Children & Young People’s Service, Early Years

Subsidising Vulnerable Out of School Care

Guidance Notes

Grants Scheme - 2015/16


If you need any clarification or support when completing the form please contact

Susan Smith, Scottish Borders Council on 01835 824000 ext 5757 or e-mail

To be eligible to be considered for grant
  1. Applicants must be –
  2. Registered providers with the Care Inspectorate
  3. Have been registered with the Care Inspectorate for a minimum of 12 months
  4. Registered with OSCR (voluntary managed clubs only)
  1. The maximum amount of funding available to applicants is as follows:
  • Services open daily for more than 40 weeks per year who pay rent: £3,500
  • Services open daily for more than 40 weeks per year who don’t pay rent: £3,000
  • Services open daily for less than 40 weeks per years who pay rent:£2,500
  • Services open daily for less than 40 weeks per year who don’t pay rent:£2,000
  1. Grants will only be awarded where evidence can be given to show vulnerability and / or threat of closure without this support.
  1. Grant applicants will only be considered when there is evidence of other funding applications other funding routes having been tried and the results of these.
  1. As funding is limited, only one application per Out of School Care Club can be considered in the current financial year, but applications can cover a 12 month period.
  1. Applications may be submitted at any time in accordance with the application deadline dates below,

Application deadline dates
24thJune 2016
2nd Sept 2016
28thOctober 2016
16th December 2016
  1. Applications must be submitted using the properly completed, appropriate application form.The signed application form should be sent to:

Marjorie Hutton

Early Years Strategy Officer

Children & Young Peoples Services

Scottish Borders Council

Newtown St Boswells



The supporting documentation required can be sent in hard copy along with the signed application form or sent electronically to

  1. Applications will be considered by the Early Years Team.
  1. It would be our aim to give notification of decisions within 2 months of receipt of application.
  1. Applications will only be considered where there are no outstanding debts to Scottish Borders Council.

Conditions of Grant

  1. Provision of childcare must be consistent with Scottish Borders Early Years Strategy and the national Early Years Framework, GIRFEC and Building the Ambition links below:
  1. The grant must be used solely for the purpose for which it was intended. In the event of the grant not being employed in this way the Council will require full repayment.
  1. The grant may only be used for revenue costs, such as staffing and premises costs.
  1. The provider will keep records and receipts of how the grant is spent, and provide this on request showing efficient use of resources.
  1. The provider will provide any other reasonable information required by the Scottish Borders Council’s Early Years Team for monitoring purposes.
  1. The provider must give details of any other sources of grants that have been applied for.
  1. In the event of the successful provider ceasing business or disposing of the business within 12 months, all or part of the grant may have to be repaid, at the discretion of Scottish Borders Council’s Early Years Team.
  1. Successful providers must give a commitment to undertake accredited training for staff and committees, if applicable, attending relevant short training courses as promoted by the Council.
  1. The provider must have in place policies and procedures as deemed necessary by the Care Inspectorate, or other relevant organisation.
  1. For the purposes of the Inland Revenue, you are required to include any money you receive in the form of grants, as income and this must be included in your accounts.
  1. It is a requirement that all early years and childcare services operating in Scottish Borders Council premises or who have a contract with Scottish Borders Council have a minimum of 10 million pounds public liability and 10 million pounds employers liability insurance cover we strongly advise that all early years and childcare services have this level of cover as a minimum
  1. In the event of the grant being awarded, the provider is required to:
  • Use part of the grant to purchase and undertake the “Achieving Quality Scotland” quality assurance scheme for out of school clubs, supplied by the Scottish Out of School Care Network.
  • Become a member of the Scottish Out of School Care Network
  • Become a member of Play Borders
  • Return monthly occupancy and income & expenditure accounts by the 10th of each month for a period of 12 months after receipt of the grant, and any other reasonable information required by the Council for monitoring purposes.
  • Respond to any requests for information, including surveys and questionnaires

Payment of Grant

Payment of the grant is subject to monthly occupancy and income & expenditure accounts being provided regularly and on time.

In the event of an application for funding being successful,

  • 50% of the grant will be released.
  • The remaining 50%, will be released following the receipt of 3 months monitoring information

Failure to provide this information may affect the remaining funding and funding applications in subsequent years.

