Kari Jo Harris

The University of Montana Residence:

School of Public and Community Health Sciences 11820 Chumrau Loop

Skaggs Building Room 352 Missoula, Montana 59802

Missoula, Montana 59812 Phone: 406.258.6295

Phone: 406.243.4685

Fax: 406.243.6896



Doctor of Philosophy, Behavioral Psychology 1998

University of Kansas

Master of Public Health 1997

University of Kansas School of Medicine

Master of Science, Organization Development 1992

Central Washington University

Bachelor of Arts, Psychology 1987

Whitman College

Academic appointments

School of Public and Community Health Sciences, The University of Montana 2005-present

Associate Professor

Acting Chair (8/05-7/06)

Department of Psychology, The University of Montana 2003-2005

Research Assistant Professor

Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology 2001-present

The University of Missouri-Columbia

Adjunct Associate Professor (5/05-present)

Adjunct Assistant Professor (10/02-4/05)

Visiting Scholar (9/01-9/02)

Department of Preventive Medicine & Public Health 1998-2003

University of Kansas Medical Center

Research Assistant Professor (12/99-8/03)

Instructor (1/98-11/99)

Current grants, awards, and contracts

R01 CA107191 (Harris, PI), 06/01/05 - 5/31/10, $1,906,267 (direct cost)

National Cancer Institute

Smoking cessation in college fraternities and sororities

To test the effects of a motivational interviewing counseling intervention for smoking (any smoking in the past 30 days) among members of college fraternities and sororities.

R01 CA107191-S1 (Harris, PI), 05/01/08 - 8/31/10, $31,158 (direct cost)

National Cancer Institute

Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-related Research

To support the career of Lennie Webster, an undergraduate student attending Salish Kootenai College.

Role: Sponsor (Mentor)

R34 DK074456 (Brown, PI), 7/15/07-7/14/09, $462,991

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Diabetes prevention program for American Indian youth

A two year project to assess, develop and test community-based, culturally specific diet and exercise strategies for Northern Plains Indian youth, ages 10 -14 on two Montana reservations. Outcomes from the pilot study will be used to leverage for funding a 5-year, full-scale (R18) trial of the intervention.

Role: Co- Investigator

Center for Native Health Partnership (Harris, PI), 7/1/08-6/30/10, $91,000 (total cost)

Testing a culturally appropriate commercial tobacco cessation intervention

To test a culturally appropriate non-ceremonial tobacco use intervention at one tribal college.

Center for Native Health Partnership (Brown, PI), 10/1/07-6/30/09, $75,882 (total cost)

Enhancing current standards of care for Diabetes Prevention

To identify strategies to enhance diabetes prevention in Native American communities.

Role: Co-Investigator

F31 DA023738 (Schleicher, PI), 3/12/08-3/11/2010, $73,082

Kirschstein National Research Service Award, Pre-doctoral

National Institute of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse. (NIDA)

Mood management intervention for depressed college smokers

An individual NRSA grant to support Holly Schleicher’s doctorial research and training in Clinical Psychology.

Role: Sponsor (mentor)

Pending grants, awards, contracts

R01 CA133068 (Catley, PI), National Cancer Institute, 7/1/09-6/30/12, $18,447 (year 1 DC subcontract)

Can motivational interviewing be effective for smoking cessation?

To test a counseling-based intervention for smoking cessation in Kansas City.

Role: PI of subcontract

Number unknown (Brown, PI), National Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive Diseases, $519,294 (year 1 DC)

JOURNEY to Native Health

A full-scale RCT to test the effectiveness of a age and culturally adapted diabetes prevention program in Northern Plains Indian Youth

Role: Co-Investigator

Past grants, awards, contracts

Clinical Loan Repayment Program Award (Cronk, PI), 2007-2009

National Institute of Health

Neuroticism and smoking behavior in college students

To support the research career of Dr. Nikole Cronk, Research Assistant Professor, The University of Montana, and Project Coordinator at The University of Missouri-Columbia.

