Cross-country, Bakskuld on the Faroe islands:


Thursday the 22th of June 2017

Assembly area:Kirkjubøarvegur, FO – 100 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. Follow the directions towards Havnardalur.

Start of event:Thursdaythe 22thof June 2017 at 02pm.

Event:Cross-country/Orienteering. EMIT will be used for time checking and control. You will be able to use your own EMIT timer if you submit your EMIT number when signing up.

Courses:Track 1: 7 km hard orienteering

Track 2: 5 km hard orienteering

Track 3: 3 km hard orienteering

Track 4: 4 km easy orienteering (beginnertrack)

Maps:Havnardalur, 1 : 7500, equidistance 5 m

Rossagøta, 1:10.000, equidistance 5 m, 2012.

There might be some changes in the scales on the map-details.

NOTE:Each track is devided into two maps. Between each map there will be a approximately 300m. marked route. If you bring your dog(s) they’ll need to be led in a leash.

Signup:Last dayfor sign up is the 9thof June 2017 toErik Lindholdt onemail:

Tlf. +4527643274

Signup fees:Adults: DKr. 80,-

Youth u/18 yrs: DKr. 40,-

Signup fees can be payed by banktransfer toIban nr. DK9404001140082015Swift nr. LOSADKKK (mrk. Havnardalur + name & nationality).

ConclusionAt the assembly area, after all runs are completed.

Award ceremony:

Courseplanner:Peder Stephansen, Esbjerg PI

Coursecontrol:Kristian AssenholtErik Lindholdt, Esbjerg PI

Event management:Peder Stephansen, Kristian AssenholtErik Lindholdt, Esbjerg PI

Superiorjudge:Present members of Danish Police Sportsfederation

Event management

Sign up for: ”Havnardalur”

Orienteering at Tórshavn Thursdaythe 22th of June 2017 on the Faroe Islands


/ Courses: / Starting fee: /


1 / Hard:
2 / Hard:
3 / Easy:
4 / 0 – 17yr
40,- / o. 18 yrs

Registration from (Union/company):______

Bank transfer to Iban nr. DK9404001140082015Swift nr. LOSADKKK: ______kr.

(Sent to Esbjerg PI v/Erik Lindholdt via email: U 9th of June 2017)

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