All Saints C of E Infant School & Nursery

Parent Questionnaire (Summer Term 2013)

There were 49 responses:
Y2 – 8 Reception - 13
Y1 – 7 Nursery – 21 / Strongly Agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Question
My child enjoys coming to school / 38 / 9 / 1 / 1
My child is safe at school / 36 / 10 / 2 / 1
The school understands and responds to my child’s needs / 36 / 11 / 2
My child is taught well at school / 37 / 11 / 1
My child is making good progress / 41 / 8
My child is encouraged to work hard and do their best / 41 / 7 / 1
My child receives an appropriate amount of homework for his/her age / 15 / 9 / 4 / 21
The school communicates with me effectively about my child’s progress / 34 / 13 / 2
The school communicates with me effectively about how to support my child’s learning / 35 / 10 / 4
The school communicates with me effectively about school events and activities / 34 / 15
The school seeks my views and listens to my concerns / 35 / 11 / 3
There is a good standard of behaviour at All Saints / 31 / 14 / 4
The school deals with any areas of concern effectively / 31 / 15 / 3
The school is welcoming and there are opportunities to get involved / 38 / 9 / 2
I think the school is well led and managed / 36 / 9 / 4
I understand and support the school’s Christian ethos / 36 / 8 / 5
The school offers a range of extra-curricular activities / 29 / 14 / 4 / 2
I would recommend All Saints to another family / 34 / 13 / 2
What you told us:
A)Somethings we do well:
  • Encourage children to be sociable.
  • Teach!
  • Everything, the teachers are good with parents and children.
  • Everything is done well and to high standards.
  • Makes sure my child is heard at the end of the day when he says goodbye.
  • Accommodate special needs. Very welcoming, friendly and helpful.
  • Assemblies are brilliant, I think its lovely how well all members of staff know each child individually.
  • Support the children through their learning and help them if needed.
  • The children are happy going into school and learning is made fun.
  • The school has a lovely atmosphere everybody is polite, friendly and always smiling.
  • I think the attention that is spent on the children is perfect and my child loves coming to school and she loves her teachers.
  • You inform the parents of upcoming events so that we can plan for that day ahead.
  • Everything is done well and to high standards.
  • Supporting the children.
  • The communication between staff is excellent. The staff know every child as an individual.
  • Work well and at the child’s level.
  • Extra support when needed.
  • Support and encourage the children in all aspects of the National Curriculum.
  • Staff are very approachable.
  • I’m happy with everything the school does.
  • Always there to listen, welcomes up with a smile, makes the child welcome.
  • Fantastic support not only for my child but the whole family. Thank you.
  • Everything.
  • Excellent nursery with passionate and caring staff!
  • My child isn’t very confident and the staff helped in any way they could to support them and us.
  • Fantastic care overall.
  • Do well on everything, there isn’t just something it’s all of it.
  • Understand different children’s needs and work with each at their own pace.
  • Everything at the school is done so well! The school does particularly well in meeting individual needs, as well as promoting group interaction.
  • Supported my child’s SEN need.
  • Interaction with parents and communication.
  • Promoting healthy and Christian value, balancing well with academic value.
  • Everthing.
B) Somethings we could improve upon:
  • Teachers should be in school uniform or just cardis.
  • More things to do after school: art, music, gymnastics, book club
  • Sports? Sports day?
  • Letting one class in ata time (Yr1 & Yr2) as gets very crowded.
  • Better rewards for children who are consistently well behaved.
  • Homework is sometimes sent home with very little information of what needs doing or when it needs to be done by.
  • More communication between teachers especially working parents that can not always get to school.
  • Cannot think of anything!
  • A bit more homework.
  • Letting parents know when awards are being presented.
  • Cut some of the visits going into Reception as this confused my child.
  • Nothing
  • N/A
  • Don’t need to improve.
  • N/A
  • Nothing
  • N/A
  • As apparent I would love to be asked or put our name down to help with school trips/days out.

Thank you for completing this questionnaire.

This year we received completed 113 questionnairesaltogether. In consultation with staff and governors, we made improvementsto the content and layout of the questionnaire by introducing a finer grading system, reworded / changed some of the questions and provided more space for detailed feedback

Once again, we are very pleased with the overall results. The percentages and comments continue to present the school as being successful, happy and well led. Many thanks

Areas of success

  • My child is making good progress

We are very pleased that 93% of you feel that your child is making good progress. Classroom staff and the senior leadership team meet to discuss your child’s progress, provision and targets on a termly basis. Government statistics also show that pupils consistently make better than expected progress at Brookfield compared to the national average.

