Report to Highways and Transport Panel 21 June 2005
Author: Wendy Broome 01992 556118
1. Purpose of Report
To summarise the results of the public consultation exercise on the Bus and Rail Strategies for 2006/7 to 2010/11.
2. Background
Draft versions of the Bus and Rail Strategies were approved by the Panel for public consultation in March 2005. Between 6th May and 3rd June a consultation exercise was carried out on a wide circulation to local authorities, transport operators, community groups and statutory consultees. The exercise was announced in Intalink publications and on both the Intalink and HertsDirect websites, giving the general public opportunity to comment. Comments were invited through a structured questionnaire and qualitative responses. Informal meetings were also held with a number of respondents to discuss the background to certain issues that would help them frame their responses.
The responses have been analysed, and a summary with comments has been attached to this report as Appendix A.
3. Analysis - Rail Strategy
In respect of the Rail Strategy, respondents were largely supportive of both the structure and content of the document. Reference was made in the consultation document to the fact that it represented a summary of the issues, and that these would be expanded in the final version.
The full version of the document has now been completed and is attached to this report as Appendix B. The principal changes made are as follows:
· A clearer explanation of the role of the rail network and each route in relation to national, regional and local policies and objectives (section 2)
· Clarification of the policy on franchises, including the potential future role of Transport for London in specifying services that run in Hertfordshire (section 4)
· Expanded sections on Access to Stations (section 8) and Station Improvements (section 9), including a specific reference to the SRA's Railways for All consultation and the need to secure better DDA access to the network.
· A more detailed breakdown of the proposed strategy for each rail route in the county, with a clearer statement on the County Council's priorities for investment through the Local Transport Plan.
4. Analysis - Bus Strategy
Responses to the Bus Strategy were more wide-ranging, reflecting the considerable complexity of issues that the County Council has to consider. In many cases, respondents understood the explanation of issues that affected decisions on bus services made by commercial operators and the local authorities. There were comments that the Strategy did not detail the County Council's priorities for action and investment, if the bus network is to be improved.
There is however a commitment to complete the programme of local area Bus Network Reviews. This process will enable significant analysis of local bus services and issues for discussion with partner authorities and operators, including the issues identified by respondees. These included identifying bus priority measures which would encourage the development of Quality Partnerships and contracts with bus operators, improved ticketing schemes, and vehicle accessibility. Conclusions from the Reviews will come to Highways and Transport Panel for discussion.
The Bus Strategy has therefore been amended to highlight the Network Review programme as the process for addressing network issues (Appendix C – section 5).
5. Decisions Required
The Panel is asked to endorse the final draft of both the Bus and Rail Strategies for approval by Cabinet.
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Local Transport Plan – Bus and Rail Consultation May 2005
Q/C indicates responses by either Questionnaire or Comments, or both.
Organisation / Q/C / Comments / HCC ResponseRail comments have been incorporated in the redraft of the Rail document
County plans, rather than main development, should lead the way in proposing new policies. The policies should relate to the location and design of new development as well as improvement of the existing infrastructure.
Development in all areas should be designed and located around public transport hubs to reduce dependence on the car.
The Transport Plan will not succeed unless it can offer significant journey time advantage on dedicated routes.
Development will gradually change Stevenage into a City – if there is to be a PRT system, the rights of way must be safeguarded. Such a system would enable Stevenage to have a much larger clear zone, with park-and-ride at various points and without it, a Greenfield development on the scale of Stevenage West could never be truly sustainable.
Too many operators with little cooperation and coordination.
Lack of stability, eg services being withdrawn (343).
Timetables should be posted on the Internet and regularly updated.
Evening services are few and far between.
Services with only hourly frequencies are a disincentive to use.
Bus route 331 (Hertford-Royston) too infrequent at peak periods.
Free travel for pensioners and free student cards is desirable.
Ensure routes servicing Residential Homes for the elderly are kept running and any changes displayed at the Homes.
