Local leadersofeducation eligibilitycriteria EXAMPLE
Definitionof terms:The terms listed below are used throughout the criteria. The use of terms is solely for ease of readability, and does not in any way imply that our assessment process doesn’t take into account the differing contexts of those organisations which are eligible to apply.
- School also represents academy, PRU and sixth form college1
- Governing body represents the body appointed to be accountable for the management of the school, federation or trust including the board of trustees or equivalent.
- Headteacher also represents principal, chief executive or executive Headteacher
- Senior educational professional
- a DCS or second tier officer from your LA
- a Senior Representative from your diocese
- Headteacher of a teaching school
- Headteacher of a teaching school alliance strategic partner school, which has responsibility for school to school support
Criteriafor local leaders ofeducation(LLEs)
Criteria / Howthisshouldbedemonstrated:PartA
Tobeconsideredas an LLEyou
a. bejudgedtobegood serving headteacher with at least three years2 experience and expect to remain at current school for at least two years after designation /
- Headteacher has been a substantive headteacher for three years2 or more in which they have been legally responsible for the management of a school and accountable to the governing body, and
- Headteacher is named3 on a recent Ofsted Section 5 inspection report where the Leadership and Management has been judged as goodeither at current school or at previous school if the applicant has changed headship within the last three years and has yet to receive an Ofsted inspection, and
- Confirmation in the application that the headteacher expects to remain head of their current school for at least two years after designation
b. beaccountableforoneor moreschool(s)which meet the LLE school criteria in part b below /
- Headteacher is accountable for at least one or more school(s) that meet the criteria in part b below
- havethefullsupportof the school’s Governing Body, and Local Authority or a Senior Educational Professional
- A declaration within your online application, that your Chair of Governors (or equivalent) supports the application, and
- A supportive reference from a Senior Educational Professional, responsible for brokering or commissioning support
- be ableto demonstrate that you have sufficient experience of providing support as a coach or mentor to another headteacher or senior member of staff at a school other than your own
- Headteacher has provided support to at least one headteacher/senior staff member at another school
- Evidence that the support has had a positive impact
- beable to commit to the minimum time expectation for LLE deployment
- LLE deployments with a school improvement focus may last from six months to two years, with regular opportunity to review progress
- provide between 20-30 hours of coaching and mentoring support to new heads through their first two years of headship
CriteriaforLLE applicant school
Criteria / Howthisshouldbedemonstrated:PARTB
Tobeconsideredas an LLE your schoolmust:
a. bejudgedtobegood3 / School inspected under the 2005 - 2012 framework:
- Most recent Section 5 Ofsted inspection has judged the school to be ‘Good’ for ‘Overall Effectiveness’, for ‘Leadership and Management’ and ‘Capacity to Improve’
- If the school has been removed from Ofsted category or if the school is serving an area of high social deprivation (% of children eligible for free school meals is above average), most recent Section 5 Ofsted inspection, which is subsequent to that which removed the school from category, has judged the school to be ‘Satisfactory’ for Overall Effectiveness with at least 10 ‘Good’ judgments including ‘Capacity to Improve’ and ‘Leadership and Management’.
- Most recent Section 5 Ofsted inspection has judged the school to be ‘Good’ for ‘Overall Effectiveness’ and for ‘Leadership and Management’
b. showconsistentlyhighlevels ofpupilperformanceor continuedimprovementover thelastthreeyears,andin additionbeabovecurrent floorstandards(as evidenced inpublishedDepartmentfor Education data) /
- DepartmentforEducation performancedatashowsaclearupward trend,orconsistentlyhighlevelsof attainment,and
- latestperformancedatademonstratesthat theschoolisabovethe currentfloorstandard4and,inaddition
- ifattainmentisnotabovenationalaverages,pupilprogressis abovethenationalmedianforbothEnglishandMaths
c. showcapacity and experience of senior leaders to work with and support other schools /
- Evidence that the support has involved, and has capacity to continue to involve senior leaders, in addition
- Evidence of how staff have been prepared for the impact of supporting schools
1 If you are applying as a sixth form college you must be able to cite evidence of supporting maintained schools in addition to any support provided to sixth form colleges.
2 In exceptional circumstances (e.g. where the head has been appointed internally) applications may be accepted from headteachers who have been a headteacher for at least two years if they can clearly evidence that they have the relevant experience to take on this role and meet all the other eligibility criteria.
3 In exceptional circumstances, if the applicant is not named on the current school’s latest section 5 Ofsted inspection but has been head at the school for two years or more and meets all other criteria, emphasis will be placed, where applicable, on the schools performance data and/or evidence provided through your reference around readiness for the role.
4 Should the floor standards change during the application round, the new floor standard will be applied.
Independent schools must have been judged ‘good’ by ISI in regards to the quality of:
- leadership and management
- the quality of pupils’ achievements
- the pupils’ personal development
Alternatively, if the school is inspected by Ofsted, then the school has been judged ‘good’ for overall effectiveness, capacity to improve and leadership and management or equivalent.
Floor standards are not applicable to independent schools. Independent schools will nevertheless have to show consistently high levels of performance or continued improvement over the last three years.