These sentences have prepositional or participial problems. Fix each one by moving something around or by making small changes.

1. One night when I was sleeping in the jungle, I heard a noise and shot an elephant in my


2. I saw the circus passing through my front window.

3. She put her lunch on the shelf which she ate later.

4. I saw you shoveling snow through my window.

5. We rented a cottage for a family of four with a fireplace.

6. Let’s buy something after the ball game at the lunch counter.

7. He was as happy as a lark laughing and joking.

8. Put the broom in the corner with the broken handle.

9. This plant is of great medicinal value with a peculiar odor.

10. Mr. Johnson advertised for persons to deliver groceries that have cars.

11. Take the dog to an animal hospital with a broken leg.

12. The goggle-eyed fish amused the boy in the glass bowl.

13. The man tipped his hat while passing us with his right hand.

14. The meat came in a can which we immediately cooked for lunch.

15. The woman climbed the ladder with a broken arm.

16. The fruit had been carefully wrapped in paper which we ate.

17. Take one of these powders on going to bed in a little hot water.

18. It is said that Lincoln wrote his most famous speech while he was riding to Gettysburg on a

scrap of brown paper.

19. A baby grand piano was requested by a woman with three legs.

20. I saw an automobile walking down the street.

21. Coming into the museum, the tomb of an Egyptian pharaoh may be seen on the main floor.

22. Flying around the room, I saw two birds.

23. A horse was purchased by a red-haired man weighing about 1300 pounds.

24. They hardly noticed the broken glass, enjoying an exciting game of hide-and-seek.

25. A fountain pen was lost by the boy filled with red ink.

26. We saw an automobile accident sitting in our front window.

27. Jimmy tossed bait to the fish standing on the river bank.

28. I saw a falling star sitting on the front porch the other night.

29. She missed the ferryboat dropping the wrong coin into the turnstile.

30. Cinderella is the poor girl dreaming of a happier life dressed in rags.

31. You can watch the Easter Parade on a side street parked in a car near Fifth Avenue.

32. I found the fish strolling along the edge of the brook.

33. We noticed the plane standing in the cafeteria.

34. The bees stung the keeper swarming into the hive.

35. We tripped on a pile of hay dashing around the barn.

36. She found a robin’s egg mowing the lawn.

37. The stagehands applauded the show hidden in the wings of the theater.

38. Lincoln’s famous words were read by the tourists inscribed on the pedestal of his monument.

39. The bathing suits on the line were hung there by the guests dripping wet.

40. Coming up the harbor, the Statue of Liberty greets the immigrants to America.