OCTOBER 10, 2017


The meeting of October 10, 2017 was called to order by Council President Parker at 7:00 p.m. City Clerk, Daneen Fuss, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation was delivered by Pastor Carla Romarate-Knipel of Central Baptist Church. Reverend Cuff came forward to introduce two new Pastors; Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Rev. Glenn D. DeShields and Pastor of North Baptist, Rev. Mark Simons.

Open Public Meeting Statement

Ms. Fuss stated that due notice had been given to both the public and the press byposting and publication of Resolution #17-05 adopted at the 2017 Reorganizational Meeting of Mayor and Councilon January 3, 2017.

Roll Call:

Present:Councilwoman Carter, Councilman Fleming, Councilman Johnson, Councilman McIlvaine, Councilwoman O’Connor, Councilman Swanson, Councilwoman Tierney, Council President Parker and Mayor Floyd

Absent:Councilman Reddin

Others Present: City Administrator, Scott Carew, City Clerk, Daneen Fuss; Solicitor, James Pierson, Public Works Manager, Rich Leidy, City Engineer, Paul Breier


Councilwoman Tierney made a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 26, 2017. Motion unanimously approved by a voice vote, Councilwoman Carter abstained from the vote.


Karen Cilurso and Christina Alt from DVRP came forward to discuss a program called “Classic Towns”.Ms. Cilurso explained in more detail how the program was designed in 2008 to promote bringingpeople back into the older historic towns that have walkable downtown business areas. Currently some of the towns they have promoted in their program are Haddonfield, Moorestown, Glassboro, Collingswood, Bordentown; and across the river Manayunk and Germantown. Some types of advertising they utilize are their own website, listing calendar of events, social media, maps, and transportation availability, etc. Several Councilmembers had questions mostly how does their program differ from how we currently advertise.Ms. Cilurso responded that they have over 3,000 people who have visited their site and the number continues to grow. In addition, they will get the information out quicker to realtors, developers and people looking to relocate. They also will feature two to three towns a year and open trolley tours to potential developers and people who are considering a move. She also mentioned that there is a $2,500 membership fee required toparticipate in the program. Councilman McIlvaine thanked the women for taking the time to come out and advise Mayor and Council of the program.

Open to the Public for Agenda Items

Councilman Johnson made a motion to open the floor to the public for Agenda Items Only, seconded by Councilwoman Tierney. Motion approved.

Seeing no one Councilman Johnson made a motion to close the floor to the Public, seconded by Councilman McIlvaine. Motion approved by voice vote.



ORDINANCE NO. 2270-17 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 197 “WATER” OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF WOODBURY (First reading September 26, 2017, Public Hearing October 10, 2017)

Councilman Swanson presented the above-titled ordinance and requested the Ordinance be tabled for further discussion, motion seconded by Councilman McIlvaine. Motion unanimously approved by a voice vote.

ORDINANCE NO. 2273-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WOODBURY PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING (First reading October 10, 2017, Public Hearing October 24, 2017) Councilman Swanson presented the above-titled ordinance for first reading. Ms. Fuss read the title of the ordinance. Councilman Swanson made a motion to adopt Ordinance #2273-17 on first reading, seconded by Councilman Johnson. Motion approved by a unanimous vote.

RESOLUTION NO. 17-165 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WOODBURY AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SATISFACTION OF RCA LOAN Councilman Swanson presented the above-titled resolution. Ms. Fuss read the title of the resolution. Councilman Swanson made a motion to adopt Ordinance #2273-17 on first reading, seconded by Councilman Fleming. Motion to adoptResolution #17-165 was unanimously approved by a voice vote.

Councilwoman Tierney asked if the property was still standing. Mr. Pierson replied no.

Vouchers Councilman Swanson made a motion to approve the vouchers as presented and certified, motion seconded by Councilman Fleming. Motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Economic Development

RESOLUTION NO. 17-164 - RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WOODBURY, APPLYING TO BECOME A ‘CLASSIC TOWN OF THE GREATER PHILADELHIA REGION’ THROUGH THE DELAWARE VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION’S (DVRPC) REGIONAL COMMUNITY MARKETING AND ASSITANCE PROGRAM Councilman McIlvaine presented the above-titled resolution. Ms. Fuss read the tittle of the resolution. Councilman McIlvaine made a motion to adopt Resolution #17-164, motion seconded by Councilman Swanson. Motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.