  • My child is encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle 96% of you stated that the school was encouraging your child to lead a healthy lifestyle. Again the school is fully committed to encouraging pupils to lead a healthy lifestyle as recognised by the recent accreditation of ‘Enhanced Healthy School Status’. The school continues to provide a wide range of exciting physical activities and as the only CamdenPrimary School to produce its own school dinners, 8??? % of pupils enjoy our tasty, balanced and nutritious meals.
  • My child gets on well with children from other backgrounds

We were delighted that 98% of you stated that your child gets on well with pupils from other backgrounds. We are very proud of our diverse intake (children from Brookfield speak over 25different languages), and wewill continue to celebrate this in assemblies, at The Summer Festival and in this year’s International Evening.

  • My child is safe at school

97% of you felt that your child was safe at school. We take your children’s safety extremely seriously and were delighted that this was recognised in the questionnaire. Last November we were inspected by the local authority who gave us a ‘good’ rating for our safeguarding arrangements. Recommendations from their detailed report have been implemented.

  • I would recommend Brookfield to another family

It was very encouraging that 93% of you stated that you would recommend Brookfield to another family. We are very proud of our friendly,successful and inclusive community school and glad that you are too.

Areas of development

  • The school communicates with me effectively about how to support my child’s learning

Over the last few weeks we have started to explore new ways tosupport you with your child’s learning. The ‘Open Mornings’ in April were a great success and next year we will develop these as well as using other means (online materials, workshops and parents evenings) to provide parents with greater support regarding their child’s learning.

  • The school communicates effectively with me about my child’s progress

Whilst 93% of you stated that you felt your child was making good progress, there was still 13% who felt that the school needed to communicate more effectively in this area. The school has takenrecent steps to provide parents/carers with moredetailed information about children’s progress eg parents evenings and annual reports and plans to use Open Mornings as a means of allowing parent/carers greater opportunities to see for themselves how their children are progressing.

  • The school seeks my views and listens to my concerns

In the near future, the governors will be sending out a questionnaire specifically aimed at improving communication between home and school. We plan to use good ideas generated from this to help us seek your views and listen to your concerns more effectively.

Parental Comments

We were also very pleased that many parent/carers took the time to provide detailed feedback about what the school was doing well and could improve still further. Overall there was far more consensus about the school’s strengths; with particular mentions for F.A.B., its dedicated staff, inclusion of parents and the welcoming and friendly ethos. Key areas for development which were identified, related to information regarding children’s progress and developing aspects of the curriculum; particularly maths. These are both areas which we have already planned to address within next year’s school improvement plan

If you have any further comments or suggestions to make, then do contact either Laurel or myself in one of the school playgrounds or book an appointment to see me through the school office.

Best wishes

Mark Stubbings


My child is making good progress

Areas of success
Coming to school
  • We were delighted that 98.3% of you stated that your child enjoyed coming to school. We work hard to create a welcoming, exciting and enjoyable place for your children to learn and ensure that strong friendships are formed and that staff, children and adults treat each other with respect.

The school is well led and managed

  • Again we were very pleased that 98.3% of you thought that the school was well led and managed. Despite the interim changes that were made to the school’s leadership team, the school continued to run smoothly and efficiently. We will continue to invest in nurturing leadership at all levels and continue to be encouragedby the way teachers and subject leaders leadon areas of school improvement each year.

Areas of development


  • Whilst the 80% represented an improvement on last year’s 73.2%, we are still aware that this is an area for further development. We were very pleased by the response to last year’s homework questionnaire and over the last few months, the staff and governors have worked hard to re-write the school’s homework policy in readiness for this September. The new policy will be distributed at the beginning of this academic year and reviewed in later on this year.

Catering for the individual needs of the child

  • Again, whilst this was also an improvement on last year’s result (up by 4.2%) we will continue to monitor children’s progress and well being carefully so that their individual needs are addressed through a range of provision eg carefully planned work, enrichment activities, group or 1 – 1 interventions and liaison with outside agencies.

Being kept informed of my child’s progress and well being

  • Last year we introduced a new way of reporting back to parents / carers at open eveningswhich set out the levels of progress that children were making from one term to another. We also introduced a new web-site at the end of the year and invested in Fronter as a means of sharing information. We hope that once these measures become firmly established, it will enable parents/carers to feel more informed about their child’s progress and well being.