1. Who won the Punic War?

2. Who won the Peloponnesian War?

3. Who won the Persian War?

4. Where was Hannibal from?

5. When was fire invented?

6. When was farming invented?

7. Why type of writing did Sumer have?

8. What type of writing did Egypt have?

9. List 1 monotheistic religion.

10. Who follows the 8 fold path?

11. Who is the founder of Judaism?

12. Who is the founder of the Hinduism?

13. What dynasty built the Great Wall of China?

14. What religion did the Persians practice?

15. What river did Egypt settled upon?

16. What mountain range protected Italy?

17. Who rebuilt Athens after the Persian War?

18. Who was the leader of the Greek gods?

19. What is the ultimate goal of Buddhism?

20. What is the ultimate goal of Hinduism?

21. What type of heavy rains brought water to crops in India?

22. How old was a Spartan boy when he began his training?

23. Who led the Jews during the Exodus?

24. What civilization created the alphabet?

25. What is another name for a ruling family in China?

26. What is the moral law code of the Hebrews?

27. What was the Code of Hammurabi?

28. List 1 ruler of Ancient Egypt.

29. When was Julius Caesar assassinated?

30. Where was Alexander the Great from?

31. What famous slave led a revolt in Ancient Rome?

32. Where was Mulan from?

33. What was Achille’s weakness?

34. In what war was the Trojan Horse used?

35. What pass runs through the Hindu Kush mountains?

36. What served as tombs in Ancient Egypt?

37. Where was Darius from?

Summarize the event in which Octavian was named emperor.

Identify the disastrous forces that challenged Europe in the fourteenth century.

Identify the reasons why the United States has a two-party system.