Frequency of stops in urban areas needs radical improvement so that main route services can be accessed close to side roads, eg leading to housing estates. Local circular buses that travel down side roads only incur expense and are subject to delay.
Improve quality of bus drivers.
Q6: Vehicles need to be smart to attract custom.
Minimum 8-car trains to ensure passenger comfort.
Inadequate provision of waiting rooms.
West Hampstead interchange should be brought forward.
Provide earlier services at weekends to allow for day trips.
Q 8: Greater degree of manpower/security at stations, with telephone boxes to be replaced immediately when vandalised.
Imperative for users (especially from rural villages) to be assured of parking at nearest rail head, eg Stevenage, where parking is currently being reduced. This only encourages commuters to drive into London.
TOCS should be more adept at marketing their services eg route planners as opposed to mere timetables.
Press for the Hitchin flyover to remove conflict between 125mph London trains and local GNER services. / Agree in principle. The challenge is to secure funding and implementation strategy with developers.
The majority of bus services are run on a commercial basis. HCC does not control service frequencies or fares on these routes, On contract services HCC has to judge value for money of improvements. Free travel for pensioners proposed by Government from April 2006.
Agree that there is a balance between speed of service and sufficient stops for passengers to access service.
Comments incorporated in expanded route strategy section of Rail Strategy.
TRING ENVIRO-MENTAL FORUM / Q/C / This individual has submitted a document of some 20 pages, going into considerable detail on all aspects of the LTP. Some general points:
Cross border issues are little addressed.
HCC must pressurize apathetic Councils, eg Dacorum.
Individuals should be able to request timetable information by e-mail.
Introduce Hail and Ride and drop-off requests.
Cheaper bus fares off-peak and at weekends.
Invest in safe cycling routes.
Ensure shelters are available at interchanges.
Improve quality of bus drivers.
Include cross border termini in BPIPs.
Introduce Carnet system as per the Continent – this would speed up passenger boarding time.
Better marketing strategies (posters, blanket delivery of timetables to households) to make people aware of advantages of bus travel – otherwise “long term petrol rationing” will need to be considered.
Ensure that drivers never fail to stop when people are waiting.
CCTV and plain clothes police.
Employ station personnel to assist those who are disabled, visually impaired or who suffer learning difficulties.
Better signage/information on use of lifts.
Introduce more sites for holding freight trains during peak times.
Ensure Thameslink has 12-car carriages.
Information at stations should also include details of the bus network and provide clear information on routes to airports.. / Agree with the principles, but HCC does not have control over important parts of the network for funding or operations.
New paragraph on DDA issues.
12-car trains delivered through Thameslink 2000 project (2012).
EERA / C / General
Bus strategy could address in more detail regional interchange centres and accessibility. Any rail development should be included in the bus strategy since urban extensions will require improved bus as well as rail services and there should be a greater degree of cross-reference between the documents. “Perhaps there should be a common introductory section covering the importance of public transport networks and the respective roles of rail and bus (plus taxis, community transport etc), together with the common need to improve interchanges, ticketing, information systems etc.”
The rail section does not explain that the Intalink strategy covers both bus and rail networks whilst the bus strategy does.
Disagree with the comment in para 3.3 in that Herts does not have a “dominant centre”. Not consistent with the draft RTS which identifies both Stevenage and Watford as Regional Interchange centres where, in accordance with policy T2, there should be significantly enhanced public transport to, from and within these centres. It would therefore be useful to have something similar to the rail strategy route strategy tables, covering at least the RICs of Watford and Stevenage, together with links to adjacent RICs, particularly Stansted, Harlow and Luton. More positive reference should be made to Contracts and Partnerships and such arrangements could also include the provision of bus telematics and real time information centres.
No reference to the potential for Park and Ride services, which should form part of the management package for the larger urban areas.
Although Crossrail is mentioned, there perhaps should be a reference to Superlink as this potentially offers better regional links, including West Coast main line and West Anglia line.
Re access to stations, there should be more detailed comments on improving bus, cycle and walking access in addition to the issue of car parking. / Agree.
