Prevent Framework Overview

The Prevent Framework aims to support individuals vulnerable to recruitment by extremists

This document provides an overview of the multi agency action required to ensure a consistent, coordinated and effective response for the protection of vulnerable adults against the abusive process of radicalisation.Further details on recognising and referring vulnerable individuals are available in the full government document, links to which are highlighted below.

1.0: Background and context

1.1:The government counter terrorism strategy, launched in 2009, was reviewed and updated in July 2011, when CONTEST was launched.

1.2: The aimof CONTEST is to reduce the risk to the UK and its interests overseas from terrorism, enabling people to go about their lives in freedom and with confidence.

1.3: CONTEST as a counter-terrorism strategy is organised around four work streams, each comprising a number of key objectives:

• Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks;

• Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting all forms of terrorism;

• Protect: to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack; and

• Prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack.

1.4: This document focuses on the Prevent work stream, the objectives of which are:

• Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support;

• Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it; and

• Work with a wide range of sectors (including social care, health, education, criminal justice, faith communities, community and voluntary sector) to address risks of radicalisation.

2.0: Who this guidance applies to

2.1: This multi agency guidance applies to South Tyneside Local Authority and its partners on the Safeguarding Adults board and Safeguarding Children Board.

There is an expectation that individual partner agencies will ensure that this guidance is considered and referenced in their existing corporate procedures and systems.

3.0: Related Policy and Guidance

This guidance should be used alongside the following policy and strategy:

  • The UK’s Strategy for Countering International Terrorism (CONTEST), July 2011, which sets out the UK’s strategy for countering the threat from international terrorism:
  • The Prevent Strategy, June 2011:
  • No Secrets: Guidance on developing and implementing multi agency policies and procedures to protect adults at risk from abuse (2000):

3.1: Full details on all related policy and guidance can be found on South Tyneside Safeguarding Adults website at:

4.0 Governance

4.1: Implementation of the Prevent strategy will be the responsibility of South Tyneside CONTEST Board.Local governance of this document will be the responsibility of South Tyneside Safeguarding Adults Board.

4.2: The content of this guidance has been approved by South Tyneside Safeguarding Adults Board and endorsed by affiliated partner agencies.

5.0: Recognising and Referring

5.1: This section provides examples of indicators that might suggest vulnerability to recruitment or exposure to violent extremism. It is important to remember that there is no single route to violent extremism nor is there a standard profile of those who become involved. For this reason, any attempt to derive a ‘profile’ can be misleading.

5.2: The Prevent Framework is about early intervention to protect and divert people away from the risk they may face before illegality occurs

6.0: Referral and Intervention process

6.1: This section provides guidance on what to do when there is a concern about radicalisation of:

  • Vulnerable adults, as defined in ‘No Secrets’*
  • Adults who do not meet the No Secrets definition of a vulnerable adult
  • Children
  • A member of staff
  • Adults or children from outside the Local Authority area

6.2: If there is an immediate perceived threat to the person’s safety, your safety or the safety of the public, then the police must be contacted immediately.

6.3: If there is a concern about a vulnerable adult, the South Tyneside safeguarding Adults Board multi agency procedural framework must be followed. An alert should be made through individual agency procedures or, if appropriate, by contacting the Local Authority initial contact team on 0845 130 4959. The full procedure can be found online at in any doubt, then contact the Safeguarding Adults Unit on 0191 42440or Northumbria Police Prevent Delivery Team on 101.

6.4: When making a decision to progress the alert, if there are any concerns that fall within the remit of Prevent, the safeguarding manager should contact the PVP central referral unit on 0191 2957170. The Prevent Framework flowchart in appendix 1 will then be followed.

6.4: Based on the information provided, a joint decision will be made about the most appropriate procedures to follow.

6.5: If there are any concerns regarding an adult who does not meet the definition and criteria as a vulnerable adult as defined in the No Secrets guidance, then the Prevent framework flowchart in appendix 1 should be followed and a referral to Northumbria Police Protecting Vulnerable People Unit on 0191 2957170.

6.6: If there are concerns regarding a child (someone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday) then South Tyneside’s Safeguarding Children’s Board child protection procedures should be followed. These can be found at A referral should be made to the Children’s Services Referral and Assessment Centre on 0191 4245010

6.7: The Referral and Assessment Centre, on receipt of the referral, will contact the Protecting Vulnerable people Unit on 0191 2957170 and the Prevent framework flowchart in appendix 1 will be followed.

6.8: Based on the information provided, a joint decision will be made about which procedures to follow.

6.9: If the concern is about a member of your staff, the appropriate procedure as outlined in the flowchart in appendix 1 should be followed. You should also comply with your corporate Human Resources and Occupational Health policies and procedures. This may include contacting Northumbria Police’s Protecting Vulnerable People Unit on 2957170 and agree the most appropriate option for that member of staff.

6.10: If a concern is raised on an individual who resides or is intending to move outside the South Tyneside area or is being radicalised outside the South Tyneside area then contact Northumbria Police’s Protecting Vulnerable People Unit 0191-2957170.

*The broad definition of a ‘vulnerable adult’ referred to in No Secrets (2000), is a person: “who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself.

7.0: Information Sharing

7.1: Supporting individuals vulnerable to radicalisation is not a process for gathering intelligence, but, in common with other crime prevention and safeguarding processes, it does require the sharing of personal information about vulnerable people at risk.

Information sharing must be assessed on a case by case basis and is governed by legislation, the details of which are set out in the full document in Appendix 1.

Darren Ramshaw March 2013


Darren Ramshaw March 2013