Data Protection: Please note that the information contained on this application form will be shared with appropriate representative groups within Scottish Borders Council and community planning groups. It may also be used to confirm with the Care Inspectorate, the date of Registration and to inform applicants about issues relevant to childcare. However your details will not be shared with any other parties for direct mailing or similar purposes.

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Children & Young People’s Service, Early Years

Subsidising Vulnerable Out of School Care – Application Form

Grants Scheme - 2016/17

Applicants are advised to read the eligibility and conditions of grant information PRIOR to completing the form.

N.B. Funds are available to support groups who may face closure without this support. However, a grant will only be considered when there is evidence of other funding applications / routes having been tried and the results of these.

This grant cannot be used for equipment

Details of Applicant

Name of Organisation
Name of Contact Person
Contact Address
Telephone / Day / Evening
Registration Details
Care Inspectorate Registration No.
Date of first Registration
Date of most recent Inspection
OSCR number

How many out of school care places are you currently providing?

Before School / After School / Holiday Care
How many weeks per year do you provide care?

General Information

When did you last carry out a survey of need?
When do you next plan to carry out a survey of need?
What relevant training has been undertaken by staff in the last 12 months?
What relevant training has been undertaken by committee members in the last 12 months?

Details of funding applications already submitted

Please give details of current funding applications already submitted to address your vulnerable circumstances, including dates, expected results and details of funding secured.

Details of Application

Please give a detailed explanation of what the grant would be used for and why it is necessary.

(Approximately 250 words)

Please state if the group has any outstanding fees. If yes, please give details of the amount outstanding and the steps being taken to recover them.

Financial Information

The following financial information must alsobe completed to enable your application to be considered:

Projectedthis Actuallast

financial year financial year


Income ££

Fee Income
Grants:- please state
Local Authority
Fundraising – please list
Bank Interest
Other – Please specify
Total Income


Staff – inc PAYE
Premises Gas / Elec / Heat
Administration:- General i.e. stationary
Auditor / Independent examiner
Activity + Materials
Memberships Play Borders / SOSCN
Care Inspectorate
Quality Assurance
Miscellaneous please specify
Total Revenue
Plans / building warrants
Total Capital
Total Expenditure (Revenue + Capital)
Difference (Income - Expenditure)

Total amount requested£

Information to be included with this application:

Copies of bank statements for the previous 6 months for all bank accounts, including savings / reserves accounts relating to the provision
The latest set of audited accounts audited by a Reporting Accountant and signed by that person.
A detailed 1 year Business Plan and Forward Plan / Business Plan for the next 3 years
Equal Opportunities Policy
Environmental Policy
Recruitment Policy
Evidence of insurance (public liability and employers)
Copy of results of most recent survey of need
Minutes of last AGM and most recent committee meeting (voluntary managed clubs)
Business Continuity Plan

I confirm that the information provided is accurate and I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the grant scheme. I also confirm that I have no outstanding debts to Scottish Borders Council. Where appropriate, I confirm that any building or installation work carried out has been done by a person who is qualified to carry out the work and who is covered by public liability insurance.

I agree to the members of appropriate representative community planning and early years groups sharing the information I have provided; within Scottish Borders Council and with the Care Inspectorate. I also agree to my details being stored on a database for use by the Scottish Borders Council in providing me with relevant information as they deem to be appropriate.

I agree that I will take appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data as well as accidental loss or destruction of or damage to personal data whether by itself or by its employees, agents or third parties to whom personal data is disclosed

Data Protection: Please note that the information contained on this application form will be shared with appropriate representative groups within Scottish Borders Council and community planning groups. It may also be used to confirm with the Care Inspectorate, the date of Registration and to inform applicants about issues relevant to childcare. However your details will not be shared with any other parties for direct mailing or similar purposes.

I am enclosing all the information that is required, with this application.

(Please note: at least one signatory must be a committee office bearer)

Signed Date


Signed Date


Please note, the Early Years Strategy Officer or the Early Years Development & Training Officer, may wish to contact you for clarification or further information prior to this application being considered.