Present Mr. D. Crane, Mrs. C. Rahaman, Mrs. A. Smith, Ms C Gibson, Miss J Staines, B.Cllr Bill Crooks

Apologies Mr. D. Burchell, Mr. P. Enston, C.Cllr Ould,

1 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Having been circulated were confirmed as a true record by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Rahaman, and all in agreement.

2 Matters Arising/Requests

.The new play equipment just fitted in May Meadow has been vandalised. D.Burchell contacted the police regarding this.

There has been no contact from B.Cllr Morrell, Chairman of the Community Initiative Fund with regard to a publicity shot of the new equipment in May Meadow as this was partly funded by the Community Initiative Fund.

D.Burchell has obtained the spring bulbs and Miss Staines is to contact the school with a view to

The children possibly helping with the planting.

3 Planning

Ref.15/00886/HOU – 34 Gregory Rd, Single storey extension and detached garage.

No objection from any of the councilors.

Ref.14/00435/OUT – Erection of 450 dwellings

This is the second attempt to get this application through and objections will be lodged with the Planning Department at the Borough as we already have a 5.6 year land supply in Barlestone.

4Finance –

a) Accounts for payment

Proposed Miss Staines, seconded Ms Gibson and all in agreement that the accounts (£9,385.05) are paid.

b) Donations

Letter received from the First Responders thanking the PC for the donation of £100 from the Fun Day.

c) Quotations

As agreed at the last meeting the quotation from Richard Baily is to be accepted for the work needed to the pathway and car park at the Allotments. Two further quotations were obtained but were in excess of the price quoted by Mr. Bailey.


Proposed Miss Staines, seconded Mr. Rahaman that work on the water pipe and new tank is undertaken as soon as possible, agreed by all.

There is still a problem with some of the gardens being overgrown, letters will be sent to those concerned.

6Playing Fields

Bosworth Rd–

It is hoped the repair to a piece of the fitness equipment will be done by the end of September.

The pitch is now being used for training by the local junior teams.

D.Crane reported that the hedge cutting is in the process of being done.

It had been proposed by David Burchell that a picture of the Queen should be obtained to hang in the Pavilion to mark the occasion of her being the longest reigning monarch of our country. Proposed D.Crane, seconded C.Gibson that we go ahead with this.

b) May Meadow

The new equipment has now been fitted, but reports of vandalism has caused the Chairman to contact the police about this and also about the number of slats that have been broken on the boardwalk.

7Cemetery/Church Yard

Mrs. Smith reported there is a gap in the hedge on the football club side and this is allowing dogs to wander in and make a mess at the top end of the cemetery.

Request for an additional inscription to an existing headstone for Woodward, this was agreed.

Reports have now been received on the safety of the headstones/memorials in the Churchyard and Cemetery, the next stage is to contact the owners if possible.

8Remembrance Day

Mrs. Rahaman and Mrs. Smith are working along with the clerk on the arrangements for Remembrance Day on the 8th November. There is still a problem trying to find a bugle/trumpet player.

9Web Site

Miss Staines attended a training session on Web sites as there will be changes next year by the County Council. Investigations into obtaining our own site will be carried out and reported on at the next meeting.

10 Tree Warden

As yet no one appointed.

11 Any Other Business

  • The Chairman hopes to meet with a representative of the County Council footpaths department in the near future.
  • A letter has been sent to the Headmistress of the school regarding the idea of reopening the footpath through the school to the Manor Rd. estate.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.45 pm