Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Ingham Parish Council
Date: Monday 10th July 2017
Venue: Ingham & Cammeringham Village Hall
Attendance: Councillors: K. Wagstaff (Chairman), M. Dickinson (Vice Chairman), M. Nicholson, R. Gale, N. Brown, and L. Dicker. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), D. Booth (Village Caretaker), District Councillor Patterson and 4 members of the public.
312/July 2017 Public Session
Members of the public informed the Parish Council that 2 children had not been accepted to William Farr School this year, for the first time, and free transport was not being offered to some alternative schools. The Parish Council were asked to support the challenge of DTA and the transport situation.
313/July 2017 Apologies for absence
Councillor N. Ridout, PCSO McFaul
314/July 2017 Consideration of public session matters
· District Councillor Patterson will contact Richard Boothroyd to inform him that the free bus to De Aston School does not currently pick up children from Ingham;
· The Clerk will forward the response from Debbie Barnes, LCC (in response to Parish Council concerns raised in June 2015) to Councillors Nicholson and Brown and to members of the public present at the meeting;
· Councillor Brown will suggest that this situation is considered as part of the Neighbourhood Plan;
· The Parish Council will support parishioners in their challenge of DTA and the transport situation.
315/July 2017 Declarations of interest and dispensations from members in accordance with the Local Government
To be declared under the appropriate agenda items.
316/July 2017 Village Caretaker Report
The Village Caretaker had nothing to report.
317/July 2017 Notes of the Monthly Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on Monday 20th June 2017
Proposed by Councillor Wagstaff, seconded Councillor Nicholson and RESOLVED unanimously that the Notes of the Monthly Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on Monday 20th June 2017 be approved as Minutes.
318/July 2017 Receive the Declaration of acceptance from Co-opted Councillor
Mr R.Woods signed the declaration of acceptance form.
319/July 2017 Police Report
There have been no reported incidents in Ingham, however, there have been two attempted car thefts in Glentworth.
320/July 2017 Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding
The Parish Council are monitoring the following issues: 386/May 2011 The condition of the path outside 5 High Street; 562/December 2011 – The subsiding roadside on Stow Lane; 297/ January 2014 - Anglian Water dyke near to the playing field; 638/April 2015 - Collapsed drain under Church Hill – Temporary bollards have been erected by LCC Highways until the repair work is undertaken; 337/March 2014 - Double yellow lines on Lincoln Road - District Councillor Patterson will continue to press where possible.
Other outstanding items include:
118/December 2017 - Bins and benches –a date to install was agreed in a later agenda item;
221/April 2017 - Speed hump warning sign (car park) – reported for repair;
234/April 2017 - Replacement Picnic Bench – the picnic bench has been received and is awaiting installation;
230/April 2017 - Lincoln Road Development – a letter has been sent to the applicant asking for a contribution to the update of the play park – there has been no response to date;
308/June 2017 – Saxon Way trees – Glendale have been asked to quote for any work required to maintain the trees.
The Clerk also reported that a member of the public had asked to use the Playing Field for her wedding venue. The Clerk was asked to invite her to the next meeting to discuss this.
The Clerk also reported that he had requested a VAT refund, invoiced for play area rent and sent the Annual Return to Grant Thornton.
321/July 2017 P3 Liaison Officer’s Report
Councillor Dicker said that after contacting LCC about the deterioration of a footbridge, they had said that there was no need for repair at this stage.
322/July 2017 Items raised by Councillors for future Agendas
Councillor Dicker made Councillors aware that the Bus Services Act can allow you to pursue a bus service to be improved; there is funding available for war memorial repairs and there is funding for meeting the transparency code.
Councillor Nicholson asked whether there was any objection to a request to use the playing field for laser tag. There was no objection.
323/July 2017 County Council Issues
324/July 2017 District Council Issues
District Councillor Patterson reported that the District Council have teamed up with a stairlift provider and it is possible to have one fitted free of charge. A new Neighbourhood Planning Officer has been appointed. The Chief Executive of the Council has left and Mark Sturgess is currently assuming this position.
325/July 2017 PAYE Q2
Proposed by Councillor Brown, seconded Councillor Wagstaff and RESOLVED unanimously to authorise payment of £90.40 to HM Revenue & Customs.
326/July 2017 Monthly Financial report including resolution to make payments
Cheque Number Payee Amount
1440 Mr G Monks (salary June 2017)
1441 Mr D Booth (salary June 2017) 8
1442 Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC newsletters) £25
1443 Ingham Primary School (Learner of the Year Awards sponsorship) £70
1444 HM Revenue & Customs (PAYE Q2) £90.40
1445 G. Monks (reimbursement of postage cost) £6.45
1446 M. Nicholson (reimbursement for strim line and safety kit) £33.50
Proposed by Councillor Dickinson, seconded Councillor Wagstaff and RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1440 to 1446.
327/July 2017 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered
Planning application: 136365, Land at Highcliffe Farm, Middle Street, Ingham, Lincoln, LN12YQ, Application for prior notification to install 1no. 15m lattice mast, 3no. antennas, 2no. dish antennas, associated radio equipment cabinets and development works ancillary thereto – no comments made.
Decision Notice: 136084, 24 Lincoln Road Ingham LN1 2XF, demolish existing detached garage to form two storey side extension, and roof alteration to existing dwelling – granted.
328/July 2017 Risk Assessment Play Area and Playground
The Clerk presented the inspection report that he had completed on 10th July 2017. The Clerk will ask Green Grass Contracting to help with the removal of the cordoned off picnic bench and to apply weed killer to the Tennis Court surface.
329/July 2017 School Play Area Inspection
The Clerk will inform Ingham Primary School that the Parish Council will pay the inspection bill for 2017, however, for 2018, the inspection of the school play areas will be arranged by the Parish Council.
330/July 2017 Defibrillator
The Clerk said that training by East Midlands Ambulance Service had been arranged for 18th July from 7.30pm.
331/July 2017 Neighbourhood Planning
Councillor Nicholson reported that there was nothing new to report at this stage.
332/July 2017 Christmas Tree
The Clerk will ask Fillingham Trees if they can assist with installing a tube to hold the tree. The Clerk will also check the route of services across The Green.
333/July 2017 Parishioner Complaint
The Clerk was asked to respond to the complaints about the location of the HERAS fencing bordering the Lincoln Road development, noting that the grass verge and hedge will be removed as art of the development and the fencing is positioned inside of the building line. The Parish Council therefore have no power to instruct that the fencing is moved.
334/July 2017 Highways Grass Cutting Agreement
Councillor Wagstaff signed the agreement letter and the Clerk will return this to LCC Highways.
335/July 2017 Installation of bins and picnic bench
Councillors and the Village Caretaker will meet on 20th July at 6.30pm to install the new bins.
336/July 2017 Removal of spoil
Proposed by Councillor Dickinson, seconded Councillor Nicholson and RESOLVED unanimously to pay Green Grass Contracting £120 to remove the spoil.
337/July 2017 Correspondence Received
All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items with the exception of a letter from West Lindsey District Council detailing the new Public Space Protection Order that gives new powers to prosecute dog fouling; the Clerk will publish this on the Parish Council website, and a request for sponsorship of the Learner of the Year Awards from Ingham Primary School.
338/July 2017 Date of next Parish Council Meeting
The next monthly meeting of Ingham Parish Council will be on Monday 11th September 2017.
Meeting Closed at 20.37