Undergraduate Programs—NEW COURSE PROPOSAL1 / UUPC Approval ______
UFS Approval ______
SCNS Submittal ______
Confirmed ______
Banner Posted ______
Geosciences / College:
Recommended Course Identification:
Prefix __GIS______Course Number 4036______Lab Code (L or C) __C___
(to obtain a course number, contact )
Complete Course Title: LiDAR Remote Sensing / Effective Date
(first term course will be offered)
3 / Textbook Information: No Textbook
Grading (Select only one grading option): Regular ___X___ Pass/Fail ______Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory ______
Course Description, no more than three lines:
This course introduces principles of LiDAR, LiDAR sensors and platforms, LiDAR data view, processing and analysis, and LiDAR applications. Students will master basic skills of LiDAR needed to leverage the commercial LiDAR sources and information products in a broad range of applications.
Prerequisites w/minimum grade*:
GIS 3015C Intro to Mapping and GIS / Corequisites*: / Registration Controls (major, college, level)*:
*Default minimum passing grade is d-. Prerequisites, corequisites and registration controls will be enforced for all course sections.
Minimum qualifications needed to teach this course: Masters degree with 18 graduate credit hours or terminal degree in the subject area.
WAC/Gordon Rule Course3
yes ______no ___n___
WAC/Gordon Rule criteria must be indicated in syllabus. Guidelines: www.fau.edu/WAC / General Education Requirement (mark X in front of selection) 4:
___ Written Communication ___ Society/Human Behavior
___ Mathematics/Quant. Reas. ___ Global Citizenship
___ Science/Natural World ___ Creative Expression
Must attach the appropriate General Education Course Approval Request:
Faculty contact, email and complete phone number:
Dr. Caiyun Zhang, 297-2648 / Please consult and list departments that might be affected by the new course and attach comments.5
Approved by: / Date: / 1. Syllabus must be attached; syllabus checklist
recommended; see guidelines and checklist:
2. Review Provost Memorandum:
Definition of a Credit Hour
3. WAC approval (attach if necessary)
4. Gen. Ed. approval (attach if necessary)
5. Consent of affected departments (attach if
Department Chair: ______/ ______
College Curriculum Chair: ______/ ______
College Dean: ______/ ______
UUPC Chair: ______/ ______
Undergraduate Studies Dean: ______
UFS President: ______
Provost: ______/ ______

Email this form and syllabus to seven business days before the University Undergraduate Programs Committee meeting so that materials may be viewed on the UUPC website prior to the meeting.

FAUnewcrseUG—Revised November 2014