districts to participate in sessions led by youth and adults focusing on critical issues in social justice and equity in schools. Bill noted that one session was on diversifying the education work force and it was planned by Annie McKenzie and him and had John Provost as one of the panelists.

7.  CES also is sponsoring a workshop soon focused on challenges facing transgendered students. It was noted that advisory assistance on this topic was also given from MIAA and athletic directors.

8.  Bill also noted: that the Low Income Education Access Project (LEAP) training of trainers is successful and will result in tailored workshops for districts; that Mt Tom had a successful start of the year; that paraprofessional workshops were in the pipeline; and that the Inclusive Practices Ambassadors project was close to serving 1,000 principals (as well as other administrators) – Sharon Jones is the Ambassador at CES.

9.  Cecelia noted that DESE is seeking more qualified people to serve as mentors to teachers and district personnel as part of the licensure program. There is also a need for inter-district mentors for teachers of low-incidence subjects, i.e. strong teachers from one district to help elsewhere, possibly drawing from retired educators.

10.  Albert spoke of coming workshops in the fall and on Election Day; CES contract for a SETLI (Special Ed ETLs) Institute which is going very successfully and has a lengthy waiting list; contract to develop a course for the Mass Focus Academy; recently purchased site-based ELL training modules; and a Next Generation ESL program to create Universal programming design curriculum units following.

11.  Technology on-line courses are underway, including Strategies for ESL and Differentiated Instruction, offered in central and western Massachusetts on a fee scale based on the number of teachers. Those completing receive an on-site PLC workshop.

12.  Angela reported at length on work of the western Massachusetts Broadband Consortium to get four counties connected, which would also reduce prices. Special note was made of Kareem, a portable wireless hotspot that schools can loan to students who do not have internet at home.

Next Meeting – Friday, November 18, 2016

Adjourn – The meeting adjourned at 11:20 A.M


Bill Erickson, Recorder