An administrative vacancy is identified. The position will be recommended to the Superintendent by the Human Resources administrator based on the following:

  1. Rationale will be provided stating the need for the position. The position may be required due to retirement, resignation, or additional staffing needs based on growth, etc. If the position is new, the HR administrator will provide the Superintendent and the Board the following information:
  2. Rationale stating the reasons for the new position, including any pertinent information (i.e., funding sources, etc.)
  3. Job description
  4. Job posting
  5. The HR administrator, the Superintendent, and other related administrators will determine the qualifications desired in the candidate (e.g., majors, minors, previous experience).
  6. The HR administrator will develop a timeline to fill the vacancy.
  7. A job description will be developed and/or revised.
  8. A job posting will be developed according to the requirements listed in the Master Agreement between the Board and the Oxford Administrators Association. This will be kept on file, with the job description, in the Human Resources Department.


The following will be applied in regard to posting the position:

  1. Internal posting requirements will be met based on Article XI of the OAA agreement. During the school year, all positions will be posted for five work days.
  2. External postings will typically be open for approximately 3-5 weeks. However, timelines may be shortened or lengthened based on special needs of the district.
  3. Postings will be available and displayed for staff and/or public viewing at the district administration building and all school buildings.
  4. External positions will be posted on the district web site, the Oakland Consortium website, professional organization websites, and other appropriate web sites (i.e., MASA, colleges and universities).
  1. Applicants will submit letters of application, resume, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and credentials to the Applitrack link on the website.
  2. The HR Department will screen applications to determine if candidate(s) meet the qualifications for the position.
  3. Letters will be sent to applicants who do not meet desired qualifications informing them they will not be considered as a candidate.
  4. An application review team will be identified. The team will be comprised of Central Office administrators, building administrators, and building staff members. Other team members who could provide assistance in making a selection will be included, as deemed appropriate.
  5. Candidates will be divided into approximately six sections (alphabetically). Screeners may select one or two candidates from each section reviewed if they feel the candidate(s) meet the qualifications and will be a viable candidate. Screeners will be asked to review at least two sections. The candidates who receive the highest number of selections will be submitted for interview.
  6. Six to eight candidates will be selected for interview. Adjustments to this number will be made based on availability of qualified candidates.
  7. Interviews will be arranged by the Human Resources Department.
  8. An interview committee will be identified. The interview committee will be comprised of the Human Resources administrator, another Central Office administrator, a Building Administrator(s), and a minimum of three staff members. Other team members who could provide assistance in making a selection will be included, as deemed appropriate.
  9. Interviews will be conducted using the questionnaire sheets designed by the Human Resource Department and the appropriate administrator(s) for the various levels or departments. This helps to ensure consistency in evaluating applicants.
  10. The interview committee will recommend two or three final candidates for continuation in the process. This group is advisoryonly. They do not make a final recommendation and do not rank the order of the candidates.
  11. Those candidates not selected for further consideration will be notified.
  12. Reference calls will be made on the top candidates by the building administrator(s) and/or the Human Resource administrator. These calls should include a minimum of three contacts, including the most recent supervisor and/or administrator in charge. One of these contacts should be an individual who is not named on the resume.
  13. The Superintendent and the HR administrator or his/her designee will conduct interviews with the top finalist(s).
  14. Finalists will be asked to complete a writing prompt after the second interview.
  15. The final candidate will be recommended to the Board of Education for approval. The Board will be provided a copy of the letter of application and resume for the recommended candidate, as well as related information regarding the candidate/position.
  1. The position will be offered and a letter of intent to employ will be prepared. The letter of intent will include notification of salary and the conditions under which the employment is offered. Employment will be contingent upon the successful completion of a criminal records background check and submission of all necessary credentials.
  2. Forms must be completed in the Human Resources Department, as well as the necessary training in bloodborne pathogens, sexual harassment, and Right-to-Know.
  3. Unsuccessful interview candidates will receive letters (or phone calls when appropriate) informing them that another candidate has been offered the position.
  4. An orientation schedule for the new administrator will be arranged by the Human Resources Department and/or the Building Administrator(s).
  5. Formal action to employ the candidate is presented at the next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting.


Revised 01/25/11