Role: Sponsor (mentor)

American Cancer Society, Post-doctoral Fellowship (Cronk, PI), 1/1/09-06/31/09, $138,650

Social smoking and anxiety among college tobacco users

To better understand the relationship between social anxiety and smoking among college students and support the career of Dr. Cronk. (relinquished early)

Role: Sponsor (mentor)

University Research Grant Program (Harris, PI), 05/01/07-08/31/08, $5,000

The University of Montana

Development of a culturally appropriate tobacco cessation intervention for Native American college students

A series of formative studies to design a tobacco cessation intervention for tribal college students.

Cancer Research Prevention Foundation (Dent, PI), 7/15/05-7/14/08, $70,000

A randomized trial assessing a pharmacist-delivered program for smoking

A randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of a pharmacist-delivered smoking cessation program

Role: Co-Investigator

F31 DA20978 (Angstman, PI), 09/01/06-06/31/08, $108,022

National Institute of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse. (NIDA)

Tobacco use among Alaska Native college students

An individual NRSA grant to support Sarah Angstman’s doctorial research and training in Clinical Psychology.

Role: Sponsor (mentor)

The BACCHUS Network (Stearns, PI), 04/01/06-03/31/07, $2,130

Enforcement of a 25ft smoke-free policy at a public university

To evaluate the effects of efforts to enforce an outdoor smoke free zone on a college campus.

Role on project: Co-Principal Investigator and faculty advisor

Clinical Loan Repayment Program Award (Davidson, PI), 2006 - 2008

National Institute of Health

Smoking cessation in college fraternities and sororities

To support the research career of Dr. Meghan Davidson, Assistant Professor, Counseling Psychology, The University of Nebraska.

Role: Sponsor (mentor)

K07 CA87714 (Harris, PI), 9/01/00-8/31/2006, $565,968. (direct cost)

National Cancer Institute

Preventing transition to regular smoking in college students

A career development grant to explore smoking among college students by conducting focus groups, a longitudinal survey and a pilot test of a counseling-based intervention to prevent occasional smokers from progressing to regular smoking.

The University of Montana (Harris, PI), 8/1/05 – 5/31/06, $48,000

Public Health Research Development Program

Organized and secured funding to support six University of Montana faculty members to conduct pilot projects research and receive peer mentoring to conduct grant-funded clinical research. Program was replicated at Montana State University.

Role: Organizer and facilitator

Cancer Research Foundation of America (Harris, PI), 7/15/02-7/14/05, $79,989

The measurement and role of self-regulation among college smokers

To develop a self-report measure of self-regulation and evaluate its concurrent and predictive utility for tobacco use among college students.

Cancer Research Foundation of America (Harris, PI), 9/15/01-9/14/04, $79,607

Understanding Smoking among College Students

This longitudinal survey will describe the prevalence and correlates of smoking among college student and identify characteristics that predict the change to regular smoking among occasional smokers. Data will assist in targeting, designing, and implementing interventions to address smoking among college students.

Clinical Loan Repayment Program Award (Harris, PI), 2004-2006

National Institute of Health

To support the research, education, and training of Dr. Harris

RO1 CA91912 (Ahluwalia, PI), 09/01/01-08/30/05, $2,907,579

National Cancer Institute

Helping African American Light Smokers Quit

A four-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2 x 2 factorial design randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of nicotine replacement therapy and Motivational Interview counseling for smoking cessation in light smokers.

Role: Co-investigator through 2003

RO1 CA85930 (Ahluwalia, PI), 04/10/00 - 03/31/04, $282,248

National Cancer Institute

African Americans Smokers In Low Income Housing

A four-year trial based in public housing developments to evaluate the effectiveness of nicotine inhalers alongside Motivational Interviewing counseling to assist African American smokers quit smoking. In the comparison control arm, to increase Fruits and Vegetable intake.

Role: Co-investigator through 2003

University of Kansas Medical Center (Harris, PI), 12/15/02-12/14/03, $32,000

Shared Biomedical Research Equipment Funds

Funds awarded to support collaborative research in diet and physical activity as well as tobacco control and prevention.

R01 CA77856 (Ahluwalia, PI), 9/1/97-6/30/2001

National Cancer Institute

Does bupropion help African Americans quit smoking?

Role: Co-investigator and Project Manager

R01 CA77856 S (Ahluwalia, PI), 2000

National Cancer Institute, Administrative Supplement to R01

Does adherence to Motivational Interviewing principles improve smoking-related outcomes?

