22 May 13



Six syndicates, each under a RAFALO lead, were tasked to discuss the 6 topics outlined in the table below. Many of the topics produced overlapping comments, where syndicates came to similar conclusions but each topic is covered individually in the table. While the discussions have produced points that merit further action by CHQ, Cmty Spt and RAFALOs, the overriding ambition for the Seminar was to exchange ideas and share best practice among the RAFALOs and wider RAFA community.

- Many RAFALOs are content with TOR.
- TOR should reflect the “Duty” rather than “Charity” nature of the RAFALO role.
- Many RAFALOs are unaware of TOR and their location.
-- Some believe that Senior RAFALO TOR are more visible than generic/standard RAFALO TOR
- TOR should be updated.
Exec Support
- Level of Stn Cdr support varies and is personality driven. This should be consistent.
-- If Stn Cdr support cannot be guaranteed for supporting RAFA as a lead charity on stns, it must be guaranteed
in terms of T&S authority for RAFALOs.
--- This is particularly important for Conference (National and Area) T&S.
- Key problem area is on Joint units where COs are not necessarily RAF and/or have little appreciation of RAFA and RAFALO duties.
Stn Engagement
- RAFALO representation on Stn Charities Cttees should be a given.
-- Some units will not allow this, citing a conflict of interest.
-- Not all units have Charities Cttees.
RAFALO Cttee Structure
- While any rank can be a unit’s Senior RAFALO, it is noticeable there are no active RAFALOs above the rank of Sqn Ldr. Why is this?
-- Would having Wg Cdrs (and above) help boost the profile of the Association and the RAFALO role? If stns take the role seriously, why is it not attractive to senior officers?
- The secondary duty must be recognised.
-- While Senior RAFALOs can (and in the majority of cases do) write to Reporting Officers, often the nature of the duty and commitment does not appear to be recognised by Promotion Boards.
Corporate Identity
- Some RAFALOs believe they would benefit from official Lines to Take, ensuring they deliver a correct and coherent message on the Association, when engaging with the public and service personnel.
- While No1 uniform and medals are great eye-catchers during public engagement, it is not always the most practical wear.
-- No 2 uniform is considered too scruffy and CS95/MTP is automatically considered to be Army, by the public.
--- Is a RAFALO polo-shirt or similar an option? Could be worn with No 2 or CS95/MTP trousers and beret.
- All RAFALOs should make better use of RAFALOG to communicate and share ideas.
-Every unit should have a Dii group email address “unit name_RAFALO” to allow easy location and a constantly valid contact address.
Branch Support
- Use unit resources to support your local branch. Can an empty mid-week Mess be used for branch meetings or functions?
-- Need stn support for this. / No examples or amplifying info given.
Driven by Cmty Spt? Director M&A briefs to Senior Courses at Shrivenham is only part of the solution.Should COs be specifically targeted by CHQ and Cmty Spt?
No real rationale for this, given it works on some units. Should CHQ briefs tackle this during Stn visits?
An encouragement opportunity during senior leadership briefs? Being a RAFALO is beneath nobody!
Good use of the website to publish these?
To be effective this would need to be uniform and, ideally, not personal purchase.
- Share ideas – don’t reinvent the wheel on your unit if you can copy another.
- Don’t rely solely on CHQ support for events.
-- Employ BSO, branches, AFCOs, ATC and other units in the Area.
-- Pool resources and share branded kit around regional units.
- RAFALOs should use social media and all available means to share ideas.
- Do not repeatedly tap the same sources for donations.
-- BSOs should play the pivotal role in coordinating regional events and collections to ensure this.
- Uniform sells. Wear it in public on RAFALO duties.
-- Notwithstanding the point made under “Corporate Identity” – should RAFALOS confine themselves to No1?
--- Why not show the full range of RAF personnel involved in supporting the Association and wear trade specific
Mixed Charities
- For some events, particularly larger ones, do not restrict them to just raising funds for RAFA.
-- Having several beneficiaries sharing proceeds may attract more support, including those who may not otherwise support RAFA.
- Can CHQ engage at Supermarket Head Office level for blanket approval for collections?
-- This would cut down a lot of branch and unit admin. Nationally coordinated collection dates should also lead to
better availability of collectors.
- Can RAFALOs offer the supermarkets anything in return for permission to collect?
- Use all available branded equipment and material to deliver the RAFA message during fundraising.
-- All materials must be up to date and in good condition.
-- Be proud of the Wings. Make it stand out and be as recognisable as the Ben Fund logo.
- Advertise upcoming fundraiser in stn magazines and websites.
- It can be difficult, particularly on mixed and Joint units, to secure fundraising event rights.
-- Can CHQ and Cmty Spt direct or at least encourage COs to have RAFA as a/the leading charity?
