Procedure for Requesting Access to the MOC
1)The immediate supervisor of the person for whom access to the MOC is being requesting (from this point forward is referred to as the PFWABR) must send e-mail to the Manager of the MOC, indicating the name PFWABR, and the justification.
2)The Manager of the MOC will make a determination based upon the following criteria:
Justifiable Reasons for MOC Access
- Access to support hardware, system software, or other equipment located in the MOC. In any case the PFWABR must be the responsible party for such hardware, system software, or other equipment.
- PFWABR who provide custodial services to the MOC.
- PFWABR who are Computer Operators who report to Manager of the MOC
- PFWABR who provide custodial services.
- PFWABR who are assigned to work in the MOC
Non-justifiable Reasons for MOC Access
- Access in order to visit, or make physical contact with persons located in the MOC.
- Access for non-operational personnel based solely upon title and/or position within CMSD.
- Access in order to obtain materials such as printouts, tapes, CD, etc located in the MOC.
- Access in order to access equipment that the PFWABR should NOT be accessing in the first place.
- Access because you are responsible for application software that can be maintained without MOC access.
3)Approved - If the Manager of the MOC determines that a request is justifiable the Manager will forward the request for access to the Security Manager who will then grant access. (New employees must also complete the Key Card Access Form) 24x7 access will ONLY be given to the following
- Operation’s Staff
- People who reside in the MOC
- People who have been granted permission by Operations Manager, Director of Operations, or the Chief officer responsible for Operations (Peter Robertson).
Everyone else who is approved will be granted the standard access of Monday thru Friday 7:00 am until 10:00 pm.
Denied - If the Manger of the MOC determines that a request is NOT justifiable the manager will then send e-mail back to the requestor and copy the Director of Operations. The e-mail will contain the reason for the denial.
Additional Justification/Information Required - In some instances the Manager of the MOC may determine that the request does not contain enough information in order to make a decision. In such cases the Manager of the MOC will send e-mail back to the requestor requesting additional information.
4)Appeals should be directed to the Director of Operations.
IMPROTANT: Since the MOC is equipped with a Halon 1301 fire suppression system ALL Staff who have 24x7 access to the MOC must attend at least 1 MOC Safety session per calendar year. These sessions cover important safety procedures that must be adhered to. Failure to do so will result in loss of access privileges until this requirement is met. These sessions will be held at least 1 per quarter. (January, April, July, and October)
Revocation of Access Privileges to the MOC
Access to the MOC is a privilege and not a right. Anyone who has access to the MOC is expected to adhere to the following:
- All changes to a “Production” machine must follow the Change Control Procedure and be approved prior to the change unless deemed to be an emergency by Operations Manager, Director of Operations, or the Chief officer responsible for Operations (Peter Robertson).
- Adhere to all rules, and Policies governing the MOC
- Since the MOC is equipped with a Halon 1301 fire suppression system ALL Staff who have 24x7 access to the MOC must attend at least 1 MOC Safety session per calendar year. These sessions cover important safety procedures that must be adhered to. Failure to do so will result in loss of access privileges until this requirement is met. These sessions will be held at least 1 per quarter. (January, April, July, and October)
Immediate Revocation of Access Privileges to the MOC
The following is justification for immediate revocation of access privileges. This list is not exhaustive or limited:
- Anyone caught performing malicious acts
- Anyone caught attempting to hack a system.
- Anyone caught deliberately accessing or trying to access a system in any manner that they are not authorized to.
- Anyone caught removing items from the MOC without prior authorization.
- Anyone who is not a member of Operations or is not stationed in the MOC who allow non authorized people into the MOC without prior written authorization form the Manager of the MOC, or Director of Operations.
- Anyone caught bringing in pets or family members into the MOC without prior written authorization for the Manager of the MOC, or Director of Operations.
1)Anyone caught performing any of the above acts will be immediately escorted from the MOC, and the person escorting them out will immediately notify the Manager of the MOC, Director of Operations, and Security Administration.
2)Security Administration will immediately remove MOC access until a final decision is rendered.
3)The Manager of MOC will inform the immediate supervisor of the violator of the infraction via e-mail, and will then schedule a meeting with the Security Manager, Director of Operations, the violator, and the violator immediate supervisor. Based upon the information gathered in the meeting the Security Manager, Manager of the MOC, and Director of Operations will render a decision. Decision may be appealed with the Chief officer responsible for Operations (Peter Robertson).
Non-Immediate Revocation of Access Privileges to the MOC
Authorization to the MOC may also be revoked if it is deemed that authorization is no longer justifiable in which case the procedure is as follows:
1)The Manager of the MOC will send e-mail to the individual in question as well as their immediate supervisor informing them that access will be revoked.
2)Their immediate supervisor has 14 calendar days to e-mail the Manager of MOC justifying continued access.
3)Approved - If the Manager of the MOC determines that justification is present for continued access, then access will remain.
Revoked - If the Manger of the MOC determines that there is not justifiable or no justification has been submitted; then the Manager will e-mail the Security manager. System Security will then revoke access for the individual in question.
Additional Justification/Information Required - In some instances the Manager of the MOC may determine that the information provided does not contain enough information in order to make a decision. In such cases the Manager of the MOC will send e-mail back to the individual immediate supervisor requesting additional information.
4)Appeals should be directed to the Director of Operations.
Visitor Admittance into the MOC
Definition of a Visitor
A visitor is anyone who cannot enter into the MOC without the aid of someone else. (They do not have card access to enter the MOC, or they are trying to enter the MOC during their restricted times.)
Rules and Regulations
- Visitation hours are on working days only 7:00 am until 10:00 pm unless advance arrangements are made with the Manager of the MOC, or Director of Operations.
- Visitors are not permitted in the MOC area unless escorted.
- Unless advance arrangements are made with the Manager of the MOC, or Director of Operations, Visitors must be at least 18 year of age.
- Unless advance arrangements are made with the Manager of the MOC, or Director of Operations, Escorts must either be people who are assigned to work in the MOC area or must be a member of Operations staff, and MUST have access to the MOC.
- Escorts must remain with remain with a visitors at ALL times.
- Upon entry to the MOC area Visitors must sign in, and Escorts must sign for them as well.
- Escorts are responsible for Visitor’s actions from the time they enter the MOC area until they leave.
- There are to be no more then 4 visitors per escort at anytime, unless advance arrangements are made with the Manager of the MOC, or Director of Operations.
- Immediately prior to leaving the MOC area. Visitors must sign out.
- Visitors are NOT permitted to bring food or beverage into the MOC area.