CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: The British Academy of Management (BAM)

The British Academy of Management (BAM) is the learned society for business and management academics in the UK and beyond. BAM’s purpose is to support the development of the academic community and to enable and support the highest quality research, education, practice and policy in business and management.

Job purpose: to provide leadership for delivery of BAM’s ambition for transformational growth in size and stature, to manage its operations including oversight of its financial and legal responsibility for all aspects of its performance and to manage the office staff.

Reports to: The Chair of BAM on behalf of the Executive and Council

Main responsibilities:

1. To provide leadership and delivery of BAM’s ambition for growth in membership, stature and impact, taking responsibility for the implementation and evaluation of its strategy.

2. To nurture and develop excellent relationships within BAM’s governance structure: working with the elected Executive and Council. To oversee the delivery of actions to support the organisation’s strategic aims, including areas of:

policy and public relations

researchsupport and publications

management and knowledge education (MKE)


managing the annual conference

supportingSpecial Interest Groups (SIG) and building capability events

administering grant schemes

3. To identify revenue and income streams with a view to developing and resourcing a sustainable infrastructure of support.

4. To manage and develop the organisation operationally:

a) To structure, manage, develop and motivate the team of staff in the BAM office to deliver the strategic aims through clearly delineated lines of accountability. The leadership role is in the context of the transformation of BAM, and the development of the staffing resource commensurate with this.

b) To proactively manage premises and facilities issues, including ensuring all decisions offer value for money. The potential move of premises should be actively considered.

c) To ensure the technical infrastructure of this membership learned societyis fit for purpose.

d) To work with the Deputy Academy / Finance Manager on the financial responsibility for all aspects of the BAM’s performance. Along withDeputy Academy / Finance Manager to advise the Executive on the reserves policy, income and cost budgets as well as steering the organisation’sinternal and external investment strategy.

e) to develop, provide and monitor organizational performance data and targets in discussion with the Executive.

5. To develop excellent working relationships with key stakeholders internal and external to BAM.

a) Internally this includes: The President and Chair, The Executive, The Council, BAM staff, SIGs, BAM Fellows and the membership community,
b) Externally this will include:

Other learned / similar societies including ANZAM, IAM, EURAM, AoM, the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) and the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS) in the UK and those in the same / similar subject fields operating in other countries

Practitioner bodies such as the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), the Chartered Marketing Institute (CIM) and identifying others

Leaders of university business schools

Research funding bodies

Media and broadcast executives and politicians

Ensuring that the BAM is perceived as proactive, innovative and an influential source of expertise for the business and management community

6. To develop excellent working relationships with all BAM groups / networks particularlySIGs and BAM Fellows, ensuring that their work is coordinated, supported and promoted by the national office in order to maximise its benefits.

7. To increase the public engagement and positive perception of BAM.

8. To exemplify the values ofBAM, personifying ambition, professionalism and visibility.

9. To ensure that BAM fulfils its statutory obligations as a charitable organization, and can demonstrate public benefit and contribution to the business and management community of scholars as well as clear benefits for members.

Person specification:
Essential criteria / Desirable criteria
Experience of working in a membership organisation or in the charity sector / Experience of working in a learned society or in business and management or in academia or an associated area
Evidence of an entrepreneurial mind-set with outstanding organizational and leadership skills / Experience in public-facing management position with responsibility across a range of functions
Experience of successful change management / Experience of, or ability to, develop and implement long term strategic plans
Understandingof business analysis and from this developing appropriate infrastructure and implementing effective and efficient workflows / Experience of growing income streams, and building sustainable organizational financial strength with a view to resourcing organizational ambition and growth
Significant experience of developing constructive working relationships with senior stakeholders for productive outcomes / Experience of liaising with relevant media outlets, producing media briefs and running public affairs campaigns would be an advantage
Experience of recruiting, retaining, managing and developing staff / Experience of speech writing and public speaking would be an advantage
Knowledge of corporate governance, of statutory obligations and performance management principles in producing organizational performance data / Experience of managing funded projects / ventures for successful outcomes