NYU Steinhardt

Undergraduate Music Business Program

Information about Pass/Fail Options, Internship Eligibility,

Study Abroad Eligibility, and Minimum Acceptable Grade Point Average
Updated August 2012

Academic Probation and Dismissal from NYU

  • Music Business majors are required to maintain a minimum semester and cumulative

2.7 Grade Point Average (GPA).

  • Students whose semester or cumulative GPA falls to 2.7 or below will have their transcripts reviewed by the Steinhardt Committee on Student Progress. Actions taken by the Committee may include:
  • No action due to extenuating circumstances
  • Placing the student on Academic Probation
  • Recommending dismissal from NYU after a second semester on Academic Probation.

Pass/Fail Options

  • All required Music Business Specialization courses (see your Program of Study for details) must be taken for a letter grade. This includes required Music courses, Music Business Specialization courses, required Core Business Studies at Stern, and Application Studies (internships). These courses may not be taken Pass/Fail.
  • Courses taken Pass/Fail (liberal arts and elective courses only) may not exceed 10% (12 credits) of the total number of credits (128) required to earn the Bachelor of Music in Music Business degree.
  • Students who elect to take courses Pass/Fail instead of a letter grade may not be considered for department and program awards or honors.

Internship Eligibility

Students are eligible to take internships for credit if they meet all of these criteria:

  • Junior standing (students who have successfully completed 65 or more credits toward their Music Business degree).
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.7 or higher, and in good academic standing.
  • Completed at least two semesters in residence at Washington Square as an NYU Music Business major.
  • No incompletes in prior internships and in Music Business specialization courses.
  • No final grade lower than 77 (C+)in a Music Business specialization class.

Study Abroad Eligibility

  • Students must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA at the time they apply to study abroad, and must maintain that minimum GPA up until the time they begin their studies abroad.
  • If the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 at any point, the application to study abroad will be reviewed and the student may not be permitted to study abroad at that time.
  • For complete information on Study Abroad opportunities, visit Nyu.edu/admissions/study-abroad.html

Minimum Acceptable Grade for Music Business Specialization Courses

  • Students must earn a final grade of 77 (C+) or higher in all required Music Business specialization courses. (Please see the Program of Study for a list of Music Business specialization courses.)
  • Students must repeat Music Business specialization courses in which they earn a grade lower than 77 (C+). Courses may be repeated only once. If a final grade of 77 (C+)or higher is not earned in the repeated course, the student will be recommended for dismissal from the Music Business program.
  • A maximum of one Music Business Specialization Course may be repeated. If a student earns a grade lower than 77 (C+) in a second Music Business specialization course, the student will be recommended for dismissal from the Music Business program.

Updated August 2012