-RESULT OF The most of the fetus with sever chromosomal anomaly
-still birth
-born normal
-born with normal live
-born and die in first year
2-disease pass from mother and affection both sons and daughter with variable manifestation:
3-which of the following example of aneupolidy
-deletion of short arm of chromosome 5
-ataxia telengeictasia (breakage chromosome
-Duchene muscle atrophy
-Edward syndrome
-osteogenisi imperficta
4-false about down syndrome
-it is most common cause of genetic mental retardation
-genetic counseling is important as part of management
-it is incidence due to trans location increase with increase maternal age
-child are very friendly
5-which of these disorder is least likely be diagnosis by fetal USG
-diaphragmatic hernia
-neural tubal defect
6-propionic acidemai
-cause sever liver failure
-they are exgerated by ingestion of complex carbohydrate
-X-linked R
-they diagnosis intra uterine
-affected child have normal mental function
which of the following true
-consanguinity discourage in G-6-PD
-consanguinity increase risk of some in born metabolic disease
-down syndrome ARD
consanguinity increase ADD
-THAlassemia is X linked disease
8- 16 y-o girl short stature absent secondary sexual -amenorrhia wide space nipple except
- 45-XO
46xx inactive x
-deletion of short p X
-ring X
47 -XXY
-in general population 6
-one parent 20
-both parent 60
-affected mother more than affected father
-environmental is has minor role
true about chromosome
-ova\sperm 23 pairs
-klinfelter 45 chromosome
-turner 47
-edward is monosomy
-down (non -dis junction 47 chromosome
autosomal ressive pedigree
transloction from 4 to 3 chromosome
hemophilia pedigree
15- mylomengiocelle
best answer
supplement of maternal diet decrease the incidence of disease

1-  restriction endonucleases recognize specific neucleotide sequence of DNA that named:


2-  hybrid combination of 2 different DNA is call

-recombinant DNA

3-  process of introduce a foreign DNA in to replicating cells permitting amplification :

-DNA cloning

4-  method of DNA sequencing :

-sanger dideoxy method

5- clinically harm less DNA sequences variation that dose not affect phenotype

-poly morphism

6-DNA finger print analysis depend on


7- TEST TUBE method for amplification DNA


8- all following are requirement for PCR except :

-  restriction endonucleases.

9- most useful method to detect HIV in first few month is:


10 –NORTH blot for


11-the confirmatory test for HIV :

-Western blot

12-mutant CFTR gene DIFFER from normal CFTR GENE BY

-  missing 3 bases

13-which wrong about complementary DNA:

-it synthesized by RNA polymerase

14-all the following are source of DNA in except:


15- CODON SIX OF NORMAL B globe is :