Collection Tins
- No visibility yet on the success of the jointly branded collection tins.
-- CHQ requested to produce an update on this.
-- Can/when will this initiative be widened to off unit locations?
Location Opportunities
- Consider and use off base locations, beyond the main gate.
-- This will help avoid charity fatigue (shaking the same tree) and also engage with a wider audience, spreading
the RAFA message to a new market.
- Get into the HIVE, potentially rich in fundraisers and another chance to broaden the catchment area.
- CHQ should get the Families Federation to do some work for it and drive recruitment of spouses into the Association and its efforts.
-- Can this go further, with RAFA sponsorship of Military Wives Choirs and their inevitable follow-ons/copy cats?
- Engage with local authorities to identify opportunities and events early then get a pitch in.
- Airports are an un-tapped resource.
-- NI employ veterans to collect at the airport and have taken £700 in a week.
Other Initiatives
- Introduce a new aircraft pin badge each year. All types in service should be available.
- Can a levy be placed on all Mess gaming machines?
- What is the Association doing to prepare for the post HERRICK era when the military is likely to fall from the public eye?
-- This applies equally to Welfare as Fundraising.
- RAFA sells itself very short on units.
-- If it promoted its achievements and local contributions more, it would increase its support and donations in return.
Targeted Fundraising
- Make it easier to allow collections for specific targets, eg; fundraising for a piece of equipment in a Respite Home or for a named veteran.
-- Units who’ve tried this found it easier to gain donations, particularly if it was for a local beneficiary.
-- CHQ should promote and support this, advising on specific rules for doing so.
Cold Calling
- The brief given by the Fundraising Director was well received but limited.
-- What is the percentage success, namely number of doors knocked on to get the sign-ups given?
- RAFALOs and units did not and do not know when collections will take place in their Areas.
-- Pre-warning would allow them to prepare for any questions or potentially adverse feedback.
Event Ideas
- All syndicates produced a number of QUICK WIN fundraising ideas, shared examples of which included:
-- Cycling events such as 24 hr indoor cycles/static bikes; distance challenge events for routes around the UK or
op locations.
--- Do these in the public eye such as supermarkets. Again, early engagement is key.
--- They should be done in branded clothing such as cycling tops and running vests.
-- Other challenge events as above but widened to rowing, triathlon, etc.
-- 5K for a Fiver was recently successful. Combine (or contradict) this with a big breakfast/bacon butty sale.
-- Can fundraising be attached to sporting events? COs cup or wider, Sports Board level events.
- MAXIMISE fundraising events to include recruitment.
-- When you’re collecting, make sure you can recruit at the same time and have material and forms available.
Brew For The Few
- This is losing its identity among similar initiatives.
-- CHQ and units should take ownership back. / Use of RAFLOG site.
This was actually successfully demonstrated on the Lord Mayor’s Show when RAFALOs wore a selection of uniforms.
No suggestion or example offered by the Syndicate 1 on this.
General Support
- All RAFALOs acknowledged the great work done by CHQ and commented on the good relationships they enjoy with excellent CHQ staff.
- All RAFALOs have experienced a disappointing delay in getting support, particularly in terms of equipment loans or issue.
Induction Courses
- All were unanimous in recognising the value of the courses and the hard work done by Griff in running them.
-- Can they be run more frequently?
--- With the deployment rate as it is, RAFALOs find it difficult to make the available dates (while recognising the
similar difficulties encountered by CHQ in mounting the courses).
-- Can the courses be delivered regionally, on one of the units?
- The new site is considered to be a good tool but not particularly user friendly in terms of finding information.
-- Is there an accessible, central RAFALO list available or coming online soon?
- Will the website provide more online accessibility, eg, joining the Association online, becoming a RAFALO, etc?
- RAFALOs and CHQ should maximise the website as a way to improve mutual communications.
White Fleet
- Can CHQ advertise (with magnetic stickers) on MT vehicles? Mutual support could be gained from this.
Points of Contact
- Not all lists (both RAFALO and CHQ) are up to date with correct points of contact, particularly following the Staff reorganisation.
- While RAF T&S restrictions limit serving personnel to £62 per night for Conference, Syndicate 2 expressed concern at the costs incurred by CHQ and a large Council.
-- Are these costs made visible to the membership?
- An updated identity/role description is required for Area RAFALOs.
-- Are they still necessary, given the appointment of BSOs who should coordinate all activities in an Area, both
military and civilian?
- Area HQs must be able to provide an up to date and correct list of all Branches and units in an Area.
- Many felt that there was more (too much) emphasis on fundraising and not enough on what that fundraising goes towards.
-- Frustration among RAFALOs at how many of their serving colleagues are ignorant of what the Association does in terms of Welfare.