ORDINANCE NO. 2271-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WOODBURY ESTABLISHING A HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION (First reading October 10, 2017, Public Hearing October 24, 2017) CouncilmanFleming presented the above-titled ordinance for first reading. Ms. Fuss read the title of the ordinance. Councilman Fleming made a motion to adopt on first reading, seconded by Councilman Johnson. Motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.

ORDINANCE NO. 2272-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WOODBURY CREATING A CITYWIDE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION POLICY (First reading October 10, 2017, Public Hearing October 24, 2017) Councilman Fleming presented the above-titled ordinance for first reading. Ms. Fuss read the title of the ordinance. Councilman Fleming made a motion to adopt on first reading, seconded by Councilman Johnson. Motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.

RESOLUTION #17-166 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WOODBURY APPOINTING SCOTT CAREW AS THE LGBTQ MUNICIPAL LIASION FOR THE CITY OF WOODBURY Councilman Fleming presented the above-titled resolution. Ms. Fuss read the title of the resolution. Councilman Fleming made a motion to adopt Resolution #17-166, seconded by Councilman Johnson. Motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Public Works

RESOLUTION NO. 17-162 - RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION AND TO EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE FY2018 MUNICIPAL AID PROJECT HEREINAFTER KNOWN AS WEST CENTRE STREET MILLING & OVERLAY Councilwoman Carter presented the above-titled resolution. Ms. Fuss read the title of the resolution. Councilwoman Carter made a motion to adopt Resolution #17-162, seconded by Councilman Fleming. Motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.

RESOLUTION NO. 17-163 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WOODBURY AUTHORIZING CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE NOTICE TO BIDDERS REGARDING EMERGENCY GENERATOR FOR WELLS #1A AND #2A Councilwoman Carter presented the above-titled resolution. Ms. Fuss read the title of the resolution. Councilwoman Carter made a motion to adopt Resolution #17-163, seconded by Councilman Fleming. Motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.


Committee Reports

Councilman Johnson thanked all who worked on the Fall Festival Parade. He also attended the Laugh OutProud event held by the WoodburyCommunity Pridestating it was a great event. Councilman Johnson thanked Mayor and Council for the three ordinances presented this evening. He also mentioned that the Woodbury Midget Team was invited to the Hall of Fame in Ohio.Councilwoman Tierney thanked former employees Roy Duffield and Randy Woerner for working on the Sustainable Jersey Certification in achieving the Bronze status. She also announced the next Property Maintenance meeting will be held on October 23rd.

Report of the Mayor -Mayor Floyd attended a Plaque Dedication in honor of Dr. William King. The event was planned by his granddaughter in front of his office on Cooper Street. Mayor Floyd stated Dr. King is an amazing man who has many accomplishments and was honored to have family, friends, and community members present. Other events she attended were Laugh Out Proud, Main Street Sidewalk Sale, Fall Parade, Church Concert, and the 5K Run. The Mayor extended a very sincere thank you to all who worked so hard on all the events.

Report of the City Clerk- Ms. Fuss advised that awards will be given to the winners of the Fall Festival at the next Council Meeting on October 24th starting at 6:15 pm. Ms. Fuss also stated that since the agenda and their contents are available online, she does not wish to continue to make paper copies of the Resolutions for the public to save on paper costs. If Council has no objections to this change, she will begin this at the next meeting of the City Council. Councilman Johnson suggested possibly buying iPads for council members to save on costs, although he does like receiving the booklet version.

Department Announcements

City Administrator, Scott Carew advised that a meeting will be held on Thursday, October 12th at 10:00 am with DOT to discuss the Construction of the Bridge along Broad Street. He also advised that there have been seating changes of personnel in City Hall and Fran is now at the receptionist desk. Stephanie has been moved to focus on her many duties with the planning office. The Code Enforcement office is making great strides with their attention on abandoned properties with Jeff Pitzo as the enforcement officer.That is one of the main reasons for the change of seating arrangements.

Mr. Carew advised that many of our city officials will be attending the League of Municipalities Conference in Atlantic City on Tuesday, November 14th which is the same date as a regularly scheduled Council Meeting. Some of the personnel not in attendance will be himself, Bob Law, Police Chief and Daneen Fuss and possibly some department heads. He is recommending Council consider canceling the Council meeting or postponing the meeting on November 14th to another date. President Parker stated Council will discuss further at the next meeting on October 24th to make a final decision.

