Enrich Your Career – Lead a Section!

The 2011 D.C. Bar Sections Election Process Has Begun

Why You Should Serve on a D.C. Bar Section Steering Committee:

Lead a section into the future.

Collaborate with colleagues.

Choose and develop programming in your practice area.

Steering committee members are responsible for coordinating programs, projects, publications and community outreach activities. Steering committees also may develop public statements and submit comments on legislation, court rules and regulatory reform related to the section’s area of practice.

The nominating committees of each of the 21 sections of the D.C. Bar are seeking candidates for positions on their respective steering committees. Those elected will serve three-year terms, commencing July 1, 2011. Please submit your name for consideration. Interested section members should complete and return the interest form below, along with a résumé to the Sections Office no later than Thursday, February 3, 2011.

Note: A suggested nomination does not automatically confer a place on the ballot; if you are not selected by the nominating committee for the ballot, you may still nominate yourself by petition with the signatures of not less than ten (10) Section members. Petition forms may be requested through the interest form below or online at http://www.dcbar.org/for_lawyers/sections/section_elections/index.cfm, after January 4, 2011.

See our online Candidate Interest Form at: http://www.dcbar.org/for_lawyers/sections/section_elections/index.cfm


2011 Sections Steering Committee Candidate Interest Form

Send to: D.C. Bar Sections Elections

1101 K Street NW, 2nd Floor

Washington, DC 20005

Fax to: (202) 626-3453

____ Please submit my name to the following Sections Nominating Committee(s). My résumé is enclosed.

____ Please send me a petition to run for a vacancy on the following Section Steering Committee if I am not selected by the nominating committee. I understand that all candidate petitions must be filed with the Sections Office by Friday, March 25, 2011.

Name of Section(s):______

Name: ______D.C. Bar No.:______

Phone No.: ______Fax No.: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Election Policies and Procedures and further details are listed online at http://www.dcbar.org/for_lawyers/sections/section_elections/index.cfm

Copies of all information can be requested from the Sections Office

by phone at 202-626-3463 or by e-mail at