HCC believes that although Stevenage and Watford have regional importance, they are not dominant.
Quality contracts need significant revenue funding, which may not be possible with joint District funding. Quality partnerships not necessarily suitable in Hertfordshire conditions.
West Anglia route strategy now contains reference to potential for Cross Rail trains to run to Stansted Airport.
Bus Quality Partnerships: Kevin Crawford, owner/operator of Mullanys Coaches, has expressed an interest in being involved in further consultations.
Adherence to strict timetables is a priority for buses. / Mullanys Coaches do not at present run major commercial bus routes. Quality partnerships are intended for commercial routes.
Bus routes should interchange with rail stations.
Neutral on Quality Contracts – outside area affected by this proposal.
Review impact of congestion on punctuality.
Reliability of bus services should be approached on a ‘case-by-case’ basis rather than seeking one overall solution.
Give consideration to development of east/west travel links.
Improve bus stops, particularly at Potters Bar, Elstree and Borehamwood.
Stations at Potters Bar, Elstree and Borehamwood are priority areas for improvement, particularly forecourts. / Agree.
HILLINGDON / Q / Questionnaire only.
Bus and rail infrastructure to support the development of Stevenage needs to be emphasised.
Develop better east-west passenger transport routes, using the bus network to plug the E-W gaps in the rail network.
Improve integration of any relocated bus station with the railway station.
HCC should continue to press the Government for funding.
Develop radical proposals for promoting bus use and increasing patronage. Revive Stevenage “Superbus” experiment.
Stevenage BC support HCC in the move towards a usage based, instead of a mileage based, reimbursement for concessionary bus schemes. Future strategy should include stronger direct links between concessionary fares and service provision/reliability/standards.
HCC should investigate methods whereby District Councils Officers can achieve a better understanding of contract bus service planning.
The most important criterion for choosing an area/corridor should be where existing services are poor – this criterion not specifically included in list in Clause 6.11.
BPIPs: Stevenage does not support allowing buses access to pedestrianised areas of town centres to improve punctuality – bus only roads within town centres is preferred. / Agree.
Local circumstances will influence suitability of priority measures.
BISHOPS STORTFORD / C / Congratulations to HCC on its clear and concise strategy.
In favour of:
“Plus Bus” for bus/rail.
“SaverCard scheme”.
Maximisation of S106 agreements.
Liaison with District/Parish Councils.
Surface access to airports.
Regular liaison with Councils/schools.
In favour of:
Integration with other modes of transport.
Future planning in growth period to 2021.
Investment in Thameslink 2000.
Lengthening of train formations – to 6, 8 or 12 car formations.
Feeder bus services for east-west corridor.
Improved access to stations, particularly in Harpenden where there is considerable on-street commuter parking.
Transfer more freight from road to rail. / Agree.
ROYSTON / X / Insufficient time to respond.
TRING / Q/C / Bus
Q3: No account taken of cancelled buses. Alternative BPIPs to Watford, Hemel and St Albans could be Tring, Berkhamsted and Harpenden
Emphasis must be placed on importance of improvements at Tring station (Gateway Project) and car park extension on the West Coast route in order to promote tourism, assist commuters etc. Current facilities at the station described as “dire” in recent Consultancy report. / BPIPs need to concentrate on areas of most significant congestion, but principle could be extended in the future.
Tring reference strengthened in West Coast route strategy.
The issue of expansion of ‘explore tickets’ should be addressed.
Review bus priority schemes.
LANGLEY / Q/C8 / Rail
Free car parking for users and season ticket holders.
ST STEPHEN / Q / Questionnaire only.
TEWIN / C / Questionnaire returned but not filled in. Comments have been made largely in relation to their own needs and location ie the village needs a reliable bus service and one which goes some way to making good connections to local rail stations. Cannot use the Plusbus service if first point of contact is a bus – HCC to clarify with Tewin. / Plusbus technology at present does not allow general ticket issue on bus.