Councilman McIlvain advised that when the Green Hotel was demolished, across from the Parish House;a piece of granite stone was taken from the marquee of the building and saved to create a monument on the corner of Railroad and Cooper Streets. He would like to see a proper dedication ceremony be conducted along with a clean-up of the area to make the monument more visible when people are entering into the City. Mayor Floyd readily agreed stating that would be a great service project for the school children to become involved with.

Public Non –Agenda Items – Councilman Johnson made a motion to suspend the Regular Order of Business and open the floor to the Public for Non-Agenda Items, seconded by Councilman Fleming. Motion was unanimously approved by a voice vote.

David Root, 46 Russell Street, approached Council to discuss his concerns. Mr. Root stated the signs regarding trash in the parking lot next to his homeremain posted with incorrect information. Mr. Root also stated,he would like police presence more visible during City events. His reasons for this request are as follows:young adults are tormenting his animals andharassing himand his partner due to their sexual orientation. Mr. Root went on to detail a situation last Saturday, October 7th, the day of the Fall Parade.Mr. Root stated the situation included both physical and verbal threats made towards his animals. Each time a situation like this has occurred he has called the Police.Mr. Root has even gone to the expense of installing cameras as proof of these incidents as recommended by the Police Dept. He sees no solution in sight as he has already made attempts to file complaints. Mr. Root has had meetings with city officials such as the former the Police Chief, Mayor, Council President, andJohn Leech. Mayor Floyd stated she parked in the lot next to his residence and witnessed the insults both parties exchanged the day of the parade, advising she herself called the Police to respond. Mr. Root went on to say his landlord is now threatening to sell the property because of damages occurring during these situations.Councilman McIlvaine stated he agrees with Mr. Root that these types of insults should not be tolerated by anyone and promised he would look into the situation further. Mr. Carew, City Administrator stated he would like to meet with Mr. Root along with Police Chief Ryan to review all the details before commenting, as this is the first time he is hearing about the situation. Mr. Carew apologized as the Police Chief was not present at tonight’s meeting to respond to the situation due to a LGBTQ training course.

Anthony Doran, 46 Lake Drive, approached Council to agree with the comments made by Mr. Root stating harassment of any nature is unfortunate and should not be tolerated. He also thanked Mayor and Council for presenting the three ordinances on the agenda tonight, stating it is a great start. On a positive note, Mr. Doran thanked Council for their support for the recentLGBTQ Laugh OutProud event held at the armory. It was anenormous success and he is happy to note that the majority of people in attendance were from out-of-town, who ventured into Woodbury for the event.

Lee Weatherby, 303 W. Centre Street, thanked the Police Department, Public Works, the Sheriff’s Departmentand the Westville Police Department for helping with traffic control. He also thanked Bob Law, Mary Carter, Stanley El, and the first fivevolunteers to come forward; Dave Merriel, Melanie Naabe, Don Tatham, Karl Kinkler, Walt Spicer and Brian Kennedy. Mr. Weatherby was happy to announce the event had over 30 volunteers along with 13 high school students. Mr. Weatherby gave a special thank you to Administrator Carew, who brought his entire family out to help with the parade, as well as Charlie Hughes andTroop 7 for all their help.Mr. Weatherby mentioned that Troop 7 was also responsible for putting together the firstMemorial Day Vigil at the American Legion honoring all our veterans. He is pleased to report Troop 7is also planning a Special Veterans Day Ceremony to be held on Saturday, November 11th, time and details will be in the What’s Up Woodbury Newsletter.

Pastor Glenn D. DeShields thanked Council for welcoming him and Pastor Simmons and also to invite all councilpersons and residents to a Health Fair at Bethlehem Baptist Church, 414 Mantua Pike on Saturday, Oct. 21, from 12:00 noon until 4:00 pm. Also, every Saturday from 4-6 pm church offers meals to anyone who would like to attend;they also provide information to them for services they may be in need of. Pastor DeShields stated he was very pleased to see Council participating in the “Classic Towns” program, as he is a product of the program. The “Classic Towns” program lead him from Cherry Hill to Collingswood where he now resides. Woodbury will definitely benefit from joining with this program. He also mentioned that on November 19th the Bethlehem Baptist will be celebrating their 121st Anniversary and invites everyone out to join in their celebration.

*Councilwoman Tierney left the meeting at 8:23 pm.

Councilman Swanson made a motion to close the floor to the public, seconded by Councilman McIlvaine. Motion unanimously approved.


There being no further business, Councilman Johnson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Fleming. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Daneen D. Fuss

City Clerk