Role: Co-investigator

R01 CA77856 S (Ahluwalia, PI), 2001

National Cancer Institute, Administrative Supplement to R01

Genetic factors in nicotine metabolism among African Americans

Role: Co-investigator

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Richeter, PI)

A National Survey of Smoking Cessation Practices in Methadone and other Opioid Treatment Facilities

Role: Co-investigator

R01 CA80323 (Patten, PI), 9/30/98 – 7/31/99

National Cancer Institute

Internet, home-based treatment for adolescent smokers.

Role: Co-investigator on subcontract

Publications (* indicates students & post-docs under direct supervision)

  1. Fawcett SB, Paine-Andrews A, Francisco VT, Schultz JA, Richter KP, Lewis RK, Harris KJ, Williams EL, Berkley JY, Lopez CM, Fisher JL. (1996). Empowering community health initiatives through evaluation. In D. Fetterman, A. Wandersman, S. Kaftarian. (Eds.), Empowerment evaluation: Knowledge and tools for self-assessment and accountability. (pp. 161-187). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
  2. Fawcett SB, Paine-Andrews A, Francisco VT, Schultz JA, Richter KP, Lewis RK, Williams EL, Harris KJ, Berkley JY, Fisher JL, Lopez CM. (1996). Using empowerment theory in collaborative partnership for community health and development. American Journal of Community Psychology, 23, 677-697.
  3. Paine-Andrews A, Vincent M, Fawcett SB, Campuzano MK, Harris KJ, Lewis RK, Williams EW, Fisher JL. (1996). Replicating a community initiative for preventing adolescent pregnancy: From South Carolina to Kansas. Family and Community Health, 19(1), 14-29.
  4. Fawcett SB, Sterling TD, Paine-Andrews A, Harris KJ, Francisco VT, Richter KP, Lewis RK, Schmid TL. (1996). Evaluating community efforts to prevent Cardiovascular Diseases. Atlanta, GA: U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
  5. Johnston JA, Marmet PF, Coen FS, Fawcett SB, Harris KJ. (1996). Kansas LEAN: An effective coalition for nutrition education and dietary change. Journal of Nutrition Education, 28, 115-118.
  6. Harris KJ, Richter KP, Paine-Andrews A, James V, Henke L, Johnston J, Lewis R, Fawcett SB. (1997). Community partnerships: A review of selected models and evaluation of two case studies. Journal of Nutrition Education, 29, 189-195.
  7. Harris KJ, Paine-Andrews A, Richter KP, James V, Henke L, Johnston J, Lewis, R, Fawcett SB. (1997). Reducing elementary school children’s risks for chronic diseases through school lunch modifications, nutrition education, and physical activity interventions. Journal of Nutrition Education, 29, 196-202.
  8. Harris KJ, Jerome NW, Fawcett SB. (1997). Rapid Assessment Procedures: A review and critique. Human Organization, 56, 375-378.
  9. Paine-Andrews A, Harris KJ, Fawcett SB, Richter KP, Lewis RK, Francisco VT, Johnston J, Coen S. (1997). Evaluating a statewide partnership for reducing risks for chronic diseases. Journal of Community Health, 22, 343-359.
  10. Fawcett SB, Paine-Andrews A, Francisco VT, Schultz J, Richter KP, Berkley-Patton J, Fisher JL, Lewis RK, Lopez CM, Russos S, Williams E, Harris KJ, Evensen P. (2001). Evaluating community initiatives for health and development. WHO Regional Publications. European Series, 92, 241-270.
  11. Ransom M, Harris KJ. (1997). Program: PHASEc/s—Promoting health and sexuality through community and school. Health Education and Behavior, 24, 679-680.
  12. Harris KJ, Richter KP, Schultz J, Johnston J. (1998). Formative, process, and intermediate outcome evaluation of a pilot school-based 5 A Day for Better Health Project. American Journal of Health Promotion, 12(6), 378-81.
  13. Fisher JL, Harris KJ, Ransom MV, Paine-Andrews A, Pulliam S. (1998). Increasing access to contraceptives: On the map and in the bag. American Journal of Public Health, 88(8), 1248-1249.
