Annual Report of North Zone- AICC RCOG

From 1 April 2012to 31 March 2013

Chairperson- Dr Sohani Verma

Vice Chairperson – Dr NirmalaAgarwal

Treasurer – Dr Anita Kaul

Secretary – Dr Mala Arora

The following academic activities were carried out:

  1. RCOG MRCOG Part II Enhanced Revision Program with virtual classroom training

Venue: Virtual on-line classroom

Organizers: Dr SarithaShamsunder, DrMeenakshiSahu, Dr Priti Gupta, Dr PoojaThukral, Dr Arbinder Dang

Event: 25 sessions over 5 months – September 2012 to March 2013

8 Delegates logged in to a virtual online classroom every weekend.

  1. MRCOG Part I Course

Venue: RCOG-NZ India Centre

Organizers: Dr SN Basu, Dr Neema Sharma, Dr Sandhya Gupta

Event: Twice a year

(i)20th – 23nd July 2012

No. of Candidates 12

No. Of Faculty 10

(ii)11-14 January 2013

No. of Candidates10

No. Of Faculty 10

  1. Part 2 MRCOG revision course

Venue: RCOG-NZ India Centre

Organizers: Dr Sanjeev Sharma from (UK),

Dr S Shamsunder, Dr JayasreeSundar, Dr JyotiBhaskar,

Dr. PoojaThukral

Event: Twice a year

(i)27th – 29th July 2012

No. of Candidates 21

No. Of Faculty 20

(ii)21 – 23 January 2013

No. of Candidates 21

No. Of Faculty 25

  1. Basic Practical Skills

Venue: Ethicon Institute

Organizers: Dr Sanjeev Sharma from UK, Dr MamtaDagar,

Dr Jasmine Chawla, Dr Arbinder Dang


(i)24th & 25thJuly 2012

No. of Candidates 13

No. Of Faculty 18

(ii)24-25- January 2013

No. of Candidates 21

No. Of Faculty 19

Special Skill Enhancing Courses

  1. Advanced Obstetric Skill Course

Venue: Max Hospitals, Saket

Organizers: Dr AnjilaAneja, Dr JharnaBehura, Dr PoonamThakur

Event: Twice a year

(i)22ndJuly 2012

No. of Candidates 31

No. Of Faculty 18

(ii)20 January 2013

No. of Candidates 24

No. Of Faculty 23

  1. High Risk Obstetric Workshop

Venue: SantParmanand Hospital, Delhi

Organizers: Dr NirmalaAgarwal, Dr SonalBathla

Event - Annual

31 March 2013

No. of Candidates 49

No. Of Faculty 30

  1. Hands-on Gynae Endoscopy Workshop

Venue: Fortis Hospitals, New Delhi & Gurgaon

Organizers: Dr UrvashiPJha, Dr Neema Sharma, Dr RamandeepKaur

Event: Twice a month from May 2011

  1. Part I & Part II MRCOG Examinations on 3rd & 4thSeptember 2012were organized by Dr JB Sharma and Dr Sohani Verma at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi.
  1. Annual Conference of the RCOG Northern Zone with workshops on 1 & 2 September 2012

(a)Annual Conference of AICC RCOG Northern Zone, 2012

Theme Clinical Path- Changing Advances in Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Venue: Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi

Organizers: Dr Sohani Verma,Dr NirmalaAgarwal, Dr Mala Arora Dr Anita Kaul Dr Saritha S Kale

Attended by total No. of Participants - 178

(b)Perineal Repair Workshop

Venue: Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi

Conveners: Dr Ranjana Sharma, Dr JayasreeSundar , Dr KameshwariSurampudi, Dr Nuzhat Aziz

Total No. of Participants - 87

(c)Fetal CTG Workshop

Venue: Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi

Conveners: Dr Sohani Verma, Dr Anita Kaul, Dr Chanchal Singh

Total No. of Participants - 50

(d)Conducting & Publishing clinical Research trials – Any One Can do It !

Venue: Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi

Conveners: Dr J B Sharma, Dr Mala Arora, Dr Pooja C Thukral

Total No. of Participants - 16

  1. Other activities:

30th June 2012 - A CME & Workshop on Colposcopy“Current Conceptsin Cervical Cancer Prevention” was organized by theDepartment of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital under the aegis of Indian Society of Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology, RCOG North Zone India and AOGD on 30th June 2012