- There could and should be more knowledge among RAFALOs of who their local HWOs are and what they can and can’t do.
- Re-emphasis on the need for relevant, local good news stories.
-- Must also be up to date. Old news is bad news!
- A recommendation for RAFALOs to attend the 5-day Cmty Spt course.
- If RAFA provides it, make sure it says as much.
-- There is a feeling of real disappointment that the Ben Fund dominates stations with their branding of play parks, etc while RAFA ignore their own good work.
--- Very few Contact Houses have any RAFA logos on them. Be proud of what RAFA delivers then reap the
- Acknowledgement for the MMM scheme but scepticism over the Video Booth idea.
-- Proof will come when the scheme is in service.
-- Some believe such a scheme will be better suited to the Falkland Islands than HERRICK locations.
--- Probably more so as HERRICK comes to a close (another reminder about relevance).
- Welfare was a Seminar topic in 2012 but no feedback has been received.
Case Studies
- Many were concerned about confidentiality issues when quoting welfare examples, especially when using them to promote successes.
--More CHQ and Cmty Spt involvement with unit P Staffs to promote awareness.
Out of Area
- Deployed personnel are not only recipients of welfare (Storybook, MMM, etc) but also potential ambassadors (and fundraisers).
-- CHQ should engage with deploying personnel before departure and equip them with welfare materials.
-- Combine this with fundraising materials.
--- Examples given of RAFALOs promoting the Association whilst deployed and selling merchandise, particularly
to Allies.
Station Support
- The Seminar in 2012 suggested that RAFA should push itself in the Serving community as a Welfare Charity more than a Membership organisation.
-- A cautionary note was raised that this can lead to problems in securing funding and MT.Units support the RAFALO duty not a charity function.
- Can stations do more to assist local branches?
-- Provision of Mess function rooms for branch meetings – even better if multiple local branches combine.
-- Can a solution be found to allow MT to collect less able branch members to bring them to such meetings?
- When RAFA members are visiting a station, RAFALOs should examine ways to exploit this.
-- Can it be combined with other visits (schools activities, for example) to spread the welfare message?
-- Bring along non RAFALOs to engage with veterans for mutual benefit. / More on this during Induction Briefs? BSOs to bring HWOs to RAFALO meetings?
Assume this covers welfare support?
- If the cost of providing Airmail is an issue (particularly with Life Members), make the magazine work to our advantage.
-- All agree that the format of Airmail is dire (probably even for the older membership to whom it seems solely orientated).
-- Revamp the magazine to such a degree that it can be sold (akin to Soldier magazine or the RAF News) to the public/non Association members. If it paid its own way, or generated a profit, provision of it to Life and Ordinary members would not be an issue.
- Meanwhile, Life Members should be asked to pay for the magazine. They should not be forced to pay but do not keep putting off the question.
- If 4 issues per year are too expensive, can it be reduced to 3 (but better quality)?
Online Solutions
- Putting Airmail online, along with much more functionality and communication was agreed to be a cost saving benefit.
-- While not everybody yet has access to a computer/IT, it is time to recognise that online access will very soon (if not already) become the national norm. RAFA and its membership cannot afford to live in the past (as evidenced by the need for this debate!)
-- If CHQ distribute materials in electronic format only to branches, the branches can then take on responsibility for producing hard copies for those of their members who require it.
-- This may also encourage members to attend branch and club meetings to receive their updates (further postal savings).
- Direct Debit only.
- Renew on the anniversary of joining rather than having everyone renewed on the same date.
-- Forget the potential of squeezing in a few bonus weeks/months here and there for CHQ or members. Reduce the admin costs and burden by staggering renewal dates.
-- Do not produce membership cards annually. Be smarter about verifying active membership.
--- Use of the website and up to date records could achieve this.
- Many RAFALOs (and probably many members) are unaware of the employment and breakdown of the annual fee.
-- Is this published anywhere and if not, will it be?
Increase Fee
- Stop procrastinating. If fees don’t cover costs, then fees need to be raised. Costs have already been reduced through staff reorganisation.
- The debate over reduced fees for those on benefits has been heard and appears to be divisive (although can be dealt with by local HWOs)
-- A simple 2-tier system should be employed as is done very successfully in just about every other business in the country. A full rate and a concessionary rate for pensioners.
--- While the majority of members are of pensionable age, this should simply be offset by the full rate.
Running Costs
- How much of membership fees is spent on non-essential administration?
-- Specific questions were asked of the need to hold Central Council meetings at the RAF Club. London is the country’s most expensive venue. Should not Central Council meetings be held at Central HQ?
- More work required on moving HQ offices onto MOD establishments.
- What is being done to overcome the number of lapsed members?
- Can we incentivise continued membership through adjusting the cost for multi-year membership purchased at one time?