  14. Paine-Andrews A, Fawcett SB, Richter KP, Harris KJ, Lewis RK, Berkley JY, Fisher JL, Lopez CM, Francisco VT, Williams EL. (1998). Using empowerment evaluation methods to enhance community initiatives for adolescent health. In R. H. MacNair. (Ed) Research strategies for community practice, Monograph supplement #1 to Journal of Community Practice.
  15. Ransom M, Harris KJ. (1999). Involving schools in a community adolescent pregnancy project. Journal of Health Education, 30(2).
  16. Paine-Andrews A, Harris KJ, Lewis RK, Fisher JF, Williams EL, Fawcett SB, Vincent M. (1999). Effects of a replication of a school/community model for preventing adolescent pregnancy in three Kansas communities. Family Planning Perspectives, 31(4),182-189.
  17. Paine-Andrews A, Fisher JF, Harris KJ, Lewis RK, Williams EL, Vincent M, Fawcett SB, Campuzano MK. (1999). Some experiential lessons in supporting and evaluating community-based for preventing adolescent pregnancy. Health Promotion Practice, 1(1), 66-76.
  18. Richter KP, Harris KJ, Paine-Andrews A, Fawcett SB, Lankenau B, Schmid TL, Johnston JA. (2000). Assessing environmental outcomes in community initiatives for physical activity and nutrition among youth. Preventive Medicine, 31(2), Part 2 of 2, S98-S111.
  19. Okuyemi KS, Ahluwalia JS, Harris KJ. (2000). Pharmacotherapy of smoking cessation. Archives of Family Medicine, 9, 270-281.
  20. Pederson LL, Ahluwalia JS, Harris KJ, McGrady G. (2000). Smoking cessation in African Americans: What We Know and Do not know about interventions and self-quitting. Preventive Medicine, 31, 23-38.
  21. Jolicoeur DG, Ahluwalia JS, Richter KP, Mosier M, Harris KJ, Gibson C, Moranetz CA. (2000). The use of nicotine patches with minimal intervention. Preventive Medicine, 30(6), 504-12.
  22. Vincent M, Paine-Andrews A, Fisher J, Devereaux R, Gonyea H, Harris KJ, Reininger B. (2000). Replication of a community-based multi-component teen pregnancy prevention model: Realities and challenges. Family and Community Health, 23(3), 28-46.
  23. Lewis RK, Paine-Andrews A, Custard C, Stauffer M, Harris KJ, Fisher KJ. (2001). Are parents in favor or against school-based sexuality education? A report from the Midwest. Health Promotion Practice, 2(2), 155-161.
  24. Harris KJ. (2001). Promoting health and strengthening professional organizations: Award winning health education, promotion, and communication materials. Health Education and Behavior, 28(2), 125-126.
  25. Harris KJ, Ahluwalia JS, Okuyemi KS, Woods MN, Turner JR, Resnicow K, Backinger CL. (2001). Addressing cultural sensitivity in a smoking cessation intervention: Development of the Kick It at Swope project. Journal of Community Psychology, 29(4), 447-458.
  26. Woods MN, Harris KJ, Ahluwalia JS, Schmelzle KH, Mayo MS. (2001). Smoking in urban African Americans: Behaviors, gender differences, and motivation to quit. Ethnicity and Disease, 11(3), 532-539.
  27. Okuyemi KS, Harris KJ, Ahluwalia JS, Wallace DD. (2001). Documentation of Smoking: Role of Age, Gender, and Ethnicity. Journal of the Association for Academic Minority Physicians, 12(3), 125-128.
  28. Paine-Andrews A, Fisher JL, Berkely PJ, Fawcett SB, Williams EL, Lewis RK, Harris KJ. (2002). Analyzing the contribution of community change to population health outcomes in an adolescent pregnancy prevention initiative. Health Education and Behavior, 29(2), 183-93.
  29. Ahluwalia JS, Dang KS, Choi WS, Harris KJ. (2002). Smoking Behaviors and Regular Source of Health Care Among African Americans. Preventive Medicine, 34, 393-396.
  30. Choi WS, Ahluwalia JS, Harris KJ, Okuyemi KS. (2002). Progression to established smoking: the influence of tobacco marketing. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 22(4), 228-233.
  31. Okuyemi KS, Harris KJ, Scheibmeir M, Choi WS, Powell J, Ahluwalia JS. (2002).