Step by Step

Infant Toddler Learning Center

Impacting Two Generations

Parent Handbook


709 E. Riverview Avenue

Fort Morgan CO 80701

Phone: (970) 867-5648 X 46177

Fax: (970) 867-3347



ABSENCES & TARDINESS………………………………………..……………….7

AGES OF CHILDREN ACCEPTED…………………………………...……………6

ANNUAL RENEWALS………………………………………………….…………..7

ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE…………………………………………………………9

CLOTHING AND SUPPLIES…………………………………………….………..15

DAILY STRUCTURE……………………………………………………………….8




EMERGENCIES………………………………………………………….……….. 17

ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS…………………………………….…………..6

FEES AND PAYMENTS……………………………………………………………7

FIELD TRIPS…………………………………………………………….…………17

FOOD PROGRAM LETTER……………………………………………...………..14


HEAD LICE POLICY………………………………………………………………11



MEALS AND SNACKS…………………………………………………….……...13


REPORTING CHILD ABUSE………………………………………………..……18

STAFF INFORMATION……………………………………………………….…...5

TIOLET TRAINING……………………………………………………………….17




Welcome to the Step-by-Step Infant Toddler Learning Center. Our vision is to be linked with you as parents in your child's learning process while helping you to earn your High School Diploma. We understand that learning is a never-ending process. At Step by Step we provide a stimulating environment for your child to learn through play. Our teachers promote your child in areas of social, emotional & physical development. Parents' thoughts, ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated. We encourage interaction between and your child at anytime. An enlightening, enriching and rewarding experience awaits both you and your child at Step by Step.


Sherri Amen



Teen Parent Program Mission Statement

The program is designed to assist teen parents in obtaining their High School diploma, and to pursue future training or education. The program will provide quality, licensed childcare to the program participants’ children. We will teach and promote good health practices, positive parenting skills, personal growth, decision-making skills, healthy relationships, and economic self-sufficiency. The program will help both generations it serves to be happy, healthy, socially responsible, contributing members of society.

Infant and Toddler Center Philosophy

The childcare center will provide a safe and nurturing environment for the children while their parents pursue a diploma. The center practices inclusion for any special needs child. The staff and volunteers will model positive parenting skills. The children will be offered a variety of recreational and enriching activities that will enhance their physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. Early intervention will be offered for any developmental delays to help ensure school success.



The Step-by-Step Infant Toddler Center offers quality care and development for children ages 1 week through 3 years of age. The student parent must be enrolled in high school at one of the high schools in Morgan County. We accept children regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, or religious beliefs. Enrollment requirements must be met before your child can attend our center.

All forms need to be filled out prior to the first day of attendance, or your child cannot attend. At the time of enrollment we suggest that parents familiarize themselves with policies and procedures of the center set in this handbook. We encourage that prior to your child’s first day that you visit and observe the daily routines of your child’s classroom.

Enrollment Forms-these are papers required by the state that need to be kept on file.

Handbook Agreement-After orientation, please feel free to look over the handbook at your leisure. I understand that there is a lot of information listed and that it can be overwhelming. Please contact the director with any questions, and once you feel you understand the information listed in the handbook, please sign and return the signature form at the back of the book.

Health Form-This needs to be signed by the doctor and returned before the child starts day care. This form needs to be renewed according the physician once the child is enrolled.

Immunization Records-Please bring your immunization card to the director to copy the dates from before your child starts day care. If your child needs any immunizations, you will be asked to get them before your child attends.

Food Program Formula Form-This form needs to be filled out for the USDA before your child is enrolled.

Initial Fees-Fees are to be paid in advance.

Confidentiality Form- This form needs to be filled out to ensure confidentiality within the center.



Contracts will be renewed annually in September. Any changes that take place in your family should be reported and changes made on the child care forms immediately.


Any time a change is necessary in the Handbook parent(s) will receive two weeks notice of the change and a new Agreement Page will be signed by parents and provider indicating the change.


The Health Status Form, Immunization Form, and Over the counter Medication Form must be updated as directed by your physician. The Immunization Record must be updated according to the age requirements of your child as stipulated by the Health Department.


The center is open on all Fort Morgan School days from 7:30 –3:30. When the Morgan Schools are closed the Step By Step Infant Toddler Center is closed. You are required to bring your child to day care directly before school and pick your children up directly after school.


Regular child care fees are $125.00 per week for children under two years of age and $100.00 per week for children over two years of age. Students enrolled in the Step by Step Teen Parenting Program are obligated to apply for CCAP (Child Care Assistance Program) through The Colorado Department of Human Services, participate in fund raisers to generate money for supplies for the center, do in-kind work in the center, and pay a parental fee of $7.00 per month. RE-3 School District can waive the parent fee requested by the Department of Human Services.


Please notify the center by 8:00 if you and/or your child will not be attending. Call 867-5648 X 46177. You will also need to call your school if you won't be there. If you are not attending school, your child can’t come to day care. The center is only for watching children while parents are at school. You will need to call if you are going to be tardy. If your child is not in the day care, students must attend class and work in the lab.


Adequate child care is defined as a safe and wholesome environment. This environment should be a natural learning environment that is loving and comforting. It should enable the child to be happy, healthy and well adjusted and help develop a positive self-esteem.

The child is involved in many different activities during the course of the day suitable for their developmental age on a group and individual basis. The activities may include arts and crafts, music and movement, structured and free play and field trips.


The times are approximate and organized activities will sometimes be foregone if the children are deeply engrossed in a creative type of group play.

7:30-8:30 Free Play

8:30-9:00 Rotate Center Play

9:00-9:10 Hand Washing/Bathroom

9:10 9:30 Snack (see menu)

9:30-10:00 Music/Physical Play

10:00-10:30 Outside Recess 5.A.06.a

10:30-11:00 Circle Time

11:00-11:30 Lunch

11:30-12:00 Story Time/Music

12:30-2:30 Nap/Quiet Time

2:30-3:00 Snack/Free Play

3:00-3:30 Clean up

Children outdoors daily. If they can not play outside for a reasonably amount of time, gross motor are provided inside. Indoor equipment must meet safety standards.


As teachers we have found that some children have a harder time saying good-bye then others. So we ask that if your child has a hard time transitioning from you to their teachers that it will be easier on the child if the process is not prolonged. That it will be easier on the teachers to be able to comfort and reassure the child if you keep your good- byes brief.


A daily sign in & sign out sheet is kept at the front door. Parents must remember to sign their child in and out daily. Teachers are also required to enter the time your child arrived on an attendance sheet located in each room. Please note that a teacher cannot release a child to anyone who is not authorized to pick him or her up. If someone other than an authorized person arrives to pick up your child, they cannot be released to him or her. Remember to add on the authorized pick up sheet anyone who may at anytime, pick up your child. Children are not released to anyone who seems to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In the event such a situation should arise an emergency contact is called to pick the child up or local authorities. The Step by Step Center closes at 3:30 so please be on time to pick up your child. Emergency authorized contacts are called after thirty minutes of closing. If no one can be reached or the child has been left at the center one hour after closing, then management must call the proper authorities (social services and the local police). State Regulations state that we cannot stop a legal parent or guardian from picking up your child without a legal document. However we may contact you if a situation should arise.


Our first concern is for the safety of each and every individual at Step By Step. Therefore the following must be upheld at all times

·  You must sign your child in and out everyday.

·  Staff will check the sign in sheet upon leaving to ensure that all children are gone and signed out.

·  Only you or a person you have designated on the enrollment forms can remove your child from the center.

·  We will require a photo ID of anyone other than the parent or legal guardian who picks up a child. That person must be authorized to do so in writing by the parent or guardian.

·  If someone else must pick up your child you must call the center and let the staff know the exact name of the person picking up your child.

·  The staff must check the sign in sheet and do a head count four times a day to ensure that all the children are accounted for.

·  When the children leave their room for any reason a note will be posted on the classroom door telling of their whereabouts.

·  The parent or guardian will be notified immediately of an illness or serious injury to the child. All accidents serious or not will be documented and signed by both the center director and the parent.

·  If a medical emergency arises while a child is at the center a parent and paramedics will be notified immediately. If needed, the child will be transported by ambulance to the Colorado Plains medical center.

·  If the above should occur an RE-3 accident report will be filed with the School District and The Division of child care.

·  If the parent can’t be reached then the emergency contact given by the parent or guardian will be notified.

·  A fire drill will be given monthly and a Tornado drill will be held twice a year. Emergency evacuation information will be clearly posted in each room.

·  While the children are away from the classroom on a walk or outside the staff will be vigilant in keeping all the children together and supervised. If a child becomes separated from the group a staff member will immediately attempt to find the child. If the child is not located in 5 minutes the parent and authorities will be notified.

·  It is imperative that you pick your child up by after school each and everyday. If an emergency arises and an alternate can’t be found to pick up your child, call the center immediately.

·  If no authorized individual has picked up the child and a parent or guardian has not notified the center by 3:30 PM than the police will be notified.

·  For the safety of everyone, visitors must sign in at the office in Sherman School as well as with the director of Step by Step, and receive a visitor’s badge. Visitors will not be left alone with any child at anytime.

·  Children can bring toys, blankets, or pillows from home. Be sure that they pose no hazard to the other children in the center and are marked with your child’s name.

·  If an item brought from home poses a hazard to anyone then the staff will confiscate it immediately.

·  The staff needs to be able to reach parents at all times.


We do everything in its power to keep the diseases and illnesses at bay. One of the ways we accomplish this is by disinfecting. Every night the teachers spray down the classroom with a disinfecting solution. Once a week, each teacher disinfects toys; the stuffed animals are washed in the washing machine; infants and toddlers bedding is washed weekly or more often if needed. If a child soils their clothing, the clothes are sent home in a plastic bag. The children’s cots are washed down daily with a disinfecting solution after nap time. The walls, sinks, tables, bathrooms, cribs, highchairs, cubbies and other furniture are constantly maintained and washed.


Caregivers are trained to watch our children for unusual signs that may indicate illness. We are aware that sometimes your child may be well enough to attend, but if you are unsure call your pediatrician. If an occasion arises that your child is sent home we ask that you pick your child up within one hour of us contacting you. Listed below are some symptoms or illnesses that your child may be sent home for if his/her caregiver observes them.

·  Fever over 100 degrees

·  Unexplained rashes or outbreaks on skin

·  Pink eye

·  Severe coughing

·  Difficult or rapid breathing

·  Green runny nose

·  Two incidents of diarrhea